Thursday, October 22, 2009
Judge me by the people I surround myself with. So said candidate Obama during a debate with John McCain in 2008. Since the so called main stream news media did not do any vetting and the Obama campaign attacked anyone or organization that attempted to research candidate Obama, not much was known about Obama for the first time in any presidential election. So, we must look at those he receives counsel, were appointed by him and are involved in his administration decision making. What we find is an abundance of avowed Marxist, Communist and Socialist. Listening to what they say and that they want to fundamentally change America from capitalism to a government control of everything you realize their radical thinking is out to destroy what we had for the last 240 years. Is it Treason that these “advisers” are advocating? Everything they are pushing for is in violation of the Constitution. America, wake up or you will lose everything. See what is happening in Venezuela. This administration is putting their people in place to further their conspiracy. Call it what you want, but a conspiracy by any other name is still a conspiracy.
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