Monday, June 8, 2009
Middle East History Lesson in order?
Before President Obama speaks on world issues or problems will somebody please teach him history of the world? I know teaching history in our schools does not seem to be a priority, but I am sure it was taught when Obama went to school. Of course I cannot say what version he was taught. The actual events or the politically correct version. Israel is not the problem in the Middle East as Obama seemed to indicate in last week’s tour. Obama has to be shown the Camp David accords and other agreements that have been made over the years and that the plight of the Palestinian people is not the fault of Israel but the PLO, Hamas and Hezbollah as well as the countries of Iran and Syria. For 60 years and millions if not billions of aid, there as been very little if any improvement in the lives of the Palestinians thanks the groups mentioned above. The aid does not get filtered down to those who need it and all blame is placed on Israel and the US.
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