Monday, December 27, 2010
Class Warfare
First we have Obama administration and Democrats in Congress playing the race card to try to accomplish their radical changes in our country by trying to make anyone who opposes Obama to be a racist. Then they have moved on to class warfare by going after those making more than $250,000 as if they are responsible for all the trillions of dollars this administration and Congress have given us in the last 2 years. And remember, the Democrats have been in control of congress since 2006. Some interesting facts that should be considered: Of the 140 million that filed tax returns in 2008 only 5% with an adjusted growth income (AGI) made more than $160,000 a year, but paid more than 58.7 of the taxes collected. Only 1.4 million with an AGI in excess of $380,000, a mere 1% of the total filers, paid 38% of the taxes, while the other 133 million paid 94% of the total whose income was below $160,000. There were 58 million who paid no taxes. In fact, many of them were paid money via the earned tax credit. The question is, "Is it fair that 5% of the taxpayers pay 60% of the taxes collected?" The rich are not the responsible for our large deficits, but Congress and who has controlled of Congress for the past 4 years and the White House for the past 2 years. That is where the deficit spending and our $14 trillion deficit comes from. Congress has never seen a dollar they could not spend. Forget about where the money comes from, they will just find a way to tax more so they can spend more. The time to cut spending is upon us and printing more money to pay bills will only lead to hyper-inflation and all our money will then become worthless. But maybe, that is what this radical administration wants in a vain attempt to put in place a socialist society. Of course for anyone who reads history knows that socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried. It may last for 50 or 70 years, but eventually it collapses on its own weight of debt, corruption and poverty it creates.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Be alert and watchful for the 112 Congress
Be watchful of the Democrats as they will pull out all the punches to try and scuttle any Republican agenda or legislation in order to get the media on their side on how the Republicans cannot do the job they promised during the campaign. Of course we already know that compromise is not in the dictionary of Reid, Pelosi and Obama. And we can say this with 100% certainty by reviewing the last two years of Congress where decisions were made behind close doors, Republicans were not invited to even submit ideas or amendments to legislation, and how you had to pass a bill to know what was in it. Need I say more.
The truth about so called compromise
In Obama's almost 2 years in office he has never asked for or supported bipartisanship. In his previous speeches he told the Republicans in no uncertain terms that the election was over and they could get with the program (Democratic program) or get out of the way. He also indicated during this summer campaign that the Republicans should get to the back of the bus and get out of the way. Now with the Nov. elections, all of a sudden he realizes that his radical legislation agenda is in jeopardy and he must appear that compromise is good and this is what he wanted all along although all he speeches up to the present was "I am the President and the Democrats are in charge and either you are with us or get out of the way". Don't be fooled by what he has just said about the Tax Bill compromise since this is just a smoke screen to hide his great displeasure in not getting what he wants. His ideology will not allow him to even hint of moving toward the center. This man believes in a Marist/Socialist agenda and the only reason it has not worked in the past with other countries is because they did not apply the concept correctly and with his other elitist they will do it right. Yet, no matter how you wish to spin it, Marxist/Socialist governments to not work and any movement towards that direction, as we now see in Europe, will only lead to unrest and disappointment to the citizens. You can only take so much money from the citizens before the well runs dry and government control over production and industry has always failed. I mean, when was the last time our government cut spending and balance the budget. If Obama moved to cut spending he could not institute his socialist programs and agenda and we all know Congress has not met a dollar they could not spend. The next two years will show the real side of Obama as he blames the Republicans for anything and everything that happens in this country. He is above blame because he walks on water and came to save us. If you believe his rhetoric, I know a bridge in Brooklyn that is for sale.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Whose Money is it Anyway?
Regarding the debate on whether to extend the Bush tax cuts, the question that should really be asked is, "Whose money is it anyway". Does the government control our paycheck and tell us what we will receive or is it "We the People", through our elected representatives that should tell the government what we will give them. In these economic times, families must control expenses and yet all the rhetoric on these tax cuts have not included the government reducing their spending. Instead of claiming that continuing tax cuts for those making more than $250,000 will cost the government billions, why not cut spending a few $100 billion dollars a year to move towards a balance budget. Increasing taxes will not reduce our massive uncontrollable deficit unless we undertake hard choices and reduce government spending. We can start by using the unspent stimulus that has not worked as the unemployment stats indicate for the unemployed and by having a 20% cut in salaries from the White House, cabinet appointees, czars and all administrative staff down through Congress and their staff and any person who complains can find another job. There are many qualified unemployed people who will gladly take their job. Washington must lead by example. What happened on November 2 can be repeated in 2012. Not another extra tax dollar should be given to government until government makes the hard choices to reduce our deficit and reckless spending. Balancing the budget first should be job #1.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Class Warfare?
