Monday, December 28, 2009
Terrorism and Yemen
We have a Yemen trained terrorist or as the Obama Administration like to call it “ a potential man called disaster” attempt blow up a plane on Christmas and the first response from Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is that the system worked. On Fox news today it took repeatedly asking the same question before the Secretary had to admit there was a failure in the system. She originally tried to claim the procedures were in placed for a couple of years in a veiled attempt to push the blame again on the Bush Administration. We are fortunate that the Fox news would not allow that to go unchallenged. And yet, the Obama Administration is still intending to ship approximately 90 prisoners from GITMO to Yemen. My answer to that is “DUH”.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Christmas and 2010
On Christmas day we celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ over 2000 years ago. Contrary to some beliefs, December 25 has been set aside for this celebration, although through commercialization some actually believe this date has been set aside for Santa Claus and the exchanging of presents. Some, in an attempt to remove religion from our lives have likened it to a celebration of the Winter Solace. Anything but something that has a religious connotation to it. This is keeping with the push over the past 60 years to remove any symbolism, notation, display or the words Merry Christmas from our vocabulary. Destroy religious values and morals and you can take over the lives of the citizens of a country or even the world. Did you ever think as you were growing up that invoking the name of God, praying or having Christmas displays would be offensive to people. Especially, since this country was founded on religious freedom and a safe haven for those who were persecuted for religious beliefs contrary to their country of birth. Even our Founding Fathers believed that religion should be taught in schools. Not any particular religion but that there was a Creator that made the planets, the solar system and us. Something most if not all religions taught at the time of the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Now we find people from the far left side of the spectrum that find religion and religious displays offensive even though we find their behavior and actions offensive to us. Thus making the practice of a public display of religion at times difficult. But it is okay for those who are offended to get their way but not those that have been offended by forcing such religious actions not to happen. So with all this in mind, don’t be surprised if there is a push for Christmas not to be celebrated as a government holiday and that if you want to celebrate this day, you must use your own time if your government job will allow you to be on vacation. I hope as many in the Tea Party movement and those involved in the 912 Project that we will see a birth of patriotism, a ground swell that will see a tremendous change in the political landscape in 2010 and put an end to one political party in control of both houses of Congress. Say yes to “ throwing the bums out”. Our so-called representatives have not seen a dollar they will not spend. Budget constraints are not in play in Congress and we must get our monetary house in order and demand a balance budget and a cut in spending and taxes to spur the economy and not this tax and spend policy that is destroying this country as well as individual freedoms guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution. Tell Congress to balance the budget or take a 10% cut in pay for every year the budget is not balanced. 2010 will be the year of the 2nd American Revolution. Remember it is “We the People” not “We the Government”. Congress must listen to the voters and not their political hacks and party leaders. They serve us. It is time to get off our butts and be heard. Our voices will become the 2nd shot heard around the world. Discouragement is not in our dictionary, but victory is.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Attacking the messenger
It was interesting reading how the liberal left attacked the wife of Sen. Joe Lieberman focusing displeasure with Sen. Lieberman’s stance on the Healthcare bill and how some reporters attempted to defend Sen. Lieberman’s wife. What got my attention was the fact that I don’t recall reading similar articles on defending Sarah Palin and the vicious personal attacks leveled against her by these same liberal factions. Attacking a position on an issue is one thing, but personal attacks are never warranted. However, the personal attacks against Sarah Palin and her family continued not only during the campaign but also up to this day. When you incur a personal debt of nearly $500,000 dollars as well as the millions spent by the state of Alaska to defend some of the outlandish allegations shows that the liberals have troubling attacking the issue and find it easier to attack the person with the hope of maybe being successful in forcing financial ruin upon a person. In Sarah Palin’s case it has not worked but has only encouraged an increase in her popularity, as well as her bank account, something the left wing liberals were not counting on. Remember the 2010 elections.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Hypocrites all.
The hypocrites in Congress have done it again. Through the use of bribes, using taxpayer money, Sen. Harry Reid and company managed to get a commitment of 60 votes for his version of the Health care bill. Notice I said his version since only Harry and friends have read it. How many times have you been told not to sign your name on a contract without reading what you are signing? Of course, this not apply to Congress where all kinds of hypocrisy exist. Not only do they except bribes from lobbyist, pharmaceuticals, big labor, big business and other organizations, but now they are using taxpayer money to bribe each other. And you thought corruption only existed on Wall Street. That is what Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Obama and company want you to believe while they rip you off on a continual basis. As long as they control both houses of Congress and the White House, they can do anything they want, even though most it is not in the U.S. Constitution. Notice I said the U.S. Constitution since most member of Congress, from both parties, haven’t clue what is in our Constitution. Once both houses go into committee to come up with a bill both houses can vote on, the Senate will only need 50 votes and the V.P. will have the tiebreaker. So, 10 Democrats can vote against the final version to satisfy their constituents and use the Sen. Kerry defense, “I voted for the bill before I voted against it”. Once passes, it will be up to those groups adversely affected to challenge this in the U.S. Supreme Court. An individual could, but you will probably have to do that from jail because you refused to pay for something you do not want. Remember the elections in 2010.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
This Congress has seen fit to blame Wall Street for most of the economic problems we see today compounded by greed. It is amazing that when they make these claims they are not looking in a mirror. Congress has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that their greed, corruption and taste for power far exceeds what any wall street executive could do. This present Congress has ignored their constituents on healthcare and are pushing to destroy our present healthcare system for the power and control that government can have over our lives. Instead of "We the People" telling the government what the citizens want, it has become "We the Government". This is a highjacking of our constitutional rights and what our founding fathers wrote into the constitution. Unless we speak out and literally fight for our rights as in 1776, we may see what this socialist Congress wants, another Venezuela and control of every aspect of our lives. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution does not permit Congress to do what they are doing in healthcare and forcing all Americans to purchase health insurance. If you do not drive a car, you do not need auto insurance and if you don't want to pay for medical insurance so be it. That is your right and choice and if nobody wants to give you medical attention, that again is your choice. We have programs in place for all those who cannot afford medical insurance and do not need more government control in our lives. Join a Tea Party group by going to "Tea Party Patriots" and also the "912 project". Join the local groups in your area and become a fighter for freedom and the constitution by attending meetings, demonstrations and what appears to be another march on Washington on August 28, 2010.
Another reminder on Voting in Senate
Regardless of what Sen. Ben Nelson claims about not voting for the bill after the meeting with the House on the final version if it does not meet his criteria, the Democrats only need 50 votes in the Senate since the Vice President can cast the tie breaking vote. So 10 Dems can not vote for the bill and tell their constituents, "See I did not vote for it".
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
A dream petition all Congress should sign
Over 40 years ago there was another famous American that gave a speech on the Washington Mall telling us that ‘He had a dream.” Well, Americans also have a dream that government of the people, by the people and for the people will not perish from the earth.
My dream is that we have true representation
My dream is that we have a balance budget before we spend any more money on new programs. For every year our elected officials do not balance the budget, they must accept a 10% pay cut.
My dream is that we have election reform where politicians can only accept money from individual constituents not to exceed $1000 and not from big labor unions, lobbyist and large corporations. As long as our elected officials can get big money from these groups their loyalty will not be to the people that elected them but to those that bribed them.
My dream is that we have term limits for our Congressional Representatives not to exceed 6 years for House Representatives and one term, 6 years, for our Senators. The purpose of representation was for the people to volunteer their services to serve the people and not create a position that they would occupy for 20, 30 or more years.
My dream is that our Congressional Representatives should not have a lucrative pension and benefits but should have to accept Social Security, Medicare when they reach retirement age wherever they may be working. While serving their 6 years they should only have a 401K where a maximum of $5000 can be donated with the government matching to a maximum of $2000. All pay raises should be voted upon by the public during government elections that are held every two years or longer. Congress should not be permitted to vote on pay raises for themselves.
My dream is that the Americans will continue to wake up and continue their vocal outburst until our representatives get the message. After, we all know that they are more interested in keeping their job, keeping their party in power, catering to big money and if anything is left to throw their constituents a bone every now and then. Remember come the 2010 elections what your representatives have actually done and if they avoided town hall meetings to meet with those who elected them.
My dream is that we have true representation
My dream is that we have a balance budget before we spend any more money on new programs. For every year our elected officials do not balance the budget, they must accept a 10% pay cut.
My dream is that we have election reform where politicians can only accept money from individual constituents not to exceed $1000 and not from big labor unions, lobbyist and large corporations. As long as our elected officials can get big money from these groups their loyalty will not be to the people that elected them but to those that bribed them.
My dream is that we have term limits for our Congressional Representatives not to exceed 6 years for House Representatives and one term, 6 years, for our Senators. The purpose of representation was for the people to volunteer their services to serve the people and not create a position that they would occupy for 20, 30 or more years.
My dream is that our Congressional Representatives should not have a lucrative pension and benefits but should have to accept Social Security, Medicare when they reach retirement age wherever they may be working. While serving their 6 years they should only have a 401K where a maximum of $5000 can be donated with the government matching to a maximum of $2000. All pay raises should be voted upon by the public during government elections that are held every two years or longer. Congress should not be permitted to vote on pay raises for themselves.
My dream is that the Americans will continue to wake up and continue their vocal outburst until our representatives get the message. After, we all know that they are more interested in keeping their job, keeping their party in power, catering to big money and if anything is left to throw their constituents a bone every now and then. Remember come the 2010 elections what your representatives have actually done and if they avoided town hall meetings to meet with those who elected them.
Something to Remember
When the Senate passes a health care bill and then they get together with the House to come up with a mutual acceptable plan, they will only then need 50 votes with the Vice President casting the tie-break vote. And you know where he will vote. So all this BS that is going on is really just for show so some blue dog Democrats can claim they did not support the bill for a particular reason when 60 votes were needed but did vote for the bill when those items were removed. And then when only 50 votes are needed and all the crap is put back in, 10 of those Democrats can vote against the bill just to impress their constituents.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
How many times?
Could someone please tell me how many times President Obama has NOT been on television given a speech since January 20th. It seems he is in the constant campaign mode. He has not realized that the people can just take so much of his face that eventually it turns people off. Maybe that is why his popularity keeps sinking. We can only hope this is one of many reasons for his decline. Hopefully he will keep up the good work so more people can get annoyed.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Spend, Spend and more spending.
President Obama believes that the best way to get out of our economic mess is to spend our way out by diverting TARP money that has been returned. Of course Congress needs to approve this move, but with the Democrats in Control of both Houses of Congress that will not be a problem. This is a typical Democrat move to spend, spend and spend. After all, I haven’t met a Democrat who has not met a dollar they did not like to spend, especially when it is someone else’s money. My advice to all those out there who are having money problems is to continue spend, borrow and spend and you will eventually spend yourself into prosperity just like this country is doing now.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The White House party crashers.
Concerning the couple that crashed the White House state dinner it is interesting that they have financial problems and were attempting to get on a reality show on the Bravo network that is owned by NBC. Since NBC is madly in love with Obama, what better way to get advanced publicity for a potential couple on a reality show. But we know that the Obama Administration and NBC would never engage in such behavior since they are both above this type of business. I mean really.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The West Point Speech
President Obama gave this great speech on sending troops to Afghanistan at West Point and it was interesting to see how excited the future military leaders were. It seems that since they were sitting there for nearly 4 hours before the President spoke, you could see some of them sleeping or at least have their eyes closed. Obviously, anything concerning the military one would think would get their attention but it could have been the topic, which is doubtful, so it must have been the messenger.
