A Secular Society?
Secularism is a word that we have heard now for many years. There is a move in this country to move away from religion to the state being the new God. This has been the direction that some people want to country to move into for nearly 80 years. These individuals, or non-believers for want of a better term, realize that religion is and has been the stumbling block for implementation of their plans. At present religious organizations provide roadblocks to their program. Mussolini tried this in the 20’s and 30’s but the Catholic Church pushed back and he had to abandon his plans. (Fascism for those who don’t know) You see, without religion providing the moral fabric to society we wind up with a godless society where programs of abortion, euthanasia and eugenics can prosper. If one was to read the bible you would see that God promised the Jews a land flowing with milk and honey and the only requirement was to continue adoration to God. As the bible shows, as long as the Jews followed this teaching their country had tremendous prosperity and defeated all enemies great and small. However, when they turned away from God, ignored God and paid adoration to idols and false gods, they suffered military defeat, occupation and disease. We are also or where a great country that was a light to the world where immigrants came in droves to enter this country where they were free and could become anything as long as they worked at it. We were founded under Judeo/Christian principles and these principles have been under attack for many years. We cannot pray in schools or public institutions of wear any type of clothing that may have any religion words or phrases in public buildings since somebody will be offended. We have seen a push for political correctness and so called correcting of history. Correcting history to fit a political ideology was done in Germany in the 20’s and 30’s and the former Soviet Union. Of course if history of this great country is even taught anymore. When people grow up without knowing the history of the country they live in, then they become ripe for the pickings when fed false information. We see that today in what some call the dumbing down of America. And unfortunately, these people vote. They believe what they are told without reading or examining topics to find out the truth and the whole truth. As this country wanders down the path of secularism, and turn our backs on God, don’t expect us to survive as our founding fathers hoped. We must awaken and turn back to God and make God the center point of our life and country. Then we will see an amazing improvement in our country. Without God, we are a dying society.
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