The discussion on whether to extend the Bush tax cuts but not include those making over $250,000 which is just another way for the Democrats to pursue their ideology that includes class warfare. The Democrats have been doing this for years beginning with black Americans by getting them to feed from the public trough rather than encouraging them to better themselves through education and family values and keeping the family intact. How many forget that Pres. Eisenhower attempted to have Congress pass a civil rights bill and then it was Pres. Kennedy who attempted the same type of legislation but both failed because the Democrats would not support such legislation. Then along comes Pres. Johnson and with and only with the support of the Republicans did the 1964 Civil Rights act pass. This bill did not have wide support among Democrats. In fact in order to provide more rights and liberties, it was the Republicans that pushed to pass the 12th, 13th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution to provide rights to blacks that the southern Democrats were blocking through various means and devices. Yet we see the Democrats using class warfare to keep the black vote and now trying to claim that our economic problems is because of the taxes the rich do not pay. And now these same Democrats are attempting to obtain Hispanic support by claiming Republicans would put them on a bus and send them back to Mexico. We see how Rev. Jackson and Sharpton continue to use race as a impetus for financial gain for themselves. Of course we see this now with Congressman Rangel and previous to that Congressman Adam Clayton Powell who go through the motions but live a lifestyle that many they serve can only dream about. Race and class warfare is how the Democrats keep in power and the voters don't seem to have a clue how they are being ripped off. But as long as the money faucet is not turned off, they will continue to get re-elected.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Wikileaks and the Obama Administration
During the 8 years of the Bush administration we did not have any leaks of military confidential information. We did have the release of photos to the prison Abu Ghraib showing prison abuse of prisoners of war, but that concerned soldiers releasing these photos to each other and friends. However, Wikileaks is entirely different that comprises 10 of thousands of papers of confidential military information. President Obama and his far left advisers, who by the way have indicated in words and deeds their dislike of the United States, do not have favorable opinions of our engagements in Iraq or Afghanistan. And all of a sudden we have Wikileaks exposing confidential military information. Do you think that maybe these leaks have emanated from the Obama administration? Since this administration has done nothing but talk a good line instead of attempting to shut down the Wikileadks operation through legal or other means and by getting our allies on board, they just complain and threaten legal action. Have you seen anything yet? Remember this is an administration and a President that will do anything to downgrade our standing in the world, apologies to our enemies and friends for basically existing and through all of our existence we have tried to be the best we can be and doing so by constitutionally restricting government control by having a Republican form of government instead of a socialism government. Can you name any socialist country that has succeeded to surpass us? You will not find one. So, I believe that someone in the Obama administration has responsibility for these leaks and just like David Axlerod stated recently concerning accusations he made, I can also say, prove me wrong. So, who else is a contributor to these leaks? I believe that person or persons works in Washington D.C. with ties to the Obama administration. Like I said, prove me wrong. This is what the left want to see and the leaks have the support of the NY Times and other left media organizations.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
It appears the government has redefined how inflation is calculated and they have decided not to include food and fuel cost in the inflation spiral. I guess they may have gone shopping and realized the amount that food cost have increased this year. At least 10% and I imagine they may have walked to the store and not had to fill their autos with gasoline. Talk amount juggling statistics to benefit the White House. They must think the American people are dumb and don't buy food.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Does it Apply today, you decide?
Famous quotes from Joseph Goebbels that seem to apply today to the Socialist Democratic Party and the White House and staff.
