Saturday, December 26, 2009
Christmas and 2010
On Christmas day we celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ over 2000 years ago. Contrary to some beliefs, December 25 has been set aside for this celebration, although through commercialization some actually believe this date has been set aside for Santa Claus and the exchanging of presents. Some, in an attempt to remove religion from our lives have likened it to a celebration of the Winter Solace. Anything but something that has a religious connotation to it. This is keeping with the push over the past 60 years to remove any symbolism, notation, display or the words Merry Christmas from our vocabulary. Destroy religious values and morals and you can take over the lives of the citizens of a country or even the world. Did you ever think as you were growing up that invoking the name of God, praying or having Christmas displays would be offensive to people. Especially, since this country was founded on religious freedom and a safe haven for those who were persecuted for religious beliefs contrary to their country of birth. Even our Founding Fathers believed that religion should be taught in schools. Not any particular religion but that there was a Creator that made the planets, the solar system and us. Something most if not all religions taught at the time of the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Now we find people from the far left side of the spectrum that find religion and religious displays offensive even though we find their behavior and actions offensive to us. Thus making the practice of a public display of religion at times difficult. But it is okay for those who are offended to get their way but not those that have been offended by forcing such religious actions not to happen. So with all this in mind, don’t be surprised if there is a push for Christmas not to be celebrated as a government holiday and that if you want to celebrate this day, you must use your own time if your government job will allow you to be on vacation. I hope as many in the Tea Party movement and those involved in the 912 Project that we will see a birth of patriotism, a ground swell that will see a tremendous change in the political landscape in 2010 and put an end to one political party in control of both houses of Congress. Say yes to “ throwing the bums out”. Our so-called representatives have not seen a dollar they will not spend. Budget constraints are not in play in Congress and we must get our monetary house in order and demand a balance budget and a cut in spending and taxes to spur the economy and not this tax and spend policy that is destroying this country as well as individual freedoms guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution. Tell Congress to balance the budget or take a 10% cut in pay for every year the budget is not balanced. 2010 will be the year of the 2nd American Revolution. Remember it is “We the People” not “We the Government”. Congress must listen to the voters and not their political hacks and party leaders. They serve us. It is time to get off our butts and be heard. Our voices will become the 2nd shot heard around the world. Discouragement is not in our dictionary, but victory is.
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