Has this been a Conspiracy all along?
In the 1950’s we had a campaign to keep Christ in Christmas when we began to see more and more of Xmas signs. In the 1960’s we saw an end to the blue laws so stores would open on Sundays. In the 1970’s we saw the Supreme Court rule that abortion is legal under certain circumstances to the dismay of many religious organizations and citizens. Since then, we see political correctness invading our society to the point we cannot display any religious items in public property, talk about religion in schools, say prayers in schools or other public buildings, hold Christmas parades, wish people a Merry Christmas, but we can have a winter solstice celebration, holiday festival and even a holiday tree. All because it is not politically correct to celebrate the real meaning of Christmas that is the birth of Jesus Christ. This country was founded on Judeo/Christian beliefs and now we have a very small percentage of the population and the ACLU as well as other radical left wing groups trying to remove God and any mention God in our lives. Because without any religion or belief in God we become a country of atheist which makes it easier for radicals to impose their beliefs that most if not all religions oppose. What these people really want is another Sodom and Gomorrah to satisfy their warp desires.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Healthcare Debate
The Senate Democrats must think we are dumb. The so called blue dog Democrats or those Democrats in states that may be a problem in getting re-elected next year claim they have problems with the Senate Healthcare bill but will vote for open debate on the Senate floor. The only problem with that is a 60 vote is required to get the bill on the floor for debate, but only 50 votes needed to get the bill passed once it is debated. With 50 votes in support of the measure, the Vice-President gets the chance to give the tie-breaking vote. Any guess what his vote will be? This way, 10 Democrats can vote NO for the final version and go back to their constituents claiming they did not vote for the bill when in actuality they did by voting for a floor debate. Because 10-15 million actually have no insurance because they cannot afford it, nearly 300 million will get screwed.
Difference between Liberal and Conservative
The difference between a liberal and a conservative is that a liberal believe in attacking the messenger (eg. Joe the Plumber, Sarah Palin) while the conservatives attack the message. (stimulus, cap and trade, healthcare etc.)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Terrorist trial in NYC?
Moving the trial of the 5 terrorists to NYC is not being done to show the world how our justice system works, but to really put the Bush administration on trial. This is to satisfy the radical left wing of the Democratic Party. AG Holder also indicated he reviewed other information that has not been disclosed that he believes will lead to a conviction even though the AG must disclose all information to the defense attorneys. So there will be no secret being held back. The defense attorneys will rebut all the charges due to intense interrogation techniques, no Miranda rights and other forms of interrogations used by the CIA and approved by the Bush administration and request dismissal of all charges. The Obama administration is not interested in a conviction on these 5 terrorist but the adverse publicity they can get against the Bush administration and Republican party to help them in the 2010 and 2012 elections. Yet the other terrorists that are being held in GITMO are going to receive a military trial. Doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure this administration’s tactics. Imagine being a juror on these cases. You would have to go into protected custody for the rest of your life after the trial. This is an outrage and should be stopped.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Terrorism or cult
When a Cambridge Mass. police officer arrest a black college professor we hear President Obama state he does not know the facts but the police department acted stupidly. We now have a member of the military who is a Muslim who shoots and kills 13 soldiers, 14 if you count the baby in the womb of one of the pregnant victims and wounds approximately 40 others. Even though all indications from the actions of this Army Major, Nidal Malik Hasan, are that he was acting in support of Islam. He shouts at the time of the shooting, “Allahu Akbar”, well known rhetoric of terrorist as they begin their act. It has also been revealed that he had business cards printed that did not indicate he was a member of the military, but did have the letters SoA that is the letters for “Soldier of Allah”. But does President Obama call it an act of terrorist, no, just a violent act committed by a soldier. Political Correctness is alive and well not only in this administration but in the military as well. God help us. We can offend Christians, Jews, but God forbid we say something against Islam. But it is okay for a Mullah, Iman or member of Islam to make such statements to murder non-believers or murder members of their own family for either following western ways or joining another religion. But people like to believe that Islam is a religion when all indications seem to indicate this is a cult that dehumanizes women, insults God and accepts killings for their cause justified. If the Pope stood on his balcony and encourage all Catholics to kill all non-Catholics and receive the reward of 21 virgins in heaven, we know this administration and the lamestream media would be outraged. But no country or politician seems to want to say what is obvious.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Healthcare and more-Time to act.
The House of Representatives under the unique leadership of Nancy Pelosi passed their version of the healthcare bill that will screw most Americans. For seniors it will mean $400 to $500 billion cuts in Medicare that I guess you could say is Pelosi’s version of death panels. Higher taxes for not only those making more than $250,000 but for those making much less in higher premiums, taxes and just plain being screwed. But remember this is not just about healthcare but more importantly getting the government to get more control over our lives. Some may call it the beginning of Socialism, Fascism, Communism or becoming Marxist. I believe this is a combination of all in an attempt for this administration and those surrounding the President to bring more control over our lives to provide a better opportunity to continue this policy through continuous election of the same mentality or even gain control of the vote as we have seen with voter fraud in 2008 and in 2009. The Chicago mob mentality is alive and well in Washington D.C. and unless we get off our butts and let our voices be heard with our representatives through E-mails, letters, phone calls, attending town halls or tea party demonstrations wherever they may be held then we can expect a continuation of this Orwellan policy. Bankrupting this country seems to be the road we are traveling if this additional financial burden becomes law. The time has come when action by the individuals must be taken. We cannot say, I support the cause of dissent but I am not one to attend meetings, demonstrations and prefer to acknowledge the other person for voicing their objection and not do anything yourself. Speak up or you will regret it in the future and that future is less than 4 years away. I believe the following quotes from Thomas Jefferson apply today to what we see taking place in our Executive and Legislative branches of government.
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.
My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.
Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.
My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.
Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The Federal Reserve meets with bankers and practically orders them to curb the high salaries of their executives or they threatened the banks with an FDIC investigation that would cost the banks upwards of $10 million. And these are the banks that did not receive TARP money. Now this is what we see in socialist countries. I think what should be curbed are the salaries of Congress since they are not earning what they are being paid or should we say mostly overpaid.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Thomas Jefferson Knew
The Founding Fathers knew about too much power in the hands of a central government and that is why they put in place the 10th amendment. He wrote this question and answered his question. “What has destroyed liberty and the rights of man in every government which has ever existed under the sun? The generalizing and concentrating all cares and powers into one body, no matter whether of the autocrats of Russia or France, or of the aristocrats of a Venetian senate.” Do you think maybe this applies to the grabbing of power by the Obama administration? We are losing our control.
Interesting Prophecy
Historian John Fiske wrote this prophecy on government over 100 years ago.
“If the day should ever arrive ( God Forbid) when the people of the different parts of our country shall allow their local affairs to be administered by prefects sent from Washington, and when the self-government of the states shall have been so far lost as that of the departments of France, or even so closely limited as that of the countries of England-on that day the political career of the American people will have been robbed of its most interesting and valuable features, and the usefulness of this nation will be lamentably impaired.”
“If the day should ever arrive ( God Forbid) when the people of the different parts of our country shall allow their local affairs to be administered by prefects sent from Washington, and when the self-government of the states shall have been so far lost as that of the departments of France, or even so closely limited as that of the countries of England-on that day the political career of the American people will have been robbed of its most interesting and valuable features, and the usefulness of this nation will be lamentably impaired.”
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Judge me by the people I surround myself with. So said candidate Obama during a debate with John McCain in 2008. Since the so called main stream news media did not do any vetting and the Obama campaign attacked anyone or organization that attempted to research candidate Obama, not much was known about Obama for the first time in any presidential election. So, we must look at those he receives counsel, were appointed by him and are involved in his administration decision making. What we find is an abundance of avowed Marxist, Communist and Socialist. Listening to what they say and that they want to fundamentally change America from capitalism to a government control of everything you realize their radical thinking is out to destroy what we had for the last 240 years. Is it Treason that these “advisers” are advocating? Everything they are pushing for is in violation of the Constitution. America, wake up or you will lose everything. See what is happening in Venezuela. This administration is putting their people in place to further their conspiracy. Call it what you want, but a conspiracy by any other name is still a conspiracy.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
First they came......................
By Pastor Niemoller who escaped persecution by the Nazis.
First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
And now a new play on this by yours truly.
First they came for those who disagreed with them and I did not speak out because I did not disagree with the administration
Then they came after Fox News and I did not speak out because I did not watch Fox News.
Then they came for the newspapers that objected to them and I did not speak out because I did not read those papers.
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
And if you don't think this can happen, just remember Joe the Plumber, who disagreed with Obama and was attacked for weeks, Fox News that has uncovered radicals in his administration, Humana Health care that objected to Gov. Health option and were vilified by the Obama administration and now the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that also disagrees with Gov’t option health care. If you disagree with this administration expect to be attacked. So much for the US Constitution with this administration. If you want to know what will happen next, just look what has happened in Venezuela. If it moves, government controls it. 1984 is here, just 25 years later.
First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
And now a new play on this by yours truly.
First they came for those who disagreed with them and I did not speak out because I did not disagree with the administration
Then they came after Fox News and I did not speak out because I did not watch Fox News.
Then they came for the newspapers that objected to them and I did not speak out because I did not read those papers.
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
And if you don't think this can happen, just remember Joe the Plumber, who disagreed with Obama and was attacked for weeks, Fox News that has uncovered radicals in his administration, Humana Health care that objected to Gov. Health option and were vilified by the Obama administration and now the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that also disagrees with Gov’t option health care. If you disagree with this administration expect to be attacked. So much for the US Constitution with this administration. If you want to know what will happen next, just look what has happened in Venezuela. If it moves, government controls it. 1984 is here, just 25 years later.
Monday, October 19, 2009
For the past 60 years there has been an ongoing effort to eliminate God from our lives, change world history and indoctrinate our school children. We have seen a push for evolution over creation and only evolution can be taught in schools that is contrary to what was taught for nearly 175 years. We have seen prayers slowly being removed from all aspects of school life from the classroom to the sports field. We have seen all signs of religion removed from public buildings and property. Christmas displays that have been ongoing around the world for hundreds of year are now verboten. Notice, I used German word. Will explain near the end. We see less and less attendance in churches of young people, as material items have become their religion. Today, they do not have time for God in their lives. Those of us that do know, realize this is a dangerous road to travel as scripture has shown us. During the 9/11 disaster we saw crowded churches as fear turned people to God but as time went on, and fear subsided so did church attendance. Without religion, it is easy to bring moral decay to society and make society easily acceptable to immoral conduct in life, movies and television that becomes everyday occurrence in life.
