Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Conservatives today, you tomorrow

We are witnessing today the tyranny that has come to our country that our Founding Fathers fought against.  I am speaking about the Obama administration using the IRS, DOJ and EPA among other agencies to go after their political opposition.  We usually see this in 3rd world countries or the former Soviet Union and even today with Putin in Russia, the late Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and the great leader in North Korea, Kim Jong un that had his entire uncle's family terminated and of course we cannot forget Hitler and Mussolini.  

Now we have not seen Obama's political opposition terminated, but using government agencies against your opposition is just the beginning of this government's tyranny.  You may say, no big deal, but remember today this government is going after those who disagree with them and next it will be you.  Why do I say that?  Look and study  the history of the world and you will come to the same conclusion. 

We have seen this administration go after the messenger and not the message.  They cannot argue against what these conservatives say so they go after the person and do whatever they can to destroy them in their personal life.  Whether you like the person(s) involved or not, does not mean that this can happen to anyone.  We have seen this with Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney' wife, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and many others.  The person is attacked and they do not argue against their argument.   

This brings out what I have preached before and the famous statement from Pastor Niemoller who escaped the Nazis that I will show again.   

First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

And now a new play on this by yours truly. 

First they came for those who disagreed with them and I did not speak out because I did not disagree with the administration 

Then they came after Fox news and I did not speak out because I did not watch Fox news. 

Then they came for the newspapers that objected to them and I did not speak out because I did not read those papers.   

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

One would think…………..

If the news media spent as much time reporting on Benghazi, IRS, Fast and Furious and the other Obama scandals as they are on Gov. Christie, and bridgegate, former Gov. Huckabee and his comment on women being exploited by democrats and  Justin Bieber and his reckless behavior, we would know all the answers and a number of staff would have been fired and future political aspirations questionable.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Roe v. Wade

Yesterday was the 42 anniversary of Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision on abortion.  Yesterday was also the March for Life in Washington DC against this decision and support for life over death.  All non political polls seem to indicate approximately 55% believe there should be an end to abortion as we know it.  Many believe that adoption is the option.  With present technology, a heartbeat is detected within 18 to 21 days.   Abortion destroys a life, creates medical and mental health issues to the mother as well as the potential father in many cases where regret surfaces.  But we can say with certainty, that God forgives when a true and accurate request is asked.  Adoption is the better option.  There are many groups and organizations that are be available for the expecting parents from beginning to birth.  All one has to do is seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open.  Financial assistance is also available from these groups. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Who is following Saul Alinsky model? Gee, I wonder.

Saul Alinsky, one of the greatest community organizers of all time..

And this doesn't even address the extreme tactics he espoused to make these

"How to Create a Social State", by Saul Alinsky

There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you can
create a social state.  The first is the most important.

1) Healthcare - Control healthcare and you control the people.

2) Poverty - Increase the poverty level as high as possible.  Poor people
are easier to control and will not fight back if you are  providing
everything for them to live.

3) Debt - Increase debt to an unsustainable level.  That way you will be
able to increase taxes - and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control - Remove the ability for citizens to defend themselves from
the government.  That way you will be able to create a police state. 

5) Welfare - Take control of every aspect of their lives (food, housing, and

6) Education - Take control of what people read and listen to take control
of what children learn in school.

7) Religion - Remove belief in the God from the government and schools.

8) Class Warfare - Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor.  This
will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (tax) the wealthy
with the support of the poor.

Does any of this sound like what is happening in the United States?

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Insurance Company Bailout?

It is being reported that due to the massive problems with Obamacare and the lack of young people that are signing up (Yes this is a Ponzi scheme) that are needed to pay for those who have more medical needs, is not working they way the master planners in the White House said would happen.  Now we hear rumblings that the insurance companies may need a bailout.  Well, they bought into Obamacare on the idea that this was going to bring windfall profits into their company.  Now, that does not seem possible so a bailout may be needed for them to survive.  Of course, this is exactly what President Obama and company wants so they can push for a single payer system.  Yes, government taken more control of your life.  However, there is a roadblock to a bailout and that is John Boehner and his republicans that control the House.  You can expect Boehner and company to go nuts over this.  But, you can be assured, after all the rhetoric, No Backbone Boehner will cave and the House will approve a bailout over the objections from the American people and his fellow congressional republicans.  All Boehner needs to do is to alert the insurance companies that no bailout is coming and you better pull out of Obamacare but he will not.  Imagine how much the republicans can extort from insurance companies in contributions by playing the game. 

