It was interesting this week that President Obama and some members of Congress indicated that this so called universal health care that they are trying to push on us would not apply to them. And why does that not surprise us? You would think if universal health care (government health care) was so good that everyone would want to have it.
Oh by the way, in an interview with ABC news this week, President Obama indicated that seniors should be looking into Hospice care and he repeated this comment several times. In essence what he is trying to say is if treatment could be costly you will not get the treatment and be ready to be put out to pasture (Hospice). This is the beginning of Eugenics where the old, infirm, retarded, mentally handicapped etc. are exterminated rather than be a burden on society and medical cost. A review of history will show that Hitler believed in this, Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood and many of our electrical officials in the teens, 20’s and 30’s. FDR was one also. Look it up and do your own research if you don’t believe this. So for those of you getting on in years or have elderly parents still living, be prepared. The way government will reduce medical cost is not to have procedures that be costly on those that really should not have them. Just check with Canada and England and see the long wait that patients have to endure. At times the wait is such that the procedure becomes unnecessary because the patient had died. This is one way of eliminating or reducing medical cost.
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