Saturday, December 30, 2017

The end of year one of President Trump

Since January 20th, 2017 most of the news from the lamestream news media has been negative at least 90% of the time.  During this time we have seen and heard about what we now know is the phony Russia Dossier paid for by the Hillary’s campaign and the DNC.  But, not reported by the lamestream media.  We have a reduction in illegal immigration, and nothing from the lamestream media.  We are witnessing the never Trumpers in the FBI and DOJ that conspired to overthrow a duly elected president because their corrupt candidate was rejected by the voters. 

We now know why the democrats and their supporters and their corrupt government officials want to overthrow President Trump.  The phony dossier, corrupt FBI, DOJ and how Deputy DOJ Rosenstein manipulated the system to get his friend Mueller and Comey’s friend to be selected as Special Prosecutor.  The entire process is corrupt.  This weekend we are hearing about the confidential Emails that Hillary sent to Huma Abedin on the Wiener’s computer.  A violation of government laws.  We have seen how Hillary’s aides lied to the FBI during the Comey phony investigation and nothing was done.  However, Flynn lied to the FBI and he pleads guilty and is facing one year in Jail.  We all know about Marth Steward lying to the FBI and going to Jail.  The question to ask your representatives is “Are there two types of justice in this country.  One for the politicians and well to do or is Liberty Justice blind”.   If you have been following what has happened over the past two years, you are on the short end of the stick because Liberty is not blind when it comes to you being prosecuted. 

We had a government under Obama that was being used to go after his enemies and political adversaries.   A government that threatened the people or else.  A government being used against the people.  Trump becomes president and this whole cabal is turned upside down.  So, that is where we are today.  A president that wants to return government to the people and a government that wants to maintain power over the people.  This is the choice we are facing in 2018.  Remember this when voting in 2018. Your life, your country and your constitution is at stake.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

The Democrats, Nancy Pelosi and Mental Health

We know that many democrats and all mainstream media have been trying desperately to discredit President Trump by making allegations that he is mentally unbalanced, senile and whatever else they can throw out there in a vain attempt to have President Trump removed from office in what is considered a silent coup.  They cannot accept an outsider getting elected president regardless what the voters wanted.  President Trump was not and is not an establishment politician and therein lies the crux of the matter.  President Trump is exposing what Congress really is, a group of elected officials from both parties that believed as long as one of them is elected regardless of party affiliation, they can continue their ripping off of the public and the treasury for their own pet projects.  But along comes a person who actually believes in the constitution as written, the country and the citizens of that country and is trying to do his best to right the ship that has been sinking for over 30 years. 

Make no mistake, both parties would have been very happy with Hillary as president.  Of course with what we are learning every day with the opening of the Clinton/Obama scandals, one can only wonder what a Hillary presidency would have covered up.  The dirt is slowly coming out and sometime in January it really will explode with the whistleblower on the Uranium One deal among others.  That is if he is not taking out by the establishment.  I think of Vince Foster, Seth Richards and other democrats whose death have seemed a little mysterious at the time.  Just saying. 

Now, as for Nancy Pelosi, and listening to her tirade on the tax bill recently passed, if she is not suffering from some form of mental issues.  I mean, her comments have been all over the planet, as if she is delusional.  Then again, she has been that way for many years.  But it is interesting to listen to her rhetoric today and the rhetoric she used when passing Obamacare.  Do as I say, not as what I said. 

I also might add, the democrats have not seen a tax reduction bill they liked.  They are all for raising taxes for all their pet programs that will get them more votes.  Interesting that they now are complaining about our $20 Trillion deficit, but kept silent while the Obama administration doubled our deficit from $10 Trillion to $20 Trillion.  In case you did not know, our deficit since President George Washington to President George Bush was $10 Trillion.  Since President Obama it went up another $10 Trillion and the democrats had zippers across their mouths.  In just eight years, President Obama did what took 43 presidents to do since 1789.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Republican Tax cut and Democrats.