We all know that Christopher Columbus discovered the New World even though it was not what is today the United States, but he did land in Caribbean islands. He gets credit for this and the tremendous effort to engage in such an undertaking when many considered the world flat and the fear of exploring the unknown. We also know that it appears that the Vikings may very well have discovered the New World thousands of years before, but they did not alert the world to their discovery. Therefore the credit goes to Columbus who did. However, we see history being taught in school to discredit Columbus because of the way he captained his ships and push his crew as well as other actions taken on land. However, before one criticizes his actions one should understand how society functioned in that time period and what was the behavior at the time of captains and crew. Granted there were cruel people during that time and history is filled of these people as well as it is written in the bible but that was what one did in those times. We know such behavior would not be tolerated today, but living during that timeframe with the same knowledge of that time, would we be any different? Political correctness has taken over in our school studies and history is being changed to meet this correctness thereby skewing history and teaching misinformation that indoctrinate our young minds. The history of the United States is not being taught as it took place, but rather it appears it has become to teach that the United States is the cause of all problems in the world. The Constitution and Declaration of Independence as well as the Magna Carta is not part of the history lessons that became the driving force in developing our rights in this country. This way our elected officials and other members of government can do just about anything claiming they are working under the guise of the Constitution. This is also known on the dumbing down of America making is ripe for a overthrowing of our Government as we know it and have been living it. So this brings us to today and our present Government.
We have a President who believes he can dictate policy and bypass Congress by issuing Presidential directives which is in direct contrast to what the Founding Fathers put in the Constitution. That is why they put included an Executive, Legislative and Judiciary with checks and balances to make sure none of the three infringe on the duties and responsibilities of the other two. The Legislative would pass laws, the President could sign or reject the laws and if there were enough votes the legislative could override the Presidential veto. The Judiciary could review the law to make sure it was in compliance with what is contained in the Constitution and only the Constitution. To make changes to the Constitution, the Founding Fathers permitted the Constitution to be amended by submitting the changes to the states and for three-quarters of the states (38) to approve the amendment. It appears that the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary have far exceeded their duties and responsibilities as defined in Section 8 of the Constitution and have consistently infringe on the responsibilities of the other two. That is why we see some states beginning to attempt to rally around the 10th Amendment, which basically states that the states are responsible for all other actions that are not defined in Section 8 of the Constitution. This is the section that the three branches of government have continually infringed upon to the dismay of the states. States rights are delineated in the Constitution and it is about time the states took up the battle to recover their Constitutional Rights so defined.
What is going on in this country today and has been slowly happening as discussed previously is a slow takeover of this country by an ideology that borders more toward a combination of socialism, fascism and communism. Just take the time to review history during the timeframe of the 1920’s to present and how Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Castro, Chavez and other dictators have come to power. The people were sweet talked into buying into a philosophy of cradle to grave government assistance during times of economic difficulties of unemployment, inflation, bank failures and business bankruptcies that made it easier for the public to support such ideology. Today we see the same rhetoric taking place where the government has all the answers. But my question is as follows:
When was the last time government ran anything that was deficit neutral?
When was the last time ANY government spent itself into prosperity?
When was the last time ANY government spent more than it had and survived?
The obvious answer is NEVER. This becomes the impetus for a government control of all facets of a person’s life. Unless we speak up and speak out, we will become another of what we see taking place in Venezuela of today. Scary. Remember in 2010 to vote these jerks out of office and send a message. There are 535 House members and 38 Senate seats up for election that year.
We all know that Christopher Columbus discovered the New World even though it was not what is today the United States, but he did land in Caribbean islands. He gets credit for this and the tremendous effort to engage in such an undertaking when many considered the world flat and the fear of exploring the unknown. We also know that it appears that the Vikings may very well have discovered the New World thousands of years before, but they did not alert the world to their discovery. Therefore the credit goes to Columbus who did. However, we see history being taught in school to discredit Columbus because of the way he captained his ships and push his crew as well as other actions taken on land. However, before one criticizes his actions one should understand how society functioned in that time period and what was the behavior at the time of captains and crew. Granted there were cruel people during that time and history is filled of these people as well as it is written in the bible but that was what one did in those times. We know such behavior would not be tolerated today, but living during that timeframe with the same knowledge of that time, would we be any different? Political correctness has taken over in our school studies and history is being changed to meet this correctness thereby skewing history and teaching misinformation that indoctrinate our young minds. The history of the United States is not being taught as it took place, but rather it appears it has become to teach that the United States is the cause of all problems in the world. The Constitution and Declaration of Independence as well as the Magna Carta is not part of the history lessons that became the driving force in developing our rights in this country. This way our elected officials and other members of government can do just about anything claiming they are working under the guise of the Constitution. This is also known on the dumbing down of America making is ripe for a overthrowing of our Government as we know it and have been living it. So this brings us to today and our present Government.
We have a President who believes he can dictate policy and bypass Congress by issuing Presidential directives which is in direct contrast to what the Founding Fathers put in the Constitution. That is why they put included an Executive, Legislative and Judiciary with checks and balances to make sure none of the three infringe on the duties and responsibilities of the other two. The Legislative would pass laws, the President could sign or reject the laws and if there were enough votes the legislative could override the Presidential veto. The Judiciary could review the law to make sure it was in compliance with what is contained in the Constitution and only the Constitution. To make changes to the Constitution, the Founding Fathers permitted the Constitution to be amended by submitting the changes to the states and for three-quarters of the states (38) to approve the amendment. It appears that the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary have far exceeded their duties and responsibilities as defined in Section 8 of the Constitution and have consistently infringe on the responsibilities of the other two. That is why we see some states beginning to attempt to rally around the 10th Amendment, which basically states that the states are responsible for all other actions that are not defined in Section 8 of the Constitution. This is the section that the three branches of government have continually infringed upon to the dismay of the states. States rights are delineated in the Constitution and it is about time the states took up the battle to recover their Constitutional Rights so defined.
What is going on in this country today and has been slowly happening as discussed previously is a slow takeover of this country by an ideology that borders more toward a combination of socialism, fascism and communism. Just take the time to review history during the timeframe of the 1920’s to present and how Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Castro, Chavez and other dictators have come to power. The people were sweet talked into buying into a philosophy of cradle to grave government assistance during times of economic difficulties of unemployment, inflation, bank failures and business bankruptcies that made it easier for the public to support such ideology. Today we see the same rhetoric taking place where the government has all the answers. But my question is as follows:
When was the last time government ran anything that was deficit neutral?
When was the last time ANY government spent itself into prosperity?
When was the last time ANY government spent more than it had and survived?
The obvious answer is NEVER. This becomes the impetus for a government control of all facets of a person’s life. Unless we speak up and speak out, we will become another of what we see taking place in Venezuela of today. Scary. Remember in 2010 to vote these jerks out of office and send a message. There are 535 House members and 38 Senate seats up for election that year.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
HealthCare Senate committee vote.
The Senate Finance Committee passes its healthcare bill with a vote of 14 to 9 with one Republican voting for the measure. And what do we hear the President claim, that it was a bi-partisan vote. I guess if 2 Republicans voted for this measure he would have claimed landslide support from both parties. In addition, the majority of Americans do not want a government option and have indicated this in town hall meetings and tea parties. But as we know, our elected officials would rather vote to support their party rather than the good of the country or their constituents.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Nobel Peace Award
The real story behind the award. Imagine, not even 2 weeks into his administration and he is nominated.
Many observers were shocked by the unexpected choice so early in the Obama presidency, which began less than two weeks before the Feb. 1 nomination deadline and has yet to yield concrete achievements in peacemaking. Aagot Valle, a lawmaker for the Socialist Left party who joined the committee this year, said she hoped the selection would be viewed as "support and a commitment for Obama." The committee has a leftist slant, with three members elected by left-of-center parties. Jagland said the decision to honor Obama was unanimous. Some around the world objected to the choice of Obama, who still oversees wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and has launched deadly counter-terror strikes in Pakistan and Somalia.
Then again this was also given to Jimmy Carter, Yassir Arafat and Al Gore. Need we say more.
Many observers were shocked by the unexpected choice so early in the Obama presidency, which began less than two weeks before the Feb. 1 nomination deadline and has yet to yield concrete achievements in peacemaking. Aagot Valle, a lawmaker for the Socialist Left party who joined the committee this year, said she hoped the selection would be viewed as "support and a commitment for Obama." The committee has a leftist slant, with three members elected by left-of-center parties. Jagland said the decision to honor Obama was unanimous. Some around the world objected to the choice of Obama, who still oversees wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and has launched deadly counter-terror strikes in Pakistan and Somalia.
Then again this was also given to Jimmy Carter, Yassir Arafat and Al Gore. Need we say more.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
It is not about me
How many times have we heard President Obama make that statement when he is giving one of his daily speeches? However, every time he speaks it always is, I, I, I, I, I, not this administration or this country.
Friday, September 25, 2009
What he is not.
We are seeing lately the praising of Barack Hussein Obama in our schools as part of what appears to be an indoctrination of our youth. People are forgetting one of the most important things and that is:
he (Obama) is not Him.
he (Obama) is not Him.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Benjamin Franklin Said....
As Benjamin Franklin noted while traveling through Europe, there was a violent struggle for appointments to public offices because they paid so well. He felt this was a serious mistake. That is because our Founding Fathers believed it was an honor to serve their country. Today, we see politicians and political parties spend hundred of thousands if not million of dollars for a job that pays approximately $174,000. Obviously, Benjamin Franklin’s words now fall on death ears. It is all about corruption and how much money can I earn on this job above and beyond the base salary. Doesn’t matter which party is in power, it is just the electorate is put on the back burner. But there may be a light at the end of the tunnel as “We the People”, have begun to have our voices heard and if it falls on death ears, our voices will be heard again in the 2010 elections. It seems this may be what “We the People” will have to do. We must remember to let our elected representatives who are due for re-election know with no uncertain terms that what they do will be remembered in 2010.
The Kennedy Monarchy Continues
Is this hypocritical by the Democrats? Gov. Patrick of Massachusetts claims the state could not go without Senator since there is important legislation pending in Congress that may effect the people of Massachusetts. However, in 2004, with the possibility that Sen. Kerry could get elected President, the Mass. Legislator passed a bill requiring the seat be filled with an election rather than through appointment. This was done because at that time, Mass. had a Republican Governor and the Democrats did not want a Republican appointed to fill Sen. Kerry’s seat. But, since the death of Sen. Kennedy and with a Democratic Governor now in office, the legislator passed a bill permitting the Governor to appoint a Senator until the election in January 2010. Naturally the seat was filled by a Kennedy supporter.
Goodbye Israel?
At his UN speech, it appears President Obama threw Israel, our only ally in the Middle East, under the bus. I wonder how Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) and all his liberal friends, most who are supporters of Israel, feel today? It appears Israel is left with no other choice but to attack Iran before they get attacked, since it seems whatever happens to them, they will be going it alone in the world.
Government takeover?