“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over
”If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over
”If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Time for Constitution Convention
With the Republican gains in Governorships and state legislators, it is time for the states to call for a Constitutional convention to pass two amendments. One for a balance budget and the other for term limits for Congress. Term limits should be 4 terms for House members (8 years) and 2 terms for Senators (12 years) The U.S. Constitution requires 2/3 of the states (34) to call for a convention and 3/4 (38) of the states to pass amendments. In this case, the states have the last word and not Congress. Read the Constitution if you don't know.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Now is the Time
Now is the time for the Republican House in January to investigate the Fed and their books, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the illusive George Soros and his Un-American activities. Also, the truth behind Obamacare.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
We have only just begun
Our job is not done, until the Senate and White House are won. Let's not get complacent with this victory over the Social Democrats. This is just the beginning and I believe if it was not for the 9/12 Project and Tea Party groups, what we saw on election may not have happen. There is much more to be done and this election proves that "We The People" can take our country back and get on the right track that was given to us by our Founding Fathers. The Republicans have been given a lease on the House and we must make sure that they hold to our Constitution, their 2010 Contract to America, and not go back to business as usual. 2012 is just around the corner and we must make sure we can put forth and support those candidates that meet our standards and not any political party standard. We have only just begun to fight. Don't abandon what we have started and we must get more to join this movement. "Yes Virginia, there is a God."
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The real story of the leaks
For those who want to know, the Wikileads articles have really come from the Obama administration in their attempt to discredit the United States to the world and provide an incentive for the Obama administration to leave Iraq and Afghanistan and in keeping in his plan to make us into a 3rd world country. Rather than attempt to bring up countries to our level, he prefers to lower ours. This make his father's dream come true.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Funny money
The Democrats are making allegations that the US Chamber of Commerce has used foreign money in Republican campaigns. This is we know is unfounded and cannot be proven, but following the Saul Alinsky model, who cares, just make the allegation continually and eventually some people believe it. Well, two can play the same game and I am alleging that the entire Obama administration and his appointees are being paid by China to destroy this country. After all, we continue to borrow money from China and I dare anyone to prove that the money is not being used to pay their salaries.
A Socialist?
The question is being asked many times if President Obama is a Socialist. Well, if we look at his policies of government control in our lives and decision making, those he has associated with his entire life and those he has appointed to Czar positions, one can conclude he has socialist thoughts. Now we all know, at least those who think for themselves and do not allow government to think for them, that the ism's (Marxism, Socialist, Fascism) has never worked and even the Castro brothers after nearly 60 years of communism have finally come to that conclusion. But we also know, that President Obama and his elitist friends believe their version is better and all the others just did not do it right. Dinesh D'Souza has it right in his latest book, "The Roots of Obama's Rage" when he uses the facts that Obama wrote about in his book, "Dreams from my Father" as well as Obama's actions in his life from beginning to the current time. That Obama is trying to live out his father's dreams in his presidency. And that dream was to destroy all the colonial countries for what they did to Africa and other countries over the years. As well as the fact that Obama really only associated with revolutionaries and Marxist, Socialist and Communist throughout his early years and in college. One can call him the new version of the Manchurian Candidate.
It's Amazing
It's amazing to see how many Democrats are running for office and their advertisements/posters do not indicate what party they are affiliated with.
It is amazing how many Democrats now are running away from Queen Pelosi and King Reid in a attempt to delude the public into believing they are not associated with these to Democratic leaders. Yet when these two Congressional leaders were forcing bills down the throat of the citizens, they did not speak out, but now that their election is in jeopardy, oh now they want to really show where they stand. The old saying applies: "fool me once................................
Also, we listen to President Obama, Pelosi, Reid and other Democrats on how the Republicans are blocking legislation. Well the last time I looked, the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and the White House and they can introduce any legislation their little heart desires and the Republicans cannot stop it. Could it be that there are some Democrats that will not vote for some of this legislation and they do not want to be embarrassed so they find it easier to blame the other party.
Hopefully, term limits begin November 2.
It is amazing how many Democrats now are running away from Queen Pelosi and King Reid in a attempt to delude the public into believing they are not associated with these to Democratic leaders. Yet when these two Congressional leaders were forcing bills down the throat of the citizens, they did not speak out, but now that their election is in jeopardy, oh now they want to really show where they stand. The old saying applies: "fool me once................................
Also, we listen to President Obama, Pelosi, Reid and other Democrats on how the Republicans are blocking legislation. Well the last time I looked, the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and the White House and they can introduce any legislation their little heart desires and the Republicans cannot stop it. Could it be that there are some Democrats that will not vote for some of this legislation and they do not want to be embarrassed so they find it easier to blame the other party.
