Sunday, January 18, 2009

It was interesting in watching the news today that President-Elect Obama has allowed a maximum of $50,000 donation to his inauguration and it appears approximately $26,000,000 has come from Hollywood and the left wing of this country. Now why would these people contribute so much to this inauguration in support of a President-Elect who campaigned on raising taxes on those making more than $200,000 or $150,000 or whatever since during his campaign this amount changed depending on who his audience was. It makes you wonder who is really going to pay when he decides to push for an increase in taxes? It does not appear to be the so-called rich that he was campaigning against. Don’t forget, President-Elect is not that poor either. Why would you want to tax yourself in oblivion? That is just like asking Congress to legislate against themselves. The voters in this country have got to start thinking past the rhetoric and think about what is actually being said and how that is going to be accomplished.

If one was to review history, that we know is not taught that well in school today in order to change our world view on this country and the world, one would discover that this has been the case in many countries where the voters got a big surprise after the candidate was elected. The current example is President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela who many of the Hollywood elite think is just darling in how he is governing his country. I think that says bundles about that crowd. Of course the people of Venezuela are extremely happy to have given up many freedoms they enjoyed before President Chavez. Since history is being changed to support a certain ideology, I must say before this is removed from history books, that the same thing happened in Germany after Hitler was elected. It was too late for the electorate then. People must examine closely what the politicians who we elect or are running for office they say and not rely on others to decide for them . As Sergeant Friday use to say in his T.V. series, Dragnet, “Just the facts, maam, just the facts”.

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