Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Budget, Debt and Deficit

Under President Obama, we have seen our debt rise nearly $7 Trillion in 4 years with no end in site especially since the democratic controlled Senate does not propose reducing our debt, but will see it rise to over $23 Trillion by the end of his 2nd term. 

The Paul Ryan budget promises to reduce the deficit and by the year 2023 will eliminate our budget deficit and suppose to greatly reduce our debt.   

This is all BS by both parties.  They always propose a 10 year plan and the people don't seem to get it.  Every 2 years we elect a new House and 1/3rd of Senators and every 4 years a new president.  So, if you really think a 10 year plan will survive these 10 years and the party in power in these assemblies and the WH may change, you can rest assured so will these 10 year budget projections.  And if you still believe these proposals will balance our budget, I know a bridge in Brooklyn that is for sale. 

The real way to balance the budget is to live within our means, that is the income the government generates, and reduce spending.  We must cut most of the cabinet positions.  The constitution says government is responsible for our defense and that should only include our military and State Dept.   Most if not all of these other positions can be handled by the state and avoid the Federal government from dictating to the states and instead the states would dictate to the Federal government which is what the Founders originally wanted.  After all, what state and residents of those states want dirty air and water and wish to pollute their forest and land.  Additionally, the Federal government should not be a land baron and return all the property they own and/or confiscated back to the states. The only exception would be those national parks and not designate all land they own as national parks.  Central authority was the reason we had a Revolutionary War.  These so called academics in Washington believe they are better educated and are more intelligent than the citizens of this country.  Of course, all their knowledge is from the classroom and have little if any actual practical work experience.  All this is obvious from their economic, employment decisions and business enterprises they claim is the way to go.  They have dazzled the public with their fancy words and rhetoric and the voting public believes this rhetoric without thinking what these idiots are actually saying.  As I have said previously, 50% of the voters are dumb, 25% are clueless and the remaining 25% have some semblance of what is happening but are in the minority. 

Sen. Ron Paul has proposed a budget that will reduce our debt and deficit over 5 years that is more logical and have a better chance of actually working to the 5 year end.  Of course, the establishment cannot accept such a concept where the end result will work.   

We must repeal the 17th Amendment and go back to what our Founding Fathers proposed in the Constitution, that the state legislatures appoint our Senators.  This will bring control of the Federal government back to the states as was intended in the 10th Amendment.  This repeal would remove these Senators from following the directions of their political party and other powerful interest thru tons of money to buy legislation or as is a commonly know when elected officials are concerned, influence peddling.  Think about it.  If the state controlled their Senators, how our legislation and budget problems would be resolved.   We must live within our means and we see many states living within that framework or are moving in that direction.  This same movement would be in the Federal government if we can appeal the 17th Amendment.  All we need is 33 states propose a constitutional convention to only repeal the 17th Amendment and then 38 states to approve the Amendment.  I know some people consider this dangerous territory, but if it is well understood that this is only for repeal of the 17th Amendment and nothing else, it can be successful, especially when the Amendment to repeal is written before the convention convenes.  And, the state legislators in each state must approve such Amendment which will not be done overnight.  The 17th Amendment must be repealed and there is no other way according to the Constitution.

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