The democrats did not have one member of the House and Senate vote for the just passed tax bill.  Some voters cannot understand why.  However, there is a very simple explanation.  The democrats, when it comes to spending, know better than you on how to spend your money.  That is why all they want is to raise taxes to spend on their wants not yours.   So remember this in November 2018.  If you believe they know better than you on how to spend your money, then vote for them and watch your income decrease while their spending wants increases.

We all should live within our means and that includes government.  However, the democrats believe living within the means you provide.  

Friday, December 15, 2017

And they are calling Trump an idiot?

Let’s see. He has been a business man for over 50 years and his net worth is somewhere between $5 and $10 billion dollars.  I might add, he defeated 16 other republicans in primaries as well as a well-financed candidate in Hillary who with the help of fake news, fake dossier and a corrupt upper echelon within the DOJ, FBI and National Intelligence agencies.  But he is still called an idiot by those in the lame stream media particular the two losers on morning Joe on MSNBC.  I might add some democrats in this pile of cow dung and probably some establishment republicans.  So, who is the idiot?  Not Trump as he proven time and time again since he announced his run for president.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Do we dare call this Treason?

We are witnessing high level members of the DOJ and the FBI engaging in treason in their obvious bias attempt to overthrow an elected government.  This entire process began in summer of 2016 and continues today in the Mueller investigation.  We are looking at the Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director of the DOJ Rod Rosenstein and other members of the Mueller team and former members all involved in this conspiracy to overthrow our government.  The news media is complicit in this and when all the information comes out, they will be what they are, a group of fake news operators.  

The Special Prosecutor and the corrupt investigators

We have been learning over the past few days more information on those lawyers that were hired by Special Prosecutor Mueller on their hatred for President Trump through numerous Emails that the DOJ Inspector General Horowitz has uncovered.  We now know that Peter Strzok was exchanging Emails with Lisa Page that seems to indicate a planned option call an “insurance policy” that we are now witnessing as a special prosecutor.  This amounts to a conspiracy to overthrow a duly elected President Trump through any means possible. These two Strzok and Page engaged viral Emails on President Trump. 

It also appears that Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe was also involved in this conspiracy.  We might add that Rosenstein appointed the special prosecutor and was also involved in the Uranium One deal.  So, I believe he is also complicit in the cover-up and this conspiracy. 

We also have attorney Ohr who was removed by Mueller on this investigation and we now have learned Ohr’s wife was working for Fusion GPS that developed and promoted the fake dossier on Trump.  The dossier that was paid for by the DNC and Hillary campaign and it is believed this phony dossier was used to obtain search warrants from the FISA court (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court) to spy on Americans, particularly the Trump campaign team.  A crime of immense proportions.

It is beginning to appear that the Obama administration was using government agencies (IRS, NSA, FBI, DOJ, DNI) to spy on Americans, particularly those in the political opposition.  A complete violation of our constitution and something we see or hear about in communist, socialist, Marxist countries or 3rd world countries.  When government spies on Americans, all citizens, regardless of political affiliation should be outraged.  However, what we see is the mainstream media and democrats are not, but if this was reversed, they would be outraged.  We should remember, what happens to one could easily happen to the other.  When will the news media report the truth before they realize there will be no 1st amendment.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Christmas is back in our White House

A beautiful Christmas in our White House!   Merry Christmas everyone!                          ​

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Alabama Senate election

Today voters in Alabama are going to the polls to vote for their Senate representative to replace Jeff Sessions.  Now, Roy Moore, who won the Republican Primaries and was the candidate selected by the people over the republican establishment led by Sen. McConnell and Karl Rove all of a sudden within 30 days from the election is accused of sexual harassment allegations.  Roy Moore was in the political limelight for over 30 years, and suddenly when the election draws near, people come out of the woodwork with accusations that were never made during his 30 years of public service.  Makes one wonder, especially when the Washington Post originally reported these allegations. 

If one goes back a few years when Herman Cain was running for president, he also was accused by democratic media of sexual harassment and after he withdrew and the election was over, these allegations were proven false.  This is the democratic strategy to destroy a candidate on allegations over issues.  This is right out of their playbook.  Justice Thomas can tell you about false allegations.

