Thursday, August 6, 2009
Something Fishy Here?
We now have big brother watching us on what we say or do as a way of trying to intimidate us into complying with the Obama Administration’s attempt at a government healthcare plan. Congress and the President may have not read the bill that they are promoting but the public has read part or all and we do not like what we read. However, in order to combat the rhetoric against this bill and the turmoil that our elected officials are seeing at their town hall meeting because they support a bill they did not read, the White House has established a web site that they want the public to write to on all those who are writing or talking against the healthcare bill. If there is something fishy about this what the White House is doing it is the smell they are emitting. I guess some day I will get a visit by some people in a black Chevy Suburban with wires coming out of their ears.
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