Saturday, December 19, 2009
This Congress has seen fit to blame Wall Street for most of the economic problems we see today compounded by greed. It is amazing that when they make these claims they are not looking in a mirror. Congress has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that their greed, corruption and taste for power far exceeds what any wall street executive could do. This present Congress has ignored their constituents on healthcare and are pushing to destroy our present healthcare system for the power and control that government can have over our lives. Instead of "We the People" telling the government what the citizens want, it has become "We the Government". This is a highjacking of our constitutional rights and what our founding fathers wrote into the constitution. Unless we speak out and literally fight for our rights as in 1776, we may see what this socialist Congress wants, another Venezuela and control of every aspect of our lives. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution does not permit Congress to do what they are doing in healthcare and forcing all Americans to purchase health insurance. If you do not drive a car, you do not need auto insurance and if you don't want to pay for medical insurance so be it. That is your right and choice and if nobody wants to give you medical attention, that again is your choice. We have programs in place for all those who cannot afford medical insurance and do not need more government control in our lives. Join a Tea Party group by going to "Tea Party Patriots" and also the "912 project". Join the local groups in your area and become a fighter for freedom and the constitution by attending meetings, demonstrations and what appears to be another march on Washington on August 28, 2010.
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