Now, I am not saying that any of these allegations against Roy Moore or ever Al Franken are true, but in the case of Franken we have seen photos as well as female accusations.  But in our country you are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, but what we are witnessing is when an accusations is made, you are automatically guilty.  Although I am not a fan of Sen. Franken, he should have fought the allegations, but the party wanted otherwise since a democratic governor can appoint another democrat to the office.  When these allegations are proven false after an election that you have lost because of these allegations, you have no recourse.  You can sue, but it is too late.  The election is over.

So, if you are a male and by some chance you said something to a female while in grammar school or high school over 30 plus years ago when you were young and stupid, it will surface if you are in the political media or other public employment.  And God forgive you actually hugged or kiss on the cheek a female who may have received good news or in wish a happy birthday or holiday, you are in deep serious trouble.  I might also add, if you did poop in our diaper, you are toast.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Special Prosecutor Mueller and the resistance

It appears the walls are closing around the entire Special Prosecutor team as it is slowly being revealed the hatred this staff had against President Trump and his team.  We know that assistant DOJ Rosenstein was good friends and worked with Mueller and Comey and was also involved in the Uranium One deal.  So, in order to protect Comey and the complicity of many of the Obama appointees, it was an open invitation for Rosenstein to appoint Mueller as Special Prosecutor and protect himself, and his cronies.  All of this thanks to DOJ AG Sessions excusing himself from this investigation that we all have learned is based on a fake dossier. 

But, this is not going to stop Mueller and his cronies from investigating every aspect of Trump, his business dealings over the past 50 years, his family and anyone that has ever been in contact with Trump.  Be careful if you sent an Email to the White House, because you may be investigated.

With anticipated information being released over the next few weeks by the DOJ Inspector General that has been reviewing all the Emails and complicity of the Mueller team as well as other investigative reporters that will be forthcoming in the next few weeks, the walls are cracking.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The overthrow of our government

Unless you have been living on another planet, we are witnessing an attempt by the Democratic Socialist party to overthrow a duly elected government simply because they have refused to accept the results of the Trump victory. 

DOJ Jeff Sessions was manipulated into having Assistant Rosenstein appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate what we now have learned was a phony allegation on Trump collusion with the Russians to win the election.  What you are not being told that in order for anyone to interfere with our election all the election locations would have to be connected to the internet and all votes as cast to travel over the internet.  This is not the case as the equipment at the polling locations is not connected to the internet.  Former President Obama said as much in Dec. 2016 when he stated Russia did not change the election results. 

However, since the establishment in both parties cannot accept the results there is an attempt to remove Trump from office by any means possible as he was not the candidate selected by the establishment to be president.

What we now have learned is the dossier was phony and paid for by the DNC and Hillary campaign, the FBI investigators were corrupt, Rosenstein was involved in the Uranium One deal, those lawyers and investigators appointed by Mueller are all Hillary supporters and have engaged in anti-Trump rhetoric and Emails.  In addition when the Uranium One deal was going down, Mueller was the FBI chief and Comey 2nd in command.  There relationship is very friendly. 

This whole operation is a veiled attempt to overthrow a government elected by the people according to our constitution.  We have a president that is not part of the establishment and is doing his best to expose the corruption in Washington.  This is what we would normally see in a banana republic.  Our constitution is being shredded right before our eyes because Hillary or another establishment candidate did not get elected.  All the plans both parties had for the next four years are being shredded and the establishment does not want anyone to destroy their club.  Now you know what Trump meant when he said “Drain the Swamp”.  If these radical socialist/Marxist are successful in what they are attempting, then we are no longer a constitution republic, but just another banana republic where elections will be overturned through phony allegations of if that is not successful by use of force.  The establishment and big government wins, the people lose and government will dictate what you can and cannot do.  Welcome to socialism at its worst.  Of course those of us with a brain know socialism has never worked, except for those in power.

Mueller Investigation

With the ongoing Mueller phony investigation on a phony dossier that we now know was devised and paid for by the DNC and Hillary campaign it gets more interesting as more info will be coming out.  Of course, no one claims knowledge.  But, all this will change when the whistleblower finally gets his opportunity to speak to congress and hopefully the public will hear and the testimony will not be kept secret. 

