Monday, February 16, 2009

The Stimulus Vote We All Love

Some much for bipartisanship that President Obama promised during his campaign. The Republicans did not have any input in this Stimulus package and it was quickly passed without an opportunity for it to be read. Now we will have to wait and see just what was in this bill. Amazing that we are going to spend over $800 billion dollars and we really do not know what we are spending it on. Imagine if we did our personal budget this way. We would be filing for bankruptcy in a New York minute while creditors lined up at our door. The taxpayers will bear the burden for this bill and it will be passed on to our great-grandchildren. Meanwhile, our representatives will continue to get their salaries, free medical benefits and a pension that we can only dream about. I voted for representation not capitulation. How many of you wrote your representative who voted for this package not to vote for it. Now if you think this representative is actually representing you and not his political party or Lobbyist, I know a bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you.

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