Do you think that maybe President Obama is intentionally destroying our CIA and backtracking on his stance on Afghanistan to allow the Taliban and Al Quaeda to revive themselves? After all, if terrorist attack us in our own country again, he can then force a government takeover of industries, radio, television and other business under the guise of securing these business to prevent further attacks. In other words, within this time frame with the citizens in fear he can get Congress to pass sweeping legislation for government to regulate larger control over our lives. He will be copying the Hugo Chavez model from Venezuela. That would be unconstitutional, but that did not bother Hugo Chavez, and we know how quickly Congress reacted after 9/11 on legislation. I know this is an extreme theory, but did we really expect Obama to go after our intelligence department, Joe the Plumber, anyone who used his middle name, Hussein, during the campaign and now Humana with their disagreement with the President’s and Congress healthcare proposals. This administration attacks anyone who disagrees with them. If you think this is far fetched, did you really expect to hear about school children singing praises and reciting poems saluting President Obama. This is right out of the Mao book in China.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Taxpayer paid vacations
While we were attending these town hall meetings and tea parties during the month of August, our Congressional representatives, both Democrats and Republicans were spending taxpayer money on these so-called fact finding missions all over the world. These trips were so important that it was necessary for them to take their family and staff members with family. Talk about unnecessary spending. It is amazing how these elected officials speak out of both sides of their mouths and support each other on these trips that are actually taxpayer paid vacations. Yet, Congress was the first to be outraged when corporations that were receiving taxpayer dollars through TARP were holding meetings in expensive resorts. Talk about hypocrites. Do as I say, not as I do. Both parties are corrupt but it is amazing how they try to justify their spending. Next time they should all board a Hercules C-130 when our troops are flying overseas and enjoy the comfortable seating arrangements the troops enjoy as well as the food service and leave their families home.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
A must read
I would like to recommend a book for everyone to read that explains how and why our Founding Fathers put together our Constitution. As you read this book you can see why our government has been corrupt for over 70 years by not following what we were given and how our government continually violates the Constitution. This is an easy read taking us from 1787 to present time. It also shows the importance how God played an important role in their approach to developing the Constitution. I heard about this book many months ago and recently again by a Constitutional Attorney based in Pinellas County, Florida who gave a 45 minute dissertation on how the Constitution is not being applied or incorrectly interpretive to suit the ideology of either political party.
The name of the book is “The 5000 Year Leap” by W. Cleon Skousen”. It was written in the 1980’s, but it is about the Constitution so it applies then and now and the future. Again this is a must read and I wish it was mandatory in all schools from grammar to College. But, as we all know, we do not teach about our country anymore, which explains a lot. At least every elected official should have to read this book. But we all know since they don’t read bills, why would they read about what they took an oath to protect.
The name of the book is “The 5000 Year Leap” by W. Cleon Skousen”. It was written in the 1980’s, but it is about the Constitution so it applies then and now and the future. Again this is a must read and I wish it was mandatory in all schools from grammar to College. But, as we all know, we do not teach about our country anymore, which explains a lot. At least every elected official should have to read this book. But we all know since they don’t read bills, why would they read about what they took an oath to protect.
Friday, September 18, 2009
George Washington Farewell Address
On this date, September 19, 1796, President George Washington gave his Farewell Address, an open letter to the American people printed in the newspapers. What he said in this speech is very interesting and applies to what we see today as this speech below indicates.
“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked: Where is security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are instruments of investigation in courts of justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.
‘Tis substantially true that virtue or morality is necessary spring of popular government. The rule indeed extends with more or less force to every species of free government. Who that is a sincere friend to it can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric?”
“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked: Where is security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are instruments of investigation in courts of justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.
‘Tis substantially true that virtue or morality is necessary spring of popular government. The rule indeed extends with more or less force to every species of free government. Who that is a sincere friend to it can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric?”
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Interesting how the radical left and many Democrats don’t want us in Iraq or Afghanistan or using any tactics that can get intelligence. In addition, they do not like that there is collateral damage in injuries or death to civilians. We must remind everyone that “War is cruel and you can not refine it” and the safety our soldiers in any combat situation must be the first priority of any military action. Sure we would like not to have innocent civilians injured or killed but in every war in thousands of years innocent people get killed and cannot be prevented not matter how much we try.
By the way, having to read Miranda warnings to those we capture on the battlefield is the height of hypocrisy. That is why we should shoot first and then give them their warning. By that time I do not think our soldiers will have anything to worry about. That will also solve our Gitmo problem. Just think if in WWII we had to give Miranda warnings.
By the way, having to read Miranda warnings to those we capture on the battlefield is the height of hypocrisy. That is why we should shoot first and then give them their warning. By that time I do not think our soldiers will have anything to worry about. That will also solve our Gitmo problem. Just think if in WWII we had to give Miranda warnings.
Monday, September 14, 2009
ACORN and what you should be doing now.
What you should be writing to your Congressional Representatives.
I want a special prosecutor appointed by the justice dept. to investigate ACORN and all the allegations of abuse of taxpayer dollars, falsifying voter registration records misappropriation of funds and their failure to report embezzlement of over 1 million dollars by one of its original organizers that went unreported by this group that was and still is receiving taxpayer funding. I also want all funding suspended to this group when and until an investigation is completed. We need a special prosecutor because we saw how the Attorney General failed to investigate voter intimidation from the black panthers in Pennsylvania and the interesting fact that President Obama was a community organizer for this group. We definitely don’t want to see any stories that may be floated around where there is a cover-up of ACORN activities due to their relationship with President Obama. It is unfortunate to say, but the Justice Dept. cannot be trusted to perform a fair investigation of ACORN. Eric Holder demonstrated where his loyalty lies when he was involved in the pardoning of fugitive Mark Rich, a felon wanted by the FBI, who also was a big contributor to Bill and Hillary Clinton. Not only do I want an investigation, but I believe the public demands it.
I want a special prosecutor appointed by the justice dept. to investigate ACORN and all the allegations of abuse of taxpayer dollars, falsifying voter registration records misappropriation of funds and their failure to report embezzlement of over 1 million dollars by one of its original organizers that went unreported by this group that was and still is receiving taxpayer funding. I also want all funding suspended to this group when and until an investigation is completed. We need a special prosecutor because we saw how the Attorney General failed to investigate voter intimidation from the black panthers in Pennsylvania and the interesting fact that President Obama was a community organizer for this group. We definitely don’t want to see any stories that may be floated around where there is a cover-up of ACORN activities due to their relationship with President Obama. It is unfortunate to say, but the Justice Dept. cannot be trusted to perform a fair investigation of ACORN. Eric Holder demonstrated where his loyalty lies when he was involved in the pardoning of fugitive Mark Rich, a felon wanted by the FBI, who also was a big contributor to Bill and Hillary Clinton. Not only do I want an investigation, but I believe the public demands it.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Healthcare and U.S. Constitution
Sent to my Congressional Representatives
Please explain to me where in the U.S. Constitution that the Legislative, Executive or Judicial branches of government have the authority to impose health care on its citizens? Section 8 of the Constitution delegates the powers of Congress and nowhere does it read must provide for medical care. Congress is to provide for common defense and general welfare of the United States as delineated in the text that follows in that section.
The Declaration of Independence also states, “that we are endowed by our creator (God, for those who don’t know who their creator is) with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers form the consent of the governed”. God guarantees my unalienable rights and not a King or government as our Founding Fathers knew and indicted in this Declaration, and neither Congress, Executive or Judicial can take them away. Imposing on my rights is not provided in the Constitution. If any citizens or business does not have or provide health insurance, government cannot under the U.S. Constitution impose such measures. If by some chance a citizen that does not have medical coverage gets sick that is their responsibility. However, because we are a caring society, we do provide treatment in hospital emergency rooms that the taxpayer eventually bears the burden in higher insurance premiums or medical cost. But to force us to have insurance is not warranted but it is a choice we make. I think it is about time we got back to following the Constitution and not bypassing it. Amendment X delegates to the states those powers not neither delegated to Congress nor prohibited by the Constitution. If anything, it is a state issue.
Vote no on any government health care option. Instead allow purchase of coverage across state lines, real tort reform and end to pre-existing conditions. And since when must we pass health care reform so we can reduce corruption in government programs and obtain the money to pay for this program. Government should be reducing corruption in all government programs now and not use this as a weapon to vote for government option. What program has government run in the last 70 years that has not had corruption and overpayments? This government healthcare option is another big government bureaucracy that cost at least 3 time the 900 billion the president indicate as well as 3 times 1.6 billion what the CBO claims.
Please explain to me where in the U.S. Constitution that the Legislative, Executive or Judicial branches of government have the authority to impose health care on its citizens? Section 8 of the Constitution delegates the powers of Congress and nowhere does it read must provide for medical care. Congress is to provide for common defense and general welfare of the United States as delineated in the text that follows in that section.
The Declaration of Independence also states, “that we are endowed by our creator (God, for those who don’t know who their creator is) with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers form the consent of the governed”. God guarantees my unalienable rights and not a King or government as our Founding Fathers knew and indicted in this Declaration, and neither Congress, Executive or Judicial can take them away. Imposing on my rights is not provided in the Constitution. If any citizens or business does not have or provide health insurance, government cannot under the U.S. Constitution impose such measures. If by some chance a citizen that does not have medical coverage gets sick that is their responsibility. However, because we are a caring society, we do provide treatment in hospital emergency rooms that the taxpayer eventually bears the burden in higher insurance premiums or medical cost. But to force us to have insurance is not warranted but it is a choice we make. I think it is about time we got back to following the Constitution and not bypassing it. Amendment X delegates to the states those powers not neither delegated to Congress nor prohibited by the Constitution. If anything, it is a state issue.
Vote no on any government health care option. Instead allow purchase of coverage across state lines, real tort reform and end to pre-existing conditions. And since when must we pass health care reform so we can reduce corruption in government programs and obtain the money to pay for this program. Government should be reducing corruption in all government programs now and not use this as a weapon to vote for government option. What program has government run in the last 70 years that has not had corruption and overpayments? This government healthcare option is another big government bureaucracy that cost at least 3 time the 900 billion the president indicate as well as 3 times 1.6 billion what the CBO claims.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
This Patriot Speaks
On November 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln gave one of the shortest and greatest speeches of his presidency that we now know as the Gettysburg Address. I will give a part of that speech that I believe reflects what is happening in this country today. “ Our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty………Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and dedicated can long endure”. This battle we are engaged in is not a military conflict but a battle for the minds and hearts of the citizens of this country. A battle to save our constitution from those who want to destroy our way of life and the freedoms we have enjoyed for over 220 years. There is a desire by individuals and certain groups to transform out country to a socialist society where all power is placed in the hands of the government, the presidential czars and other appointed personnel. In essence, a dictatorship where the constitution and Bill of Rights are trampled upon.
Since the modern day Tea Party that started on April 15 2009, we have seen the American people stand up and voice their objections to the path this country has been traveling for nearly 100 years that has been brought to the forefront the last 2 years with bailouts, stimulus packages, Cap and Trade legislation and trying to impose government healthcare while accumulating massive deficits that may go into the next century before it will be paid off. Providing of course we can have a balance budget during the same timeframe. The people are demanding a balance budget, reduction in our deficit and a return to representatives that actually will listen and represent the views of their constituents. The American people will no longer be couch potatoes when it comes to expressing their sentiments on issues. It is time for the American people to continue to speak up and demand change we can believe in as long as the change is getting back to what is contained in the U.S. Constitution. We want our elected officials to read the constitution, and to follow this document that many Americans have shed their blood defending.