Hopefully, term limits begin November 2.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Why we need change
Adam Clayton Powell represented Harlem N.Y. in Congress for many years. He was followed by Charlie Rangel. Both Representatives used their constituents to better their lifestyle and after all those years, most of the people of Harlem are no better off. They lived off their constituents with false promises and placed the blame for their plight on the Republicans, business, rich people and anyone else they could throw blame on while they lived a lifestyle most people could only dream about. We see the same with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Promises, promises and more promises. Manipulating the black population while they enjoy a better lifestyle while claiming to be looking out for them. You would think with all the money pumped into the school system, job training and other programs, one would think their would be improvement. In any event, those so called leaders seem to have a different lifestyle than they had before they took on their roles. I don't mean to imply that they are ripping off their constituents or followers, but one has to wonder about the results of all those years with their involvement with these communities and citizens and the results or lack thereof. But that is why this upcoming election on November 2 is so important. To rid us of all those so called professional politicians that seem to think Congress is a job and they should remain in office until they decide to leave and how dare the voters think differently. The intent of the Founding Fathers was to serve you country in Congress for a few years and return home to your job as a merchant, farmer etc. We have too many in Congress that believe they are entitled to their jobs. We need term limits: 4 terms for House members and 2 terms for Senators with no pension benefits and a reduction in salary from $174,000 a year. We need the vote of 38 states to approve a constitutional amendment to become law. Congress can pass legislation, but the states must vote for the amendment. We must get back to "We the People" and not "We the Government". Thomas Jefferson stated "Power Corrupts" and we see that with our Congressional members. Even those who lost in the primaries are attempting to run for their office as independents even though they were rejected by the voters. "How dare they vote me out of office".
220 years ago, Washington knew and we have forgotten
In his first annual address to Congress in 1790, President Washington stated the following, documented as recorded. Fitting for what is happening today.
Knowledge is in every country the surest basis of public happiness. To the security of a free Constitution it contributes in various ways. By convincing those who are intrusted with public administration, that every valuable end of Government is best answered by the enlightened confidence of the people: and by teaching the people themselves to know and to value their own rights; to discern and provide against invasions of them; to distinguish between oppression and the necessary exercise of lawful authority; between burthens proceeding from a disregard to their convenience and those resulting from the inevitable exigencies of Society; to discriminate the spirit of Liberty from that of licentiousness, cherishing the first, avoiding the last, and uniting a speedy, but temperate vigilance against encroachments, with an inviolable respect to the laws.
In other words, a well-educated citizenry is essential to maintain both the law and liberty and for having the ability to distinguish between liberty and license. This discernment comes through education. Washington insisted that religion and morality were integral to a sound education.
Knowledge is in every country the surest basis of public happiness. To the security of a free Constitution it contributes in various ways. By convincing those who are intrusted with public administration, that every valuable end of Government is best answered by the enlightened confidence of the people: and by teaching the people themselves to know and to value their own rights; to discern and provide against invasions of them; to distinguish between oppression and the necessary exercise of lawful authority; between burthens proceeding from a disregard to their convenience and those resulting from the inevitable exigencies of Society; to discriminate the spirit of Liberty from that of licentiousness, cherishing the first, avoiding the last, and uniting a speedy, but temperate vigilance against encroachments, with an inviolable respect to the laws.
In other words, a well-educated citizenry is essential to maintain both the law and liberty and for having the ability to distinguish between liberty and license. This discernment comes through education. Washington insisted that religion and morality were integral to a sound education.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
How elitist think
The Democrats control both house of Congress since January 2007. They can introduce any legislation they wish and the Republicans cannot do anything about it. The so called party of NO has no control over what legislation Congress can vote on. But since the Democrats don't want to vote on extending the Bush tax cuts, the prefer blaming the Republicans for not passing the legislation. So what if the Republicans want to extend all the cuts but the Democrats want to only extend those cuts that affect those earning less than $250,000. Just submit the legislation and vote on it to see if it will pass. However, the Democrats did not want to because they know their own members wanted all the cuts extended. So they just go on vacation, blame the Republicans and the business owners have no idea what is going to happen, so they continue not to hire and spend. That is what happens when you elect those interested in staying in office, getting their party elected and could care less about the economy or the public. That is why we need a Constitutional amendment for term limits to throw the bums out. All we need is the states to get together and for 38 states to vote and approve an amendment and it becomes amendment #28 in the U.S. Constitution.
