Sunday, April 17, 2022

Betrayers of the United States

As we celebrate Easter and the resurrection of Jesus, we are again reminded of Judas who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. 

Today, we have people betraying the United States, for millions and billions.  The rich and powerful in this country are engaged in dealings with China that is providing China with the latest technology for their business enterprises.   These individuals and corporations like to claim they are just business deals.  But what they do not say is well known.  Any Chinese business or individuals that are engaged with business deals with corporations from other countries, mostly the United States, that when you do business in China, you are doing business with the Chinese Military, intelligence agencies and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). 

So, these so-called rich and powerful from Silicon Valley and other companies have supplied China with the latest technology that can be used against the United States and the free world.  Taiwan must be alert for what is coming and must thank Silicon Valley and the Davos rich and powerful for what could be their destruction.    

Two thousand years ago it was 30 pieces of silver and today millions and billions.  Money over country.  Hunter Biden, ChinaJoebama and the entire Biden family know this also.   That is why ChinaJoebama does not address any serious issues with China since the Biden’s are compromised and China would expose them.  By maintaining silence, China is getting everything they want, but None Dare Call it Treason.  But, if it was Trump on the ther hand……………………………………………………………………


Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Hunter Biden, ChinaJoebama and the laptop from hell


I have read Miranda Devine’s book on Hunter Biden and all the items that were on Hunter’s laptop.  It is interesting not only how Hunter used his last name to garner deals with companies and organizations that he had no background or experience with the financial deals these organizations were doing.  But these groups knew they could get to ChinaJoebama through Hunter and the money would come rolling in.  Even though ChinaJoebama would claim he was unaware of Hunter’s financial dealings, (though his savings account grew) even when Hunter would join ChinaJoebama on Air Force 2 for trips to Ukraine and China as well as other countries where Hunter was making deals. 

What is also interesting is when Hunter was seeing a counselor for his private life, both Hunter and the counselor discussed what they saw in ChinaJoebama and his declining cognitive ability and the onset of dementia.  Now you know why his handlers kept him in his basement for most of the campaign and why they made sure in certain states there were voter irregularities that only now are coming to light even though those of us with ½ a brain knew there was no way a person campaigning from his basement would get 81 million votes.  But, with the news media against Trump any and all accusations were addressed as Russian propaganda.  Russia, Russia, Russia was really the Biden family connections.  As we have learned over the years, when the Communist Party (formerly the DNC) makes allegations against the republicans, the allegations are really what they are doing.

But during the Obama/Biden regime, Wall Street companies were using Hunter and his “connections” to make deals in China and the fact that Obama put ChinaJoebama in charge of Asia issues only improved Wall Street’s deals.  The election of Trump put an end to China deals even though those Wall Street billionaires tried all the tricks of the trade to get Trump to relent and Trump would not budge. 

That is why Wall Street supported ChinaJoebama in the 2020 election as well as other rich investors.  These groups were only interested in making money whether it was US dollars or China yuan and the United States be damned.  A few China billionaires that strayed from the CCP line miraculously disappeared.  So these millionaires, and billionaires do not care what damage they may do to our country.  They have decided just like the NBA or Hollywood that pleasing China keeps the money rolling in and for the rest of us, go screw yourself. 

The entire Biden family is a criminal organization where deals are made while ChinaJoebama remains in the background and pretends he is oblivious to what is happening.  But we do know we are all witnessing his onset of dementia as he babbles along in his speeches and somewhere along the way someone in his administration must correct what he said.  But, who is this person making these corrections?  Who is really running the country?  Susan Rice, Obama, Blinken, Ron Klein.  We know that Obama made a statement after being out of office, that he wished somebody would get elected president that he could have complete control over while sitting in his basement.  Is he the one performing ChinaJoebama duties?  In either case, as we watch the performance of ChinaJoebama’s presidency, it appears unlikely he would complete 4 years.  But if he does, the world will not be the same and we may not be the country that we have been for over 230 years. 

Open borders will destroy our country internally without a war just what the millionaires and billionaires as well as the woke people would like to see.  Power will be in the hands of the rich and powerful while the rest of us become their slaves.  Our constitution must be destroyed in order to have a new world order where all the power is in their hands.  These Devos power brokers prefer a government as we see in China where all rights will come from government and those who disagree will be sent to internment camps for reeducation.  The rich and powerful will dictate what you can and cannot do with their version of the CCP that will be in control.