It was Thomas Jefferson that said the following quote that applies today: “Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories”. That is why we must continue to take this fight to Washington and not relent until our representatives come to their senses or we vote them out in November 2010.
Our elected officials took an oath to defend this country from enemies both foreign and domestic and yet they are failing in this oath. Many of them today are trying to force their ideology on us that is contrary to our constitution and way of life. We are a country of legal immigration where many people in the early 20th century came to this country with the knowledge that with hard work you will become successful. Today, people still come to this country both legal and illegal to grab a piece of that success. And today we have a radical group of elected and appointed officials that want to destroy what has made us the light of the world by trying to force regulations and rules that will prohibit the continue growth of our economy and cause the radicalization of our society that are probably causing our founding fathers to roll over in their graves. We are not a people that want to be fed from the public trough through welfare and other form of handouts.
Over 40 years ago there was another famous American that gave a speech on the Washington Mall telling us that ‘He had a dream.” Well, Americans also have a dream that government of the people, by the people and for the people will not perish from the earth.
My dream is that we have true representation
My dream is that we have a balance budget before we spend any more money on new programs. For every year our elected officials do not balance the budget, they must accept a 10% pay cut.
My dream is that we have election reform where politicians can only accept money from individual constituents not to exceed $1000 and not from big labor unions, lobbyist and large corporations. As long as our elected officials can get big money from these groups their loyalty will not be to the people that elected them but to those that bribed them.
My dream is that we have term limits for our Congressional Representatives not to exceed 6 years for House Representatives and one term, 6 years, for our Senators. The purpose of representation was for the people to volunteer their services to serve the people and not create a position that they would occupy for 20, 30 or more years.
My dream is that our Congressional Representatives should not have a lucrative pension and benefits but should have to accept Social Security, Medicare when they reach retirement age wherever they may be working. While serving their 6 years they should only have a 401K where a maximum of $5000 can be donated with the government matching to a maximum of $2000. All pay raises should be voted upon by the public during government elections that are held every two years or longer. Congress should not be permitted to vote on pay raises for themselves.
My dream is that the Americans will continue to wake up and continue their vocal outburst until our representatives get the message. After, we all know that they are more interested in keeping their job, keeping their party in power, catering to big money and if anything is left to throw their constituents a bone every now and then. Remember come the 2010 elections what your representatives have actually done, said and if they avoided town hall meetings to meet with those who elected them.
Since the modern day Tea Party that started on April 15 2009, we have seen the American people stand up and voice their objections to the path this country has been traveling for nearly 100 years that has been brought to the forefront the last 2 years with bailouts, stimulus packages, Cap and Trade legislation and trying to impose government healthcare while accumulating massive deficits that may go into the next century before it will be paid off. Providing of course we can have a balance budget during the same timeframe. The people are demanding a balance budget, reduction in our deficit and a return to representatives that actually will listen and represent the views of their constituents. The American people will no longer be couch potatoes when it comes to expressing their sentiments on issues. It is time for the American people to continue to speak up and demand change we can believe in as long as the change is getting back to what is contained in the U.S. Constitution. We want our elected officials to read the constitution, and to follow this document that many Americans have shed their blood defending.
It was Thomas Jefferson that said the following quote that applies today: “Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories”. That is why we must continue to take this fight to Washington and not relent until our representatives come to their senses or we vote them out in November 2010.
Our elected officials took an oath to defend this country from enemies both foreign and domestic and yet they are failing in this oath. Many of them today are trying to force their ideology on us that is contrary to our constitution and way of life. We are a country of legal immigration where many people in the early 20th century came to this country with the knowledge that with hard work you will become successful. Today, people still come to this country both legal and illegal to grab a piece of that success. And today we have a radical group of elected and appointed officials that want to destroy what has made us the light of the world by trying to force regulations and rules that will prohibit the continue growth of our economy and cause the radicalization of our society that are probably causing our founding fathers to roll over in their graves. We are not a people that want to be fed from the public trough through welfare and other form of handouts.
Over 40 years ago there was another famous American that gave a speech on the Washington Mall telling us that ‘He had a dream.” Well, Americans also have a dream that government of the people, by the people and for the people will not perish from the earth.
My dream is that we have true representation
My dream is that we have a balance budget before we spend any more money on new programs. For every year our elected officials do not balance the budget, they must accept a 10% pay cut.
My dream is that we have election reform where politicians can only accept money from individual constituents not to exceed $1000 and not from big labor unions, lobbyist and large corporations. As long as our elected officials can get big money from these groups their loyalty will not be to the people that elected them but to those that bribed them.
My dream is that we have term limits for our Congressional Representatives not to exceed 6 years for House Representatives and one term, 6 years, for our Senators. The purpose of representation was for the people to volunteer their services to serve the people and not create a position that they would occupy for 20, 30 or more years.
My dream is that our Congressional Representatives should not have a lucrative pension and benefits but should have to accept Social Security, Medicare when they reach retirement age wherever they may be working. While serving their 6 years they should only have a 401K where a maximum of $5000 can be donated with the government matching to a maximum of $2000. All pay raises should be voted upon by the public during government elections that are held every two years or longer. Congress should not be permitted to vote on pay raises for themselves.
My dream is that the Americans will continue to wake up and continue their vocal outburst until our representatives get the message. After, we all know that they are more interested in keeping their job, keeping their party in power, catering to big money and if anything is left to throw their constituents a bone every now and then. Remember come the 2010 elections what your representatives have actually done, said and if they avoided town hall meetings to meet with those who elected them.
Friday, September 4, 2009
The czars and this administration
We see the outrage over Green Czar Van Jones comments that we can only say are at least anti-American, anti-Democratic Republic and anti-U.S. Constitution as well as racist. Makes you wonder what kind if any vetting process the Obama Administration has done on his nearly 40 czars. Since quite a few have a radical ideology that is against what our founding fathers gave us over 230 years ago. One has to wonder if they are walking a thin line between treason, anarchy or just plain stupidity. I don’t think stupidity is the answer. People voted for a change in Administrations, not in trashing the U.S. Constitution that appears to be the direction this administration is moving towards. It is time to get off the couch and become politically active. Speak up American and let your voices be heard. We have seen what has happen at the town hall meetings when we protest the actions of this administration and Congress that we believe is reckless and destructive to our form of government. You cannot rely on your friend, family member or the “other guy” to take the reigns and protest and speak out. Remember what happen in Germany and Italy when the citizens did not take action and protest the direction their governments were heading. Thy woke up one day and said, “What just happen?”
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Obama Administration Again
Communist, socialist and fascist in the Obama Administration and Congress and FBI have not done anything or been outspoken on these so called czars who have not been vetted or approved by Congress as cabinets positions are. America must speak out before this right is taken away from you and rest assured this is the aim of Obama’s friend to stifle dissent. Do you think that maybe history of the 20’s and 30’s in Italy, Germany and Soviet Union is about to be fulfilled in this country? Don't forget the old saying, "people who don't know history tend to repeat it."
Congress and CEO's
It is interesting that Congress is upset when they see CEO¹s of corporations and Wall Street firms getting millions in bonuses while watching these companies fail. However, they have no problem with giving themselves raises, taking trips on taxpayer money, spending taxpayer money as if there was an endless supply while not concern with the massive budget deficits they have created over the years.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
George Washington Quotes That applies today
“The power under the Constitution will always be in the people. It is entrusted for certain defined purposes, and for a certain limited period, to representatives of their own choosing; and whenever it is executed contrary to their interest, or not agreeable to their wishes, their servants can, and undoubtedly will be recalled.”
George Washington, 1787
“One method of assault may be to effect, in the forms of the Constitution, alterations which will impair the energy of the system, and thus undermine what cannot be directly overthrown.”
George Washington, 1796 On the Constitution
George Washington, 1787
“One method of assault may be to effect, in the forms of the Constitution, alterations which will impair the energy of the system, and thus undermine what cannot be directly overthrown.”
George Washington, 1796 On the Constitution
What Democrats do not know
It is interesting to hear some Democratic members of Congress claim, when speaking about H.R. 3200, the government healthcare bill, they like to quote from the Constitution by stating, “That men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness”. The only problem with this argument is that this is not written in the Constitution but the Declaration of Independence. It only goes to show that many members of Congress have no idea what is in the Constitution and this is why they are trying to have government control of all aspects of our lives that is something we fought against England over 230 years ago. Now it appears that some Americans want to roll over and be stomped by government elitist who claim to know better than 300 million + Americans. Borrowing from the 1960’s, Power to the People.”
Something the U.S. Supreme should think about when debating a case.
On every question of construction, let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the test, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
Speech of the past that applies today
An interesting speech that was made on August 3, 1857 and reflects on what we see in the town hall meetings of today. This speech was given by abolitionist Frederick Douglass reminding Americans of the cost of freedom.
“The general sentiment of mankind is that a man who will not fight for himself, when he has the means of doing so, is not worth being fought for by others, and this sentiment is just. For a man who does not value freedom for himself will never value it for others, or put himself to an inconvenience to gain it for others.
The whole history of the progress of human liberty shows that all concessions yet made to her august claims have been born of earnest struggle. The conflict has been exciting, agitating all-absorbing, and for the time being, putting all other tumults to silence. It must do this or it does nothing. If there is no struggle there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation are men who want crops without plowing up the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters.
This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.“
“The general sentiment of mankind is that a man who will not fight for himself, when he has the means of doing so, is not worth being fought for by others, and this sentiment is just. For a man who does not value freedom for himself will never value it for others, or put himself to an inconvenience to gain it for others.
The whole history of the progress of human liberty shows that all concessions yet made to her august claims have been born of earnest struggle. The conflict has been exciting, agitating all-absorbing, and for the time being, putting all other tumults to silence. It must do this or it does nothing. If there is no struggle there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation are men who want crops without plowing up the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters.
This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.“
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Obama Administration
In discussing the czars that President Obama has appointed one wonders if he is now singing “radicals to the left of me and radicals to the right of me”. Many of these czars are avowed socialist, communist and believe government is the answer and people are the problem. What is the difference between President Obama and Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin? Only about 100 years.
Truth or Consequences
The Obama administration has admitted that the economy will falter another 2.5% this year that is another percentage point above what they were predicting last January. The country’s debt is going to increase another 2 billion dollars over and above the 7 billion this administration originally predicted last spring. In fact there will be a tremendous increase in debt for the next 10 years. So, the question is why are we pushing to spend money on programs like Cap and Trade, Stimulus and Government Healthcare that is projected even by the Congressional Budget Office that will further increase our debt. In fairness to President Obama, he claims the Government Healthcare will be deficit neutral. Now when was the last time our government was ever involved in any program that was deficit neutral? Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are billions of dollars in debt that will increase with the addition of the baby boomers and we can expect the same with any program the government gets its’ hands on. We have history on our side that we can say with certainty that this will be the result. The Obama administration only has their word. If you believe Obama, I know a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Town Hall meetings
If you attend town hall meetings and protest government spending, stimulus packages, bailouts and their attempt at healthcare reform, you are considered, Un-American, a mob or a group associated with some right wing extremist organization. You are just an average American and when it comes to being politically active you were just a couch potato. This no longer applies and your elected representative cannot not face the fact that his or her constituents are speaking out. Now with reckless spending, stimulus money spending for political favors and the opportunity for this administration trying to gain control of your healthcare decisions you began to become vocal to express your displeasure against what this government is attempting to do. Most of your elected officials are outraged and how dare you disagree with their position. You now know that these elected officials on either party don’t represent you as much as they do themselves and their political party. Country first and their constituents that help put them in office are just tertiary thoughts that really do not apply. As for so called blue dog Democrats, they are more concerned about getting re-elected in 2010 and keeping their party in power rather being really concerned with the healthcare debate. They will, like just about every other Congressional representative, do anything that can get them re-elected. And you thought they were really concerned. Shame on you.
