Friday, August 29, 2014

Obama, Putin and Medvedev

We know that during the 2012 summer, President Obama was overheard whispering to the then Russian President Medvedev that after the election he would have a little more freedom.  The question raised then was what was the president discussing and talking about.  Well, looking at the world situation since then, we see where Russia invaded Ukraine and captured Crimea and now is moving troops into other parts of the Ukraine and our president has not and will not send upgraded weapons to the Ukrainian military to defend itself against this Russian aggression.  Could it be that president Obama was letting Putin know in advance that the United States will not interfere with what Putin does. 

If there is one thing we know about Russian leaders since Stalin, is they lie, lie and lie and compound their lies with disinformation that they keep pumping out as truth and eventually many in the news media believe this disinformation.  We know President Obama professes a socialist/Marxist ideology that is actually in keeping with Putin’s ideology.  So, unless President Obama has a sudden Epiphany, we can expect Putin and his Russian comrades to continue their annexation of Eastern European countries.  As the world burns, we enjoy our I pads, texting, twitter, Facebook and stupid TV programs and when we awaken, boy will we be surprised.  Cannot say you were not warned.  Then again, the people in Germany were asleep at the wheel when Hitler came to power and we know what happen there.    

Climate Warming/Cooling or whatever

What is causing the alleged climate change/warming that the radical left claims is happening?  Is it the automobiles, power plants or maybe, just maybe it is the volcanos that are pumping more pollution into the air that we could not produce in our lifetime.  But don’t just believe me, listen to what those scientist that monitor volcanos say.  And it is not just the two volcanos we see on the news today.  Of course, it has been reported that all pollution going into the air will cool the climate this winter.  But we cannot blame the volcanos, we must again blame global warming, AKA climate change.  How else is Al Gore going to make a living or President Obama going to enrich his friends who are into solar power and windmills, AKA alternative energy.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Sending the wrong message

Our illustrious president seems to enjoy for public or should I say world consumption what we will and not do in the Middle East.  We hear all the time, “no boots on the ground” and we will not bomb this area or that area.  Something our enemies love to hear.

Imagine if we told Hitler and company that we have no intention of invading France from the Port of Calais, where Hitler and his cronies expected us to invade Europe since it was the closet distance from England.  Imagine if we let Japan know that under Gen. Douglas McArthur we are not going to invade every island, but will skip islands.  Do you think we would have been that successful in either combat zone.  Of course not.  But, it seems our president for political purposes for his radical left supporters loves to tell the world what he will and will not do.  However, it does not take a brain surgeon to know that eventually you do not telegraph your options or you will suffer consequences.  ISIS is the present threat to us and the entire world and our president appears to be handicapped in making a decision and believes no decision is better and hopefully if you bury your head in the sand, it will go away.  Well, we know unless you address the ISIS threat with full military force, we will see them in our backyard within the year if not sooner.  People that blow themselves up for a cause, whether legitimate or not (In this case not) can cause significant damage and death and create panic in this country which is why we call these groups terrorist.  Again, something our president does not seem understand.  

We are at war with terrorist and this war will continue for the next 25 year or more whether you like it or not.  You must kill or be killed and they are like roaches that come out of the woodwork.  Exterminate here and they are over there.  But this requires determination by this country and other freedom loving countries to get into this fight or wait to they bring their destruction to your own country.  Sacrifice a life for their cause is no problem for these terrorist.  Sending the DOJ out to try and apprehend these individuals and bring them home for a trial is a joke.  We are dealing with people that have no respect for us, our country and our constitution and yet we want to give them our constitutional rights and get them in court.  These people must be exterminated, period.   

But when you have a president that on the surface appears to be a Muslim sympathizer, can you expect otherwise.  Remember, he was brought up as a Muslim and by all accounts is not that religious.  Although he appeared to be a Christian during his first campaign, he is more of a secular progressives that wants to remove all facets of Christianity and Judaism from public.  Have you seen any anti-religion groups attack Islam?  I rest my case.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Obama Administration and redistribution of wealth

From the Obama administration we hear that he wants to redistribute wealth.  This is a famous method of Marxism and if you did a little search, you will realize that.  Our form of government that has worked of over 220 years encourage private property, competition and individual incentive. Something this administration fails to understand and why our economy is sputtering along. Take away incentive and business suffers.  Look at all the countries where Marxism/Socialism has been implemented and you see failure.  But our Ivy League educated elite in this administration believe that have a better way of implementing this sorry form of governing.  It does not work, has never worked and yet they believe they know better than those who actually run businesses and worked in the corporate world.  The people that advise this president have none or extremely limited world, corporate and business experience and yet they know better because they learned all this in the classroom.  But, you can rest assured that they will leave government with money in the bank while the average citizen has little money in his pocket and many live from check to check.  But that is how Marxism works.  The governing elitist get rich, and the citizens don’t.  But the clueless in this country believe what this government tells them that all your problems are the result of the 1%.  When the 1% are actually those who are working in government that are screwing up your life. 