What the Democrats don't want you to know.
The day the democrats took over was not January 22nd 2009 -- it was actually January 3rd 2007, the day the Democrats took over the House of Representatives and the Senate, the start of the 110th Congress. The Democratic Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995.
For those of you who are listening to the kool-aid drinking liberals propagating the fallacy that everything is "Bush's Fault", think about this…
January 3rd, 2007 was the day the Democrats took over the Senate and the Congress,
at the time, the DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77, the GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%, the Unemployment rate was 4.6%, George Bush's Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT MONTHS of JOB CREATION
Remember the day...
January 3rd, 2007 was the day that Barney Frank took over the House Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd took over the Senate Banking Committee,
the economic meltdown that happened 15 months later was in what part of the economy?
THANK YOU DEMOCRATS for taking us from 13,000 DOW, 3.5 GDP and 4.6% Unemployment... to this CRISIS by (among MANY other things) dumping 5-6 TRILLION dollars of toxic loans on the economy from YOUR Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac FIASCOS! (BTW: Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie - starting in 2001 because it was financially risky for the US economy).
And who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac?
And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie?
OBAMA and the Democratic Congress.
So when someone tries to blame Bush...
Bush may have been in the car but the Democrats were in charge of the gas pedal and steering wheel they were driving.
Set the record straight on Bush.
"It's not that liberals aren't smart,
it's just that so much of what they know isn't so." – Ronald Reagan
For those of you who are listening to the kool-aid drinking liberals propagating the fallacy that everything is "Bush's Fault", think about this…
January 3rd, 2007 was the day the Democrats took over the Senate and the Congress,
at the time, the DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77, the GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%, the Unemployment rate was 4.6%, George Bush's Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT MONTHS of JOB CREATION
Remember the day...
January 3rd, 2007 was the day that Barney Frank took over the House Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd took over the Senate Banking Committee,
the economic meltdown that happened 15 months later was in what part of the economy?
THANK YOU DEMOCRATS for taking us from 13,000 DOW, 3.5 GDP and 4.6% Unemployment... to this CRISIS by (among MANY other things) dumping 5-6 TRILLION dollars of toxic loans on the economy from YOUR Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac FIASCOS! (BTW: Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie - starting in 2001 because it was financially risky for the US economy).
And who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac?
And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie?
OBAMA and the Democratic Congress.
So when someone tries to blame Bush...
Bush may have been in the car but the Democrats were in charge of the gas pedal and steering wheel they were driving.
Set the record straight on Bush.
"It's not that liberals aren't smart,
it's just that so much of what they know isn't so." – Ronald Reagan
Friday, September 24, 2010
Bush Tax cuts and political power
The two Congressional leaders, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have been attempting to hit the Republicans on wanting to extend the Bush tax cuts to everyone while they claim that they want it for everyone but those making over $250,000. However, with the Democrats in control of both houses of Congress they can submit legislation with their agenda to exclude those making over $250,000 anytime they want and get it passed with just Democratic support. However, it seems they just want to put off this until after the Nov. 2 election results are in but they will still play their games claiming the Republicans want to help the rich. Of course we all know making $250,000, although a nice sum of money, would not necessarily make you a rich person. Pelosi and Reid know that many in their party want to extend all the Bush tax cuts and not just limit the extension. So rather than face a vote on the issue before the election, they are more concerned with getting their fellow Democrats elected and maintaining control of Congress rather than deal effectively with our disastrous economic situation. The more we delay legislation, the more our economy falters and the Democratic leaders have shown they could care less.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
"The Establishment?"
The so called establishment in the Republican party are upset for all the Tea Party supported candidates that continue to win against what party members want to be primary winners. The problem with both parties is their so called "establishment" they want and not what the voters want. The primaries are manipulated so their candidate gets selected and not a non-established candidate. The voters are beginning to awaken and lets hope it carries over into the 2012 elections. People power and not party power should be the buzz word. It is time to clean up both parties and their corrupt candidate selection process. The question is not what Congress can do for themselves or party, but what they can do for the citizens. Personal responsibility should be the catch word and not too big to fