Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sequestation BS

We are constantly hearing about how bad things will be if Sequestation takes effect on March 1.  What the politicians are not telling you, and this includes the White House,  is that these cuts are actually cuts in the percentage of the increase various departments would be receiving each year.  What the public fails to understand is that every year, there is an automatic increase in the budget of these various departments that can vary on average from 5% to 10%.  So, under Sequestation, the Defense Department will only be getting a reduction in their expected annual increase.  So, for example, if the DOD was to receive an annual increase of 10%, under Sequestation they may only receive a 5% increase.   What you are hearing from Congress and the President is all pure unadulterated bullshit. These people are only interested in their jobs, power and keeping their party in power, not what is good for the country.

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