Over 40 years ago there was another famous American that gave a speech on the Washington Mall telling us that ‘He had a dream.” Well, Americans also have a dream that government of the people, by the people and for the people will not perish from the earth.
My dream is that we have true representation
My dream is that we have a balance budget before we spend any more money on new programs. For every year our elected officials do not balance the budget, they must accept a 10% pay cut.
My dream is that we have election reform where politicians can only accept money from individual constituents not to exceed $1000 and not from big labor unions, lobbyist and large corporations. As long as our elected officials can get big money from these groups their loyalty will not be to the people that elected them but to those that bribed them.
My dream is that we have term limits for our Congressional Representatives not to exceed 6 years for House Representatives and one term, 6 years, for our Senators. The purpose of representation was for the people to volunteer their services to serve the people and not create a position that they would occupy for 20, 30 or more years.
My dream is that our Congressional Representatives should not have a lucrative pension and benefits but should have to accept Social Security, Medicare when they reach retirement age wherever they may be working. While serving their 6 years they should only have a 401K where a maximum of $5000 can be donated with the government matching to a maximum of $2000. All pay raises should be voted upon by the public during government elections that are held every two years or longer. Congress should not be permitted to vote on pay raises for themselves.
My dream is that the Americans will continue to wake up and continue their vocal outburst until our representatives get the message. After, we all know that they are more interested in keeping their job, keeping their party in power, catering to big money and if anything is left to throw their constituents a bone every now and then. Remember come the 2010 elections what your representatives have actually done and if they avoided town hall meetings to meet with those who elected them.
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