However, I will have to add that we must hope his life is not terminated before he speaks as we know from history that certain individuals seem to escape scrutiny from those we know when we realize some die under suspicious circumstances.  Will not mention any names.
Also, why is the FBI and DOJ not willfully turning over all their files on the actions of the Clinton Criminal Foundation, Uranium One deal, and the dossier payment as well as other bribes that the FBI knew and did nothing.  Who directed the FBI to shut up, president Obama or the DOJ?  We hear the democrats and their ilk claim the election is over and why investigate Hillary and her crooks.  Criminality by our elected officials should not go uninvestigated or unpunished.  We are not a banana republic and the allegations against Hillary and friends are serious.  
It appears the FBI, DOJ, IRS and NSA were used by the Obama administration to spy on his political opposition.  It still makes we wonder what they had on Justice Roberts when he changed his vote on Obamacare case just days before the decision came out.

As usual, the anti-Trump media and ABC news had to apologize with reporter Brian Ross’s false report on the Flynn plea that caused the stock market to lose over 300 points.  If his lies can cause this drop you have to wonder can ABC and Ross be sued?  Then again, those on the View almost had an on air organism reading the Ross report.   This hatred of Trump runs deep, but I believe he will overcome all of this.

What we do know is that Mueller and Comey were well aware of the bribes and other illegal activities while in the FBI on the Hillary Uranium One Deal.  In addition we know the Comey was well aware of the Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton meeting and folded on any action he could do.  So, Muller continues the collusion investigation while trying to hide is complicity in the Uranium One deal.  What the whistleblower will present should prove to be interesting if he lives long enough to talk. 

About the Flynn plea, talking to the Russians after the election as part of the transition team is not illegal and his plea is not being honest with the FBI.  Same thing happened to Martha Stewart. 

But where is Jeff Sessions and FBI director Wray on all these illegal activities.  What we do know is Sessions second in command, Rosenstein and the second in command in the FBI, McBride also have involvement in the Uranium One deal and the phony dossier.  Say a prayer for the whistleblower.

The Democratic Blame Game

The Democratic Blame Game
For the first 4 years of the Obama administration any problems internally or externally were all former President Bush’s fault.  Remember, the democrats controlled both houses of Congress the first 2 years of his administration.  After Obama lost both houses, he blamed the republican controlled congress. 

While Hillary was first Lady, we heard during the filegate, travelgate and whitewater investigations as well as the Bill sexual allegations, this was all a right wing conspiracy. 

So, for the past 30 plus years, it has always been the fault of others in the problems of the Clinton’s and Obama has used this rhetoric during his administration. 
Today, with the hacking into the Emails of the DNC, they are trying to blame Trump because Putin wants Trump for president. 

Do we want a person to be president who has never accepted responsibility for anything that has gone wrong over her time in public service?  (Gee, Benghazi comes to mind) Since just about everyone including James Comey has indicated it is most likely Hillary’s server was hacked based on the experience of those who know how unprotected her server and other devices she used on her trips overseas. 
It had to be easy for a country to hack into her server once they detected such evidence when she used her unprotected Blackberry phone devices.  Just follow the trail right back to her server. 

My only hope is those who hacked into her server will release the information they retrieved since I am sure, parts of our government that have common sense will make sure any Emails sent to Hillary on confidential information contained in those Emails has been changed.  We already know, common sense does not apply to those occupying the White House and West Wing. 

WikiLeaks has claimed hacking into the DNC server and has promised to release other Emails.  We are waiting patiently for the next batch.  The truth must come out before the November election.  The American voter had better wake up or our country will become a banana republic of corruption.  Hillary and Bill are only interested in filling their pockets with cash and the power that goes with the presidency and not the country. (Clinton Criminal Foundation) 

The Democratic Party has become the Marxist/communist party of the U.S. and not the party that gave us JFK 55 years ago.  Just listen to their rhetoric at the convention.