Monday, December 17, 2012

The Connecticut shooting and my view

As we ponder the tragedy in Connecticut, we hear many talking heads discussing a need for more gun control while avoiding the real issues.  Today, we are living in a culture of death where God is being removed from many aspects of our life by the courts or our elected officials on the pretense that God and those images associated with God are offensive to some people. Political correctness gone amuck.  Abortion, euthanasia and even infanticide is the desire of some in order to make us a better society by ridding us of those human beings that could be a burden to families and the government financially.  Hitler tried to produce the perfect race and we know through history how that turned out.  What we are really saying is life has little value.  We see on TV more advertisement on saving dogs and cats from cruelty, and forget about the slaughter of human beings through abortion.  Remember, more babies die through abortion every day than by guns or other weapons.  But, that does not seem to shock the public since the Supreme Court said it was okay.  Thou shall not kill has no meaning and we expect our youths when they see or hear about this type of death, to accept this as just another way of getting rid of a problem.  Isn't that what we are witnessing in all these shooting over the past few years.  The shooter ridding himself/herself of a problem. 

The shooting in Connecticut was pure evil and although the investigation and evaluation of the shooter has not been finalized, the preliminary information already obtained seems to indicate that there were mental health issues that may have been a contributing factor. 

However,  we also must look at the violence we see everyday in the movies, on TV and in video games that can adversely influence those individuals who may have mental health issues or be predisposed to commit such heinous acts.
It will take outrage from the public to campaign against those who sell, manufacture or produce violent games, TV programs and movies.  Personal responsibility and family responsibility seems to be a thing of the past. As long as we support these programs financially, there will never be an end to their production and the violence we are witnessing. 

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