White House E mails
Send E-mail to the White House and low and behold you are on their E-mail list for propaganda they wish to send. And if you think they are going to remove your name or your political affiliation based on what you sent, then you do not know Chicago politics. As Michele Malkin has indicated in her book “Culture of Corruption”, this administration is Chicago politics at it’s best or worst, depending on your point of view.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Pharmaceutical Companies
On Friday August 7, 2009, President Obama signed an agreement with the Pharmaceutical companies that will allow these companies to extend to 2 times the number of years they can sell their medications before companies can make generics. It does not take a brain surgeon to know that some type of agreement was made between both parties. And they wonder why we oppose this healthcare bill.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Gingrich shreds Obama's economic policies
President Obama's penchant for social-program spending is creating a society where people rely too much on the government, says the former House speaker. "Because a country in which you rely on somebody else to give you everything is a country in which you just gave power over your life to somebody else," he warns.
Something Fishy Here?
We now have big brother watching us on what we say or do as a way of trying to intimidate us into complying with the Obama Administration’s attempt at a government healthcare plan. Congress and the President may have not read the bill that they are promoting but the public has read part or all and we do not like what we read. However, in order to combat the rhetoric against this bill and the turmoil that our elected officials are seeing at their town hall meeting because they support a bill they did not read, the White House has established a web site that they want the public to write to on all those who are writing or talking against the healthcare bill. If there is something fishy about this what the White House is doing it is the smell they are emitting. I guess some day I will get a visit by some people in a black Chevy Suburban with wires coming out of their ears.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Blue Dog Democrats, really.
Blue dog Democrats who claim to be conservative are worried about the healthcare bill because they will be going home on break in August and will have to face their constituents at town hall meetings and so they are trying to have changes made that they could find acceptable for themselves and those they supposedly represent. Of course what they are really saying is they are worried that if they support this healthcare bill as written they will not get re-elected since their districts supported McCain in their last election. They are only concerned about getting re-elected, their party and do not or are not interested in putting country first. So don’t be fooled by the rhetoric. If you can find a politician that believes in country first over his party, please let me know.
The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.
Margaret Thatcher
The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.
Margaret Thatcher
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Seniors and Healthcare bill
For all you seniors and soon to be seniors that voted for Obama because you wanted change, well you are going to get that with this proposed healthcare plan. As President Obama indicated 2 weeks ago, you had better pick out the Hospice center you want to live your end of days because that will be coming sooner than you think. Under President Obama’s proposed healthcare plan, you will not be getting the same medical care you are receiving now under Medicare and your own private insurance carrier. If some board of bureaucrats decides that your treatment is costly and you are 65 or older, you may not get that treatment. And it appears that those with private insurance will be manipulated into the public insurance option. You wanted change, but unfortunately it is not what you thought. Then again, you may not be alive long enough to witness this change. In that case, consider yourself lucky.
Constitution and Healthcare
The Constitution of the United States guarantees Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. It does not guarantee the right to medical coverage or a house. However, H.R. 3200, the Medical Healthcare bill does have beginning on page 424 that at 65 years of age or older a person must have counseling every 5 years to discuss treatment and end of life issues. Also included in this bill it seems to indicate that some government bureaucrat could deny treatment when cost or quality of life are taken into consideration regardless whether or not the patient can afford this treatment or is insured for this treatment. This can only mean that euthanasia, and even eugenics will play an important part in any medical decisions. This was talked about in the 1920’s in both this country and Germany. (Hitler approved of this and we know what he did) Are we any better? This is the way to rid society of the unwanted, the aged, infirm or handicapped. Will the developmental disabled or mentally be next? After all, they are a drain on society and we know we do not want that under the Obama administration. As far as I am concerned, this bill violates my constitutional rights.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Preident Obama's July news conference
I listened to the president tonight as he tried to sell his health care bill and got inspired from what he said to write to him and my Congressional Representatives.
I sent the following request to President Obama and I am requesting if you could follow-up to make sure I can get this information. (to representatives)
Tonight at his news conference President Obama claimed that 14,000 people lose their health insurance every day. If that is correct, and since President Obama has stated such I know I can rest assured his figures are accurate, that means since January 1, 2,422,000 people have lost their health coverage. Could you please furnish me with a list of these people, what state, what city or county they live in so I can have a better understanding how severe this so called health care crisis is in this country.
I sent the following request to President Obama and I am requesting if you could follow-up to make sure I can get this information. (to representatives)
Tonight at his news conference President Obama claimed that 14,000 people lose their health insurance every day. If that is correct, and since President Obama has stated such I know I can rest assured his figures are accurate, that means since January 1, 2,422,000 people have lost their health coverage. Could you please furnish me with a list of these people, what state, what city or county they live in so I can have a better understanding how severe this so called health care crisis is in this country.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Health Care bill update.
It appears this health care bill is also going to include a little paragraph that all health care coverage must include a provision for abortion. Those companies or organizations that do not want or include this provision must pay a penalty. What about religious organizations that are pro-life and anti-abortion? Are they going to be forced to include this provision? Then again, what about religious hospitals that do not perform abortions?
The economic Crisis is over
Larry Summers, the top economic advisor for the Obama Administration has stated that since recent searches on Google for “economic depression” are down to normal levels, our economic crisis is ending. And we want these people to force a government health care plan on us.
Incidentally, approximately 77% of the American people say they are happy with what they have in health care. As far as health care is concerned, just limit the ridiculous lawsuits, and allow anybody to purchase medical coverage from any health care provider nationwide. This will produce competition and reduce cost.
Incidentally, approximately 77% of the American people say they are happy with what they have in health care. As far as health care is concerned, just limit the ridiculous lawsuits, and allow anybody to purchase medical coverage from any health care provider nationwide. This will produce competition and reduce cost.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Government Health Care
It was interesting this week that President Obama and some members of Congress indicated that this so called universal health care that they are trying to push on us would not apply to them. And why does that not surprise us? You would think if universal health care (government health care) was so good that everyone would want to have it.
Oh by the way, in an interview with ABC news this week, President Obama indicated that seniors should be looking into Hospice care and he repeated this comment several times. In essence what he is trying to say is if treatment could be costly you will not get the treatment and be ready to be put out to pasture (Hospice). This is the beginning of Eugenics where the old, infirm, retarded, mentally handicapped etc. are exterminated rather than be a burden on society and medical cost. A review of history will show that Hitler believed in this, Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood and many of our electrical officials in the teens, 20’s and 30’s. FDR was one also. Look it up and do your own research if you don’t believe this. So for those of you getting on in years or have elderly parents still living, be prepared. The way government will reduce medical cost is not to have procedures that be costly on those that really should not have them. Just check with Canada and England and see the long wait that patients have to endure. At times the wait is such that the procedure becomes unnecessary because the patient had died. This is one way of eliminating or reducing medical cost.
Oh by the way, in an interview with ABC news this week, President Obama indicated that seniors should be looking into Hospice care and he repeated this comment several times. In essence what he is trying to say is if treatment could be costly you will not get the treatment and be ready to be put out to pasture (Hospice). This is the beginning of Eugenics where the old, infirm, retarded, mentally handicapped etc. are exterminated rather than be a burden on society and medical cost. A review of history will show that Hitler believed in this, Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood and many of our electrical officials in the teens, 20’s and 30’s. FDR was one also. Look it up and do your own research if you don’t believe this. So for those of you getting on in years or have elderly parents still living, be prepared. The way government will reduce medical cost is not to have procedures that be costly on those that really should not have them. Just check with Canada and England and see the long wait that patients have to endure. At times the wait is such that the procedure becomes unnecessary because the patient had died. This is one way of eliminating or reducing medical cost.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Health Care and some more
It is sad that Congress has to deal with so many crises. We had the unemployment crisis so they passed a stimulus package to keep unemployment from exceeding 8%. It is now at 9.5% and expected to go near 11%. So much for Congressional rhetoric. Then we had the automobile manufacturing crisis and we needed to have a bailout for the auto industry. And what do our tax dollars get us? Well we saved UAW that was part of the problem together with poor management and now as taxpayers we own an auto company. The UAW now owns more of GM then the bondholders that invested in this company. Something that was previously unheard of before this bailout. Bankruptcy court was told what to do that is another unheard of move. Now we are going to have the government run health care. Regardless of what this administration claims, this system of health care will have the same problems that are in Canada and England just on a bigger scale. Of course a deficit of 1 Trillion dollars is no problem since we will just tax the wealthy to pay for it. And if you believe you will have better health care because of this you are either a fool or just dumb. Take your pick. Now have you heard of anyone in Congress say they can’t wait to take part in the government health care? Of course not, since they will not be a participant. Criminals will never legislate against themselves. You don’t expect them to give up their plans. Congress will never pass a law that would screw them but the voters that elected them is a different story. After all, they have been doing that for nearly a hundred years.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
A Secular Society?
A Secular Society?
Secularism is a word that we have heard now for many years. There is a move in this country to move away from religion to the state being the new God. This has been the direction that some people want to country to move into for nearly 80 years. These individuals, or non-believers for want of a better term, realize that religion is and has been the stumbling block for implementation of their plans. At present religious organizations provide roadblocks to their program. Mussolini tried this in the 20’s and 30’s but the Catholic Church pushed back and he had to abandon his plans. (Fascism for those who don’t know) You see, without religion providing the moral fabric to society we wind up with a godless society where programs of abortion, euthanasia and eugenics can prosper. If one was to read the bible you would see that God promised the Jews a land flowing with milk and honey and the only requirement was to continue adoration to God. As the bible shows, as long as the Jews followed this teaching their country had tremendous prosperity and defeated all enemies great and small. However, when they turned away from God, ignored God and paid adoration to idols and false gods, they suffered military defeat, occupation and disease. We are also or where a great country that was a light to the world where immigrants came in droves to enter this country where they were free and could become anything as long as they worked at it. We were founded under Judeo/Christian principles and these principles have been under attack for many years. We cannot pray in schools or public institutions of wear any type of clothing that may have any religion words or phrases in public buildings since somebody will be offended. We have seen a push for political correctness and so called correcting of history. Correcting history to fit a political ideology was done in Germany in the 20’s and 30’s and the former Soviet Union. Of course if history of this great country is even taught anymore. When people grow up without knowing the history of the country they live in, then they become ripe for the pickings when fed false information. We see that today in what some call the dumbing down of America. And unfortunately, these people vote. They believe what they are told without reading or examining topics to find out the truth and the whole truth. As this country wanders down the path of secularism, and turn our backs on God, don’t expect us to survive as our founding fathers hoped. We must awaken and turn back to God and make God the center point of our life and country. Then we will see an amazing improvement in our country. Without God, we are a dying society.
