Monday, June 2, 2014

The truth behind the Sgt. Bergdahl prisoner swap

The real reason no attempt was ever made by our military to find, locate and attempt a rescue of Sgt. Bergdahl was because the military knew he was a deserter and the military did not want to endanger any troops or special ops that would be used to rescue a deserter.  Our motto has always been to leave nobody behind, but a deserter brings up other problems on how much of a risk should we place our military to perform a rescue.  Yes, if in a military action our troops stumbled upon Sgt. Bergdahl, they would take appropriate action to secure this deserter. 


The other part of this story is that the president did not notify Congress 30 days before any action is taken.  So, this presidential administration violated the law. But what else is new since we have seen the law for this administration has no meaning.  We saw this is Fast and Furious, NSA, IRS, AP spying, Benghazi and now this event.  As long as Congress does not exert their power and bring the president in line with the constitution, President Obama will continue the actions of a dictator.  As long as the public continues to ignore all these events, the day will come when their rights are trampled upon and then will wonder what happen.   It will be too late then.  People in this country have better awaken quickly or your rights under our constitution will be non existent. 

All this while Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi sits in a Mexican jail just over our border and it appears this administration is not addressing this issue.  But then again, Andrew is not a Muslim or a hater of America.

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