The NSA, the President and DOJ

So the president comes out with his new rules and regulations covering NSA spying on the American people and if you actually listened to him, you realize he did not make any changes on spying on our citizens.  He alleges the NSA will reduce their spying on foreign leaders, but it seems nothing will change on the "1984" that he is engaging in today.  Of course we do have video recordings of this president as a candidate in 2007 lambasting the Bush administrating (Yes the Bush administration again) on what he believed was a threat to our constitution.  But, when he realized he can use the NSA to spy on his political opponents and congressional representatives, he realizes the pool of resources he can have access too.  Thus gaining political advantages for himself and the democratic party.  Of course this is exactly what happened in the former Soviet Union, Russia today, Cuba and Venezuela.  But, we know this president would not do that since he represents the most transparent administration since George Washington, an administration that has honesty, integrity and trust and does not lie to the American people.  Of course, that does not include, Fast and Furious, NSA, IRS, AP, Benghazi and Obamacare where lies still continue, although since these people are politicians, we cannot call them lies, but misstatements, misinformation or misunderstanding. 

And now the DOJ wants to change the rules on profiling against those that are trying to do harm to our country, like radical Islamist.  I guess we can expect in the not to distant future when law enforcement are describing a suspect we may not be able to state if the suspect is a male/female, black, white, or whatever color a suspect is and absolutely cannot mention that suspects religion, unless of course the suspect is Jewish, Christian or any other religion that is not Islam.  It seems mass murderers may be offended it we mention their religious affiliation.  But, I have not heard the Pope or leaders of other non-Islam religion call their followers to go out and kill non-believers.  Then again, I may have missed that in the news media.  Sorry, I cannot catch everything. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dictatorship or Constitutional Republic?

President has stated he will use his pen and go around Congress to get what he wants.  Now the last time I looked, I believe we are still a Republic and have an Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government and a constitution that all those occupying these branches vote to uphold.  Now if the president desires to become a dictator then it is up to the House to implement Impeachment procedures and for the Senate to hold a trial with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Judge Roberts to oversee the proceedings.  But we all know, that Speaker of the House, John Boehner, better known as No Backbone Boehner will not move for impeachment since it may interfere with the 2014 election and money he will collect for himself and other republicans.  The constitution be dammed, but getting elected takes precedence.   

When questioned repeatedly about this, republicans are all saying the same thing, "When we get control of the Senate in the upcoming election" we can change his action.  But what nobody follows up with is what happens if you don't.  Profiles in Courage does not apply to the republicans, especially their leadership.  Again it is all about getting elected and not about the country.  Unless of course their constituents speak out and demand an end to a dictator in the making.  Silence in Germany and Italy in the 30's gave those countries years of misery.  

Benghazi Reports

Both the House and Senate Intelligence Committees (I know using the word intelligent with these two groups is an oxymoron) but they did release a report that indicated that on the night of the attack in Benghazi, the president knew within one hour that this was a terrorist attack. Yet the president, Secretary of State Clinton, and UN Secretary Susan Rice all pushed this phony report that the attack was caused by a video that nobody ever heard about until these morons mentioned it.  The report also indicated that in July of that year, the CIA alerted the state department and the administration that Al Qaeda was making inroads into Libya and are a thereat to the country.  But, since this was a election year, this administration buried this report and as a result, 4 Americans died for political expediency.  God forbid they actually took action to protect our ambassador.  But, getting elected and looking good was more important than American lives.  Both reports seem to indicate this, but you can rest assured both the democrats and the White House will spin this and probably blame the republicans or go so far to blame Bush or even worst some other movie nobody ever heard about. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Gates book and the media

We see where the news media is going bananas over former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates book that is coming out that questions the direction and commitment of the Obama administration to Iraq and Afghanistan and use of our military.  However, good as that story may be, we did not hear any big story over the book written by James Schweizer, titled "Extortion" written in 2013 that chronicles all the corruption taken place in Congress and the administration and how at least 500 of those members belong behind bars.  Especially, when one considers that if we did what they are doing, that is where we would be.  But no mention.  I wonder why?  And it is across both parties.   

But the administration, although maybe not thrilled with this book, must be happy that the book has replaced Obamacare from the headlines.  But that will not last long as we progress into 2014 and we hear more horror stories.  Not even Gov. Chris Christie and trafficgate can dissuade the people from what is happening to their insurance and lives.   