Secularism is a word that we have heard now for many years. There is a move in this country to move away from religion to the state being the new God. This has been the direction that some people want to country to move into for nearly 80 years. These individuals, or non-believers for want of a better term, realize that religion is and has been the stumbling block for implementation of their plans. At present religious organizations provide roadblocks to their program. Mussolini tried this in the 20’s and 30’s but the Catholic Church pushed back and he had to abandon his plans. (Fascism for those who don’t know) You see, without religion providing the moral fabric to society we wind up with a godless society where programs of abortion, euthanasia and eugenics can prosper. If one was to read the bible you would see that God promised the Jews a land flowing with milk and honey and the only requirement was to continue adoration to God. As the bible shows, as long as the Jews followed this teaching their country had tremendous prosperity and defeated all enemies great and small. However, when they turned away from God, ignored God and paid adoration to idols and false gods, they suffered military defeat, occupation and disease. We are also or where a great country that was a light to the world where immigrants came in droves to enter this country where they were free and could become anything as long as they worked at it. We were founded under Judeo/Christian principles and these principles have been under attack for many years. We cannot pray in schools or public institutions of wear any type of clothing that may have any religion words or phrases in public buildings since somebody will be offended. We have seen a push for political correctness and so called correcting of history. Correcting history to fit a political ideology was done in Germany in the 20’s and 30’s and the former Soviet Union. Of course if history of this great country is even taught anymore. When people grow up without knowing the history of the country they live in, then they become ripe for the pickings when fed false information. We see that today in what some call the dumbing down of America. And unfortunately, these people vote. They believe what they are told without reading or examining topics to find out the truth and the whole truth. As this country wanders down the path of secularism, and turn our backs on God, don’t expect us to survive as our founding fathers hoped. We must awaken and turn back to God and make God the center point of our life and country. Then we will see an amazing improvement in our country. Without God, we are a dying society.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Health Care
I do not want any representative to vote for any Health Care bill that this administration is going to attempt to push through Congress. Push through and hope Congress does not read as Congress had done previously. Anyone with half a brain knows that the reported 50 million people without health insurance is bogus. At least 10 to 15 million are illegals, millions more make enough money but have not taken out insurance. In all, according to most research (honest research) there are approximately 10 million people without insurance that cannot afford it. But then again why to we have city and county health departments. We could pump more money into these health departments to increase medical personnel that can provide needed services rather then spend Trillions on a plan similar to Canada and England that we know does not work. Of course, what we could do for those uninsured is to give them the same medical coverage enjoyed by Congress with the same payment schedule. We also know that if any uninsured goes to the hospital emergency room they must be treated. So to say that some people are not getting medical attention is false. It is there, one just have to take advantage of the services our taxpayer dollars are already paying for. Of course if you are illegal, then you will not go. The only place illegals should go is either jail or back where they came from. There are ways to come into this country legally and that is the only way. My father did it and so did his entire family and millions and millions after them up to today.
Stimulus and maybe more stimulus
I know that if I were to borrow and spend money I would not become rich, but eventually would have to file bankruptcy since my income would far exceed my expenses. This clearly indicates that one cannot spend themselves into prosperity. The same simple logic also applies to the Federal Government. These stimulus packages are following the same scenario as indicated above. The federal government cannot spend, spend and spend itself into the black. We have seen the last stimulus package, that by the way we had to rush into passing Congress, or we would have seen unemployment skyrocket and the economy go deeper into recession. Well, unemployment has passed the projected 8% that Obama had threatened it would go to if the stimulus was not passed. It is now at 9.5% and the administration now indicates it will exceed 10%. Does this administration and Congress actually believe the voters are that dumb that we would keep quiet while they attempt to pass another stimulus. And, oh by the way we have only spent approximately 15% of this stimulus so far with most to be spent in the year 2012. This logic escapes me but then again I am not in Congress. Now I know why Congress votes to approve bills they don’t read because the logic escapes them also, but we must support our party and screw the country. Party first.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Interesting prediction from the 1930”s
J.T. Flynn a former journalist of the 1930’s and anti-FDR was convinced that the New Deal was a fascist enterprise. He predicted that proponents of the New Deal and its successors would become addicted to crises to maintain power and implement their agendas. He stated of the New Deal: “It is born in crisis, lives on crisis and cannot survive the era of crisis. By the very law of its nature it must create for itself, if it is to continue, fresh crisis from year to year. Mussolini came to power in the post war crisis (WWI) and became himself a crisis in Italian life….. Hitler’s story is the same. And our future is charted out upon the same turbulent road of permanent crisis. So Flynn stated.
And now it seems our present administration seems to perpetuate one crisis after another. If we don’t pass this stimulus we will have a job crisis and if we don’t pass this bill we will have a global warming crisis etc.
And now it seems our present administration seems to perpetuate one crisis after another. If we don’t pass this stimulus we will have a job crisis and if we don’t pass this bill we will have a global warming crisis etc.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Some Famous Quotes That may apply today
In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a Congress……John Adams
If you don’t read the newspapers, you are uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed…. Mark Twain
Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself…Mark Twain
I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle…..Winston Churchill
A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul....George Bernard Shaw
A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money….G. Gordon Liddy
Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner…. James Bovard
If you don’t read the newspapers, you are uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed…. Mark Twain
Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself…Mark Twain
I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle…..Winston Churchill
A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul....George Bernard Shaw
A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money….G. Gordon Liddy
Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner…. James Bovard
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Calvin Coolidge Speech that applies today
On July 5, 1926, in a speech in Philadelphia commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, President Calvin Coolidge reminded Americans of the importance of this document. Part of his speech is below and it is interesting that although he was speaking 83 years ago, what it says actually applies to today.
“No other theory is adequate to explain or comprehend the Declaration of Independence. It is the product of the spiritual insight of people. We live in an age of science and of abounding accumulation of material things. These did not create our Declaration. Our Declaration created them. The things of the spirit come first. Unless we cling to that, all our material prosperity, overwhelming though it may appear, will turn to a barren scepter in our grasp. If we are to maintain the great heritage which has been bequeathed to us, we must be like-minded as the fathers who created it. We must not sink into pagan materialism. We must cultivate the reverence which they had for the things that are holy. We must follow the spiritual and moral leadership which they showed. We must keep replenished, that they may glow with a more compelling flame, the altar fires before which they worshiped.”
“No other theory is adequate to explain or comprehend the Declaration of Independence. It is the product of the spiritual insight of people. We live in an age of science and of abounding accumulation of material things. These did not create our Declaration. Our Declaration created them. The things of the spirit come first. Unless we cling to that, all our material prosperity, overwhelming though it may appear, will turn to a barren scepter in our grasp. If we are to maintain the great heritage which has been bequeathed to us, we must be like-minded as the fathers who created it. We must not sink into pagan materialism. We must cultivate the reverence which they had for the things that are holy. We must follow the spiritual and moral leadership which they showed. We must keep replenished, that they may glow with a more compelling flame, the altar fires before which they worshiped.”
Monday, June 29, 2009
Another broken promise?
David Axlerod, one of the many presidential advisors has indicated that President Obama may not be able to keep his promise of not raising taxes on those earning lest that $240,000. Now we know he promised this during the campaign, but now that he is elected, promises do not have to be kept. So another surprise that we really are not surprised about. If the Senate was to pass a Cap & Trade then we would really be worried about increases in everything from a loaf of bread to fuel, housing etc. But it seems this may not be the case. Anyway, just follow everything this administration is trying to pull, and you will see that they only care about ensuring their political future for themselves and their party and not much about this country. Country is not first priority on their list. Of course, the Republicans are just as bad and that is why we should vote out of office every Congressman that voted for this Cap and Trade. In fact, if we could vote all 435 House members out that would be good for this country. And we should start with Nancy Pelosi.
EPA Suppresses Global Warming Report
Why are we not surprise by this report because the Democrats and Al Gore have been pushing Global Warming for years and yet, the EPA officials, Al McGartland and Alan Carlin issued a 98 page report that the EPA was advised not to rush into making hasty decisions on global warming since ice is not melting as first believe and the temperature is similar to what we had in the mid 20th century. So the Obama Administration suppresses this information (no surprise here) so the House could vote on the Cap & Trade bill. If this information was broadcast all over before the vote, it is quite possible that this bill would not have passed and that would have been a defeat for the Obama Administration. And we all know that Obama does not like to be challenged and can become vindictive against those who question his policies. Joe Barton, the ranking Republican on the Energy and Commerce Committee, brought this to the attention of Congress. Check it out.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Webster’s definition: The quality or state of being transparent; Having the property of light passing through: Open-Easily seen-clear: Allows objects to be seen clearly; and many more.
But for a President that promised transparency during the campaign, his definition is whatever he wants it to be which is usually not shown. Yet he claimed President Bush was not be transparent enough. Just wait to 2012 when your vote may be transparent if he gets his way on the 2010 census.
But for a President that promised transparency during the campaign, his definition is whatever he wants it to be which is usually not shown. Yet he claimed President Bush was not be transparent enough. Just wait to 2012 when your vote may be transparent if he gets his way on the 2010 census.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Cash for Clunkers
Now is the time to purchase an old cheap clunker vehicle either from a used car lot or junk car dealer. Then trade it in for a new vehicle and you could get between $3500 to $4500. Just make sure the mileage of the new vehicle gets 5 miles more per gallon than the clunker. The dealer will take the vehicle and notify the government that the clunker has been destroyed. (Crushed or Shredded) Make sure you pay as little as possible for the clunker to make it worthwhile. And don’t worry about where the government is getting the money from, since it is your taxes and one billion has been set aside for this from stimulus money we don’t have. Go figure. This administration thinks we are all going out to buy a new car to save the auto industry. And we all thought the mega billions we gave the auto industry would save the industry. Remember what P.T. Barnum said: “A sucker is born every minute”. Today he would say this country has nearly 300 million suckers.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Sharing the wealth
We have heard President Obama and his fellow Democrats talk about spreading the wealth around. Well to quote Thomas Jefferson again: "Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." Something socialist fail to understand.
