Monday, June 8, 2009
Obama Mathematics
Could someone please explain to me the Obama mathematics that during the month of May we saved 150,000 jobs when the unemployment index jumped to 9.4%? We all know this is slightly higher than the 8 % they originally projected in January and the updated projection of 8.4% before the last figures came out. In January we were going to see how many jobs would be created and now we hear about how many jobs we saved and no jobs created. We are losing jobs and the only jobs we are saving are those in the UAW that are being saved through taxpayer dollars as part of a political payback for their financial and political support during the 2008 campaign. This is corruption pure and simple. So, is this the new math I heard so much about many years ago because Obama’s figures do not compute? We continue to borrow money from sources that leave a lot to be desired, selling our soul to the devil and bankrupting our government for what is believed to be political gain while the representatives of the people, Congress, just vote yea and do not even read the bills voted on. Even the hiring of a speed-reader could not complete reading a bill, but it will be voted on anyway. It is obvious, the required standards for Congress have been lowered just like the learning standards in our schools so that being literate is no longer a requirement, just the ability to say yea or nae. Again, for the Democrats it is party first and not country. As I mentioned in previous correspondence, Profiles in Courage, I do not see. Not that the Republicans have done much better in previous years. I recommend that Congress give us a balance budget or for every year they don’t, they get a 15% cut in pay. Let business file bankruptcy and reorganize just like the airlines and other companies have done, (Harley Davidson, example) and we would see a meaner and leaner auto industry and other businesses.
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