Thursday, September 24, 2009
Benjamin Franklin Said....
As Benjamin Franklin noted while traveling through Europe, there was a violent struggle for appointments to public offices because they paid so well. He felt this was a serious mistake. That is because our Founding Fathers believed it was an honor to serve their country. Today, we see politicians and political parties spend hundred of thousands if not million of dollars for a job that pays approximately $174,000. Obviously, Benjamin Franklin’s words now fall on death ears. It is all about corruption and how much money can I earn on this job above and beyond the base salary. Doesn’t matter which party is in power, it is just the electorate is put on the back burner. But there may be a light at the end of the tunnel as “We the People”, have begun to have our voices heard and if it falls on death ears, our voices will be heard again in the 2010 elections. It seems this may be what “We the People” will have to do. We must remember to let our elected representatives who are due for re-election know with no uncertain terms that what they do will be remembered in 2010.
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