Monday, August 17, 2009
Town Hall meetings
If you attend town hall meetings and protest government spending, stimulus packages, bailouts and their attempt at healthcare reform, you are considered, Un-American, a mob or a group associated with some right wing extremist organization. You are just an average American and when it comes to being politically active you were just a couch potato. This no longer applies and your elected representative cannot not face the fact that his or her constituents are speaking out. Now with reckless spending, stimulus money spending for political favors and the opportunity for this administration trying to gain control of your healthcare decisions you began to become vocal to express your displeasure against what this government is attempting to do. Most of your elected officials are outraged and how dare you disagree with their position. You now know that these elected officials on either party don’t represent you as much as they do themselves and their political party. Country first and their constituents that help put them in office are just tertiary thoughts that really do not apply. As for so called blue dog Democrats, they are more concerned about getting re-elected in 2010 and keeping their party in power rather being really concerned with the healthcare debate. They will, like just about every other Congressional representative, do anything that can get them re-elected. And you thought they were really concerned. Shame on you.
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