KGB rules. Today known as the FSB

It is interesting when you examine the rules the notorious KGB established years ago that some people seem to be following today.  The rules are a three pronged plan that precisely followed will minimize a national disaster or negative response.  They are deny direct involvement, minimize the damage and when the truth comes out, insist that your opposition was at fault.  Now, does this sound familiar?  Think about this administration’s response to Fast and Furious, NSA spying, IRS harassment, DOJ attacks, CIA spying on citizens and all we have heard for 6 years that it was President Bush’s fault or I only heard about this in the newspapers.  Of course, I do believe that some people in the Obama administration follow these rules.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Coming to a place near you

Something to give serious thought too.

With the threats we have been listening too from ISIS, the beheading from this week, you can expect this radical inhuman group of Satanist to bring this outrageous actions to our country.  We witnessed this type of behavior with the Nazis with their experiments on humans in the concentration camps.  Will we call this group the NAZISIS.  With the cooler weather coming and people wearing jackets, it does not take a brain surgeon to realize these wackos can enter stores, malls etc. wearing bomb vest, AK-47’s and use these weapons to slaughter our citizens.   

However, unless these sought of alerts are sent out in tweets, Facebook, some other form of social media or some clueless TV weekly show, the majority of the idiots in this country will be clueless until something happens.  Then it will be too late, but we can be assured that these people will remain clueless.  But we can be prepared by making sure we are well equipped and trained to deal with threats to us and our family.  The 2nd amendment is a good way to start. 


It seems our president has his priorities all screwed up.  He is always late for his news conferences, that sometimes may exceed one hour, but is always on time for his golf tee times.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Freedom lost

Our Founding Fathers knew that the freedoms we see in our constitution were important based on the lack of freedoms that encountered under King George III.  The first ten amendments commonly known as the Bill of Rights were approved based on the actions of England against the colonies.  We fought a war against the strongest military in the world at that time to get the freedoms given to us in our constitution and our Founders provided a means in our constitution to make necessary changes as they knew may be necessary as our country grew.  To make changes to our constitution requires under Article V, that to add an amendment to our constitution, requires approval by ¾’s of the legislatures of all the states. In this case, 38 states.  However, we are witnessing, courts, Congress, Presidential Administrations slowly restricting our constitutional rights through legislation, executive decrees or judicial action that is actually in violation of the constitution.  We must let our representatives know that we do not like the direction our country is going with these restrictions and if they do not like the way the constitution is worded, then use the amendment process to make changes.  Our representatives know that is almost an impossibility and would prefer their present methods and hope the citizenry remains clueless.  Congress can propose and pass amendments with 2/3rd of both houses, but final approval must come from the states. Thank God our Founders wrote this into the constitution or we would not recognize our country today, even though our elected officials are still doing their best to pull the wool over our eyes.  Know the constitution and the Federalist papers.  Knowledge is our best weapon

So where is our constitutional religious rights as guaranteed under our constitution?  We have an Atheist group going around this country arguing that they need freedom from religion.  Well, our constitution gives us freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.  So, if you object to praying in a restaurant, at a sporting event, bibles in government institutions or prayer and or religious services in our military, just walk away.  No one is forcing you to listen, watch or participate in such events.  Those participating are practicing their constitution rights of Freedom of Religion.  In that great new school program called Common Core, the history books spend 23 pages on Islam and 3 pages on Christianity and Judaism.  But who is surprised by that? We are witnessing attempts by various groups, including this administration, to remove religion from our lives.  That is to say, Christianity and Judaism, not Islam.    Come to think about it, how come the liberal news media are not reporting on Christians and Jews beheading or burying alive all those Muslims.  Oh, I forgot, Christian and Jews are actually civilize and believe in freedom of religion regardless of where you live.  In fact, I do not remember the Pope telling all Catholics and other Christians to go out and kill non-Christians.  Maybe I missed that news day.    
Wake up America or you will lose your freedoms.  Power corrupts and we see that every day with our elected officials.  They are only concerned about their positions until election time and then they beg for us to reelect them.  When both parties put forth their choice on who they want us to vote for the cycle to continue.  That is why you should vote in primaries to those independent, libertarian or Tea Party candidates that are not the darling of either political party.  When that happens things will change.  Of course if we could get 38 states to vote for a constitution amendment for term limits of 4 terms for House members and 2 terms for Senate members, we will be able to rid ourselves of these sorry answers to what we call a representative Republic. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014


