Monday, June 8, 2009
My Healthcare Proposal sent to Congress
How are we going to pay for the Obama Healthcare proposal? Please tell me and your other constituents because we are dying to know? Raising taxes on those who work? We cannot afford the present stimulus money and his proposed budget request. Raising taxes during an economic downturn is not the answer. When was the last time the government took control over anything and ran it at a profit? If you know, please let us all know. We cannot even fund Medicare and Medicaid. I do not want Congress or another czar telling my doctor or me what treatment I can or cannot get. This is beginning to smell like the movie “Soylent Green” that came out in the 70’s where at a certain age you were eliminated. The only available course of action would be to reduce the number of insurance plans or encouraging doctors to accept all insurance plans as long as the plans payment is acceptable to providers or we encourage insurance to rethink their payment. As we know, many insurance plans willingly accept a client’s premium, but their payout leaves a lot to be desired. We need a fair payment schedule that does not screw the payer, payee or medical provider and not a government healthcare plan. This should be reviewed by a Congressional committee that is inclusive of both parties, local state government officials and insurance companies so a mutual acceptable schedule of benefits can be developed. This is the only way to control the increase in insurance cost.
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