Sent to my Congressional Representatives
Please explain to me where in the U.S. Constitution that the Legislative, Executive or Judicial branches of government have the authority to impose health care on its citizens? Section 8 of the Constitution delegates the powers of Congress and nowhere does it read must provide for medical care. Congress is to provide for common defense and general welfare of the United States as delineated in the text that follows in that section.
The Declaration of Independence also states, “that we are endowed by our creator (God, for those who don’t know who their creator is) with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers form the consent of the governed”. God guarantees my unalienable rights and not a King or government as our Founding Fathers knew and indicted in this Declaration, and neither Congress, Executive or Judicial can take them away. Imposing on my rights is not provided in the Constitution. If any citizens or business does not have or provide health insurance, government cannot under the U.S. Constitution impose such measures. If by some chance a citizen that does not have medical coverage gets sick that is their responsibility. However, because we are a caring society, we do provide treatment in hospital emergency rooms that the taxpayer eventually bears the burden in higher insurance premiums or medical cost. But to force us to have insurance is not warranted but it is a choice we make. I think it is about time we got back to following the Constitution and not bypassing it. Amendment X delegates to the states those powers not neither delegated to Congress nor prohibited by the Constitution. If anything, it is a state issue.
Vote no on any government health care option. Instead allow purchase of coverage across state lines, real tort reform and end to pre-existing conditions. And since when must we pass health care reform so we can reduce corruption in government programs and obtain the money to pay for this program. Government should be reducing corruption in all government programs now and not use this as a weapon to vote for government option. What program has government run in the last 70 years that has not had corruption and overpayments? This government healthcare option is another big government bureaucracy that cost at least 3 time the 900 billion the president indicate as well as 3 times 1.6 billion what the CBO claims.
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