Monday, December 21, 2009
Hypocrites all.
The hypocrites in Congress have done it again. Through the use of bribes, using taxpayer money, Sen. Harry Reid and company managed to get a commitment of 60 votes for his version of the Health care bill. Notice I said his version since only Harry and friends have read it. How many times have you been told not to sign your name on a contract without reading what you are signing? Of course, this not apply to Congress where all kinds of hypocrisy exist. Not only do they except bribes from lobbyist, pharmaceuticals, big labor, big business and other organizations, but now they are using taxpayer money to bribe each other. And you thought corruption only existed on Wall Street. That is what Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Obama and company want you to believe while they rip you off on a continual basis. As long as they control both houses of Congress and the White House, they can do anything they want, even though most it is not in the U.S. Constitution. Notice I said the U.S. Constitution since most member of Congress, from both parties, haven’t clue what is in our Constitution. Once both houses go into committee to come up with a bill both houses can vote on, the Senate will only need 50 votes and the V.P. will have the tiebreaker. So, 10 Democrats can vote against the final version to satisfy their constituents and use the Sen. Kerry defense, “I voted for the bill before I voted against it”. Once passes, it will be up to those groups adversely affected to challenge this in the U.S. Supreme Court. An individual could, but you will probably have to do that from jail because you refused to pay for something you do not want. Remember the elections in 2010.
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