Freedom is never easy
We look and listen to what is going on in Iran today as its’ citizens struggle for the freedoms we have taken for granted for over 240 years. For those of us that understand how we acquired the freedoms we have in the Bill of Rights, we can well appreciate the fight the Iranian citizens have undertaking to also obtain similar freedoms. The young people in our country have taken our freedoms for granted for many years and have not appreciated that our brave citizens have given their life for us to be free. They fail to recognize the sacrifice that has been made since that time to ensure we maintain life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. It all started in 1776 when brave citizens of this British colony objected to the tyranny that they were being subjected to and took bold actions by proclaiming our Declaration of Independence, knowing at that time, that they would be sacrificing their lives, money, property and way of life for freedom. Then we had the shot heard around the world and the fight was on. With the aid of France providing assistance with their navy and supplies, and after 7 long years under tremendous hardships, our militia was able to defeat the British army and gain our independence. The people of Iran have seen the people of Iraq embrace their freedoms and the attainment of voting for candidates of their choice that has not been seen in the Middle East let alone an Islamic state. What people must realize is that freedom is not free and as to quote Thomas Jefferson: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Something many people in our country have failed to understand for many years. And yet for all the negatives about the internet, the people of Iran have seen what the real world in like and to quote Thomas Jefferson again, “Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day. Since over 70% of the population of Iran is under 35, they do not support their Islamic state or were around when the Shah had been overturned. Our country should outwardly show our support for the Iranian citizens in their struggle.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
IG firing Update
Gerald Walpin was the inspector general for the Corporation for National and Community Service until last week. President Obama fired him. It seems that he was investigating abuse of funds by Kevin Johnson, Sacramento Mayor who just happens to be a close friend of President Obama. Now we have a flimsy excuse for this firing that is bogus at best. Are we going to accept this firing that is purely political or speak out on this abuse of power or is party loyalty more important than justice. I am sure if President Bush did this, all hell would break loose in the media. Are we going to allow this abuse of power that Obama failed to notify Congress as required or just keep our mouth shut since it is a Democrat involved? It all comes down to what is important, the country and constitution or party loyalty. Write Congress and your representatives if you believe the country comes first. If you don't, you deserve the country you get since you obviously don't care. Boy will you be surprised in years to come.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Congressional Budget Office
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has stated that the Sen. Kennedy health plan will cost $1 Trillion while insuring only approximately 1/3 of those who have no insurance. So we are looking at $3 Trillion for all those so called uninsured. But we forget that according to statistics there may be 15 to 20 million illegals in that group. By the way the cost per person would be $62,000 per insured. Now, how many people have medical cost that comes to that amount annually. We know for some, this is a small amount, when it comes to their medical cost, but, generally, $62,000 a year is outrageous. However, we must realize that this is a government program and when has any government program not have cost overruns. So you can rest assured that whatever numbers the Obama administration throws out, we can sleep securely with the knowledge that we will not be shocked when the price tag is much more than originally projected. Like a couple Trillion dollars more. Now where all this money is coming from has not been indicated yet. Again rest assured that your taxes will increase. A tax by any other name is still a tax. But we did cut $100 million from the last $770 billion dollar stimulus package. With savings like that, we could balance our budget by the year 2210.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Fired Inspector General
The Obama administration fired an Inspector General of Americorps without giving 30 days notice or giving Congress the details as to why. To make matters worse, it appears as if President Obama fired the IG because he was probing some possible fraud with one of Obama's close friends, Kevin Johnson. Mr. Johnson is a former basketball player and current mayor of Sacramento California. Now we have not heard much on this but if it was done my President Bush, all hell would break loose. After all, President Bush fired 8 US attorney's, something he has legal authority to do, and Congress wanted hearings and investigations and still do. When President Clinton fired all the US attorney's there were no complaints even though some were investigating his dealings in the whitewater land deal at the time. But that was A-okay because the news media was in the bag for him. This may be the only place you hear about this also. But then again, according to Homeland Security, I am a bad person and potential terrorist since I am pro-life and attended a tea party and hopefully will do so on July 4. Boy am I in trouble.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
If Congress passes Universal Health care, I advised all out there to go see their doctor as soon as possible and get all your surgeries and other procedures done before it goes into effect because it may be a long time before you get to see your doctor with universal health care. Suckers! After all, didn't y'all vote for change. Of course the only change you will get is what you have in your pocket, if that.
Iarael and US
As reported by CBS news:
Israel's Channel One TV reported that Netanyahu was told Tuesday by an "American official" in Jerusalem that, "We are going to change the world. Please, don't interfere." The report said Netanyahu's aides interpreted this as a "threat."
I don't know why Israel would be upset over this since we know that Obama can walk on water and all he has to do his extend his hand and wham, the world is cured of all what ails it. I hope all those Jewish voters who continue to vote Democrat and supported Obama in the last election are happy with the "CHANGE" they are getting. Now we haven't heard from our friend Sen. Charles Schumer. Now if he was up for election this year he would be outraged. How dumb the voters are.
Israel's Channel One TV reported that Netanyahu was told Tuesday by an "American official" in Jerusalem that, "We are going to change the world. Please, don't interfere." The report said Netanyahu's aides interpreted this as a "threat."
I don't know why Israel would be upset over this since we know that Obama can walk on water and all he has to do his extend his hand and wham, the world is cured of all what ails it. I hope all those Jewish voters who continue to vote Democrat and supported Obama in the last election are happy with the "CHANGE" they are getting. Now we haven't heard from our friend Sen. Charles Schumer. Now if he was up for election this year he would be outraged. How dumb the voters are.
Monday, June 8, 2009
My Healthcare Proposal sent to Congress
How are we going to pay for the Obama Healthcare proposal? Please tell me and your other constituents because we are dying to know? Raising taxes on those who work? We cannot afford the present stimulus money and his proposed budget request. Raising taxes during an economic downturn is not the answer. When was the last time the government took control over anything and ran it at a profit? If you know, please let us all know. We cannot even fund Medicare and Medicaid. I do not want Congress or another czar telling my doctor or me what treatment I can or cannot get. This is beginning to smell like the movie “Soylent Green” that came out in the 70’s where at a certain age you were eliminated. The only available course of action would be to reduce the number of insurance plans or encouraging doctors to accept all insurance plans as long as the plans payment is acceptable to providers or we encourage insurance to rethink their payment. As we know, many insurance plans willingly accept a client’s premium, but their payout leaves a lot to be desired. We need a fair payment schedule that does not screw the payer, payee or medical provider and not a government healthcare plan. This should be reviewed by a Congressional committee that is inclusive of both parties, local state government officials and insurance companies so a mutual acceptable schedule of benefits can be developed. This is the only way to control the increase in insurance cost.
Methane Gas
If cows are emitting so much methane gas into the atmosphere, how come when we light a match, the world does not blow up?
Middle East History Lesson in order?
Before President Obama speaks on world issues or problems will somebody please teach him history of the world? I know teaching history in our schools does not seem to be a priority, but I am sure it was taught when Obama went to school. Of course I cannot say what version he was taught. The actual events or the politically correct version. Israel is not the problem in the Middle East as Obama seemed to indicate in last week’s tour. Obama has to be shown the Camp David accords and other agreements that have been made over the years and that the plight of the Palestinian people is not the fault of Israel but the PLO, Hamas and Hezbollah as well as the countries of Iran and Syria. For 60 years and millions if not billions of aid, there as been very little if any improvement in the lives of the Palestinians thanks the groups mentioned above. The aid does not get filtered down to those who need it and all blame is placed on Israel and the US.
Obama Mathematics
Could someone please explain to me the Obama mathematics that during the month of May we saved 150,000 jobs when the unemployment index jumped to 9.4%? We all know this is slightly higher than the 8 % they originally projected in January and the updated projection of 8.4% before the last figures came out. In January we were going to see how many jobs would be created and now we hear about how many jobs we saved and no jobs created. We are losing jobs and the only jobs we are saving are those in the UAW that are being saved through taxpayer dollars as part of a political payback for their financial and political support during the 2008 campaign. This is corruption pure and simple. So, is this the new math I heard so much about many years ago because Obama’s figures do not compute? We continue to borrow money from sources that leave a lot to be desired, selling our soul to the devil and bankrupting our government for what is believed to be political gain while the representatives of the people, Congress, just vote yea and do not even read the bills voted on. Even the hiring of a speed-reader could not complete reading a bill, but it will be voted on anyway. It is obvious, the required standards for Congress have been lowered just like the learning standards in our schools so that being literate is no longer a requirement, just the ability to say yea or nae. Again, for the Democrats it is party first and not country. As I mentioned in previous correspondence, Profiles in Courage, I do not see. Not that the Republicans have done much better in previous years. I recommend that Congress give us a balance budget or for every year they don’t, they get a 15% cut in pay. Let business file bankruptcy and reorganize just like the airlines and other companies have done, (Harley Davidson, example) and we would see a meaner and leaner auto industry and other businesses.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Salary Czar
So now President Obama is going to name a salary czar that will oversee executive salaries of all those companies that accepted stimulus money. And this may even be expanded to all companies whether they accepted stimulus money or not. I think this makes 20 czars that are not elected but will dictate policy. I thought that was the duty of our elected representatives in Congress. I guess this is the latest move to take over all facets of government, corporations and businesses, as Obama will now become Dictator Obama. As I have indicated in previous blogs America is awakening to a country that is becoming closer to Cuba, Venezuela and Russia. The American voter has been duped and the Democrats have closed their eyes to what is happening for the good of their party rather than the good of the country. But why does this not surprise some of us. After all if you do not know about someone, you judge them the by the company they keep. In this case, Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers and the Chicago corrupt political machine. This is what the mainstream media brought upon us by not vetting this candidate. They still report Obama walking on water. Remember, he does not need to take Air Force One since he could just walk across to Europe.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Blame America Tour
First we had the Apology Tour when President Obama went to Europe in April and now we had the Blame America Tour when touring the Middle East. His next tour we can see our retreat from Iraq and Afghanistan as part of his plan to gain the support of Muslim countries while destroying this country’s standing in the world. This president has an agenda and it is not good for this country. This president believes we are responsible for all the problems in the world. Well, I think he should bring all our troops home from all our overseas bases and when the UN or other countries have problems that do not involve our safety and security, we tell the UN to address the problem but don’t count on us. And our safety and security means we should only react when there is a threat to our 50 states and territories and used whatever means is necessary to exterminate that threat. Otherwise when countries need help with aid for earthquakes, tsunami terrorist acts, starvation, etc, we can tell the world and the UN we will stay on the sidelines and watch since we might do something that some people may believe is a threat or we are looking to take over their country or spy on them. Just think of the money we could save. And if we would begin a drill here drill now mentality, we can tell OPEC to kiss our butt and save approximately $700 Billion a year. A savings that could eventually balance our out of control spending. After all what can the UN do but just issue one of many resolutions that no body follows anyway.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
As anyone with half a brain knows, that there is widespread corruption in our political process and especially in our Congress. For those who do not know how our government operates, Congress means the House of Representatives and Senate. (435 in the House and 100 in Senate) But we continue to elect these same corrupt politicians year after year. One thing you learn very quickly is that when a politician gets elected, no matter what his platform, he begins a Politician Action Committee (PAC) to start the process for his next election campaign. As you can see these elected officials have their priorities in order but it is not serving those who elected them. Take care of yourself, your friends, your political donors, your family, (sorry John Murtha) and if you have time, maybe something for your constituents. When was the last time you heard of a poor politician. If you did, he probably never got re-elected. Take Hillary Clinton for instance. She invested $10,000 in futures and made $100,000 in a very short time to the surprise of long time investors who never had such luck. I think she is so good and making money, she should have been in charge of the Treasury. Just think, we could solve our budget deficits by the end of 2009. Just look at all the earmarks that we see inserted in bills that help out political friends and donors. Highway to nowhere, sex research of prostitutes in Brazil and oh what we see today, the bailout of the auto industry just to save the UAW from suffering. We are going to spend $50 billion dollars in addition to the over $20 billion spent already to save 50,000 jobs at General Motors. I wonder how the other 6 million unemployed feel. Again, wake up American and study exactly what your representative has done for you lately. It it country first or donors, friends, family and constitutents.