International State of Independent Satanism.  These radicals that claim they are dong Allah’s work, in reality, are doing Satan’s work.  God does not tell you to go out and kill, behead, torture and mutilate those who do not follow your radical religious beliefs.  If that was the case, you can rest assured, Jesus would have seen to it that all Romans would have been destroyed and then the Jews would have been told to convert to him or die.  No, this is Satan’s work and these radicals are following Satan and pushing his evil around the world.  God is love not hate. 

Who are we today?

And you thought the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic was dead.  However, if you actually use your brain and review history over the past 100 years, you will see that such a government is alive and well in the United States, or should we now say the United States of the Socialist Republic. 

We have the NSA spying on the citizens, the IRS going after this president’s political opposition and now the CIA spying on American citizen.  Keep in mind, the CIA is only supposed to work outside this country not internally and the DOJ moving against individuals, companies and groups that are politically against this administration.  This is president is also using other agencies to harass their opposition and ignore the constitution.  Read about the former Soviet Union and you will see similar actions as the communist slowly took control of Russia.  Only Congress can make laws and the president is required to enforce these laws whether he agree with them or not.  Remember, if this is not stopped with this president, then the next president of another party can continue down this road and we will then have what 1776 was against.

If you know some of President Obama’s life, you will know that he was born in Hawaii, lived his most informative years in Indonesia, where he was educated as a Muslim and taught a dislike of the United States.  This early education, combined with his mother’s Marxism and his grandparents who raised him when his mother abandon him and their support of the communist party was his initial dislike of the United States.  His grandparents were card carrying members of the communist party and introduced the then young Obama to Frank Marshall Davis, a well know communist, a publisher of a communist newspaper in Chicago, as his mentor. Mr. Davis at the time had a thick FBI file and was investigated in the late 1940’s and early 50’s for his anti-American activities.  And this laid the ground work for our president’s current thinking and ideology. 

This president’s ideology is in conflict when he has to address domestic issues, but more importantly, international issues.  Because of his early Marxist education, his indoctrination by college professors, this president believes the problems in the world are all caused by the United States.  He is under the illusion that if the United States withdraws from the world we will see a thousand years of peace.

If this president’s insist on withdrawing from the world and not addressing the threat of terrorism around the world, and the extreme lack of border security, you can expect terrorist attacks in this country.   Something you should start giving a lot of thought too.  What can terrorist do to put fear into the population?  Well, put down your electronic equipment and use your brain and give this some thought.  What about, public utilities (all types), malls, food distribution warehouses, manufacturing plants etc.  Does not take a brain surgeon to think about these targets.  When you have individuals that do not give a second thought to strapping on bomb vest, then nothing is beyond contemplation. 

It is better to address terrorism outside this country then inside.  If we fail and do nothing today, we will surely be caught up in terrorist act in our country where thousands of lives will be lost due to an incompetent administration that only looks as issues through ideology and politically.  Politics and ideology is what drive this administration, not what is good for the country, but what is good for them and their party.  With elections coming in November, you can rest assured this will be the driving force behind their decisions and the world leaders know this and those that are a threat know it all too well.   Weaken America and you will see our security threatened.  And you think 9/11 was terrible, you have not seen anything yet.   Be aware, be prepared and let your congressional representative know.  Now is not the time to remain silent, but speak out or………………………………………..

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Where is the President?

We have Christians either being forced to relinquish their property and forced to leave their homes and/or being murdered, we have not heard a peep from our President.  You can be assured if the situation was reversed and Muslims were being slaughtered, our president would be using his phone and pen.  Again, I remind you that in his book, “Audacity of Hope” he wrote he would stand with his Muslim brothers.  Christianity and Judaism is being attacked world-wide and nothing from the president. These religions are an obstacle to his agenda.  Enough said.