When you permit government to control your lives and you believe government is the answer to all your problems, you are either extremely ignorant or just plain stupid.   

Be honest and look at where government has taken control either through regulation or legislation and how it has adversely affected everyone.  Education, environment, business, farming, food production, what you can eat, drive and eventually coming to a neighborhood if left unchecked, where you can live.  If you do not know about Agenda 21 and sustainable development, check it out and draw your own conclusions.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Is there a difference?

Some people wonder if both political parties are really different from each other.  If the truth be known, they are not.  The only difference is one has an R next the their name and the other a D.  What is the reason for saying this?  Very simple.  They are all part of the Permanent Political Class (PPC) and want to remain that way.  So both parties devise schemes to remain in office and if successful get their party in power.  They do this by extorting money from corporations and individuals by using the leverage they have by being members of Congress and especially if they are on important committees.  Of course since they are members of Congress we cannot use the words extortion or bribery, but must substitute the word influence that corporations and people are hoping for when they donate to political campaigns and PAC's.   

It is very simple and we see this method used whenever there is the rumor of pending legislation that may come up and either a group of companies, (Wall St. firms for example) may have concerns and voice their objections and low and behold a little while later they may receive a phone call from a representative of that congress persons soliciting for a campaign donation and if the solicitor is successful, the propose or pending legislation suddenly disappears or under the auspices of the leader of the House or Senate, the legislation is never brought to the floor for a vote.   

Today we see this scenario be carried out by the Obama administration thru the Justice Department, IRS and other various agencies.  The Justice Department may threaten legal action against companies or the IRS and investigation and just the hint of such action brings CEO's writing checks to various PAC's to fill the coffers of these organizations for use in upcoming elections.  And God forbid if you speak ill of this present administration.  Just this past week, JP Morgan Chase paid a huge fine and what precipitated this action was their CEO, Jamie Dimon speaking out against what the Obama administration was doing.  He signed his death warrant for the company in doing that.  Of course, using the Justice Department, IRS, EPA and other agencies as a tool for political gain and profit would never really happen in this country since we are a Republic and not a Communist, Marxist or Socialist country.   So, that is why we call it influence peddling.  We all know that Honesty, Integrity and Trust are well established in both political parties and they would never think of resorting to such tactics.   

We might even go further and discuss how both parties bribe their own members by transferring political donations to buy their votes on pending legislation. And you wonder why when passing a piece of legislation seemed bleak and all of a sudden there were enough votes, well now you know.   

If we did what members of Congress do everyday, we would all be in jail and one thing members of Congress on both sides of the aisle want to make sure is that never happens and will go out of their way to make sure it does not happen.  For this there is cooperation.  A lot of the banter we see and hear from both sides is really pure unadulterated BS and is only for show for the public.  That is why the entire Congress must be replaced.  Remember though, criminals will not legislate against themselves so sending them all off to jail will be difficult.  Getting them out of office can be done, but requires a ground swell of public outcry and do the voters have that in them or will the voters allow this country to continue down the path of self destruction.   

Our Founding Fathers wanted power to rest with the state since they knew how power corrupts, but through fancy manipulation by Congress and the courts, the federal government is consuming all power onto itself and soon we will all become subjects and not citizens and what we have enjoyed as a country for over 220 years will be lost. 

 Either believe the false rhetoric from Washington or wake up, speak out and demand change and rid our country of these criminals dictating to us what we can and cannot do.  Give it some very deep thought on what has been happening and decide for yourself.  But you must be honest to yourself and don't pull the wool over your own eyes.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Equality Now!

It seems Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, new NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio and we know the Obama administration believe we have income inequality and would like to see that corrected.  Therefore, I propose that to equalize this inequality, we first make all salaries equal.  That is, the President, Congress, all liberal, progressives and other elected officials that espouse this ideology and the average everyday worker all get paid the same salary.  Now we know the President gets approximately $400,000 a year, Congress, $174,000, Bill and Hillary at least $100,000 for each speech they give and I do not know what the NYC mayor gets paid, but do believe it will be more than most citizens.  So they should lower their salaries to make us all equal or we all should make their salary.  So a person who flips burgers at a fast food restaurant can be assured that his salary will be equal to everyone else and there would be no need to better yourself either through experience, education etc.  Not necessary in order to meet equality.  Why work hard, bust your butt in order to improve and better yourself when it will not be necessary since the government will make sure you are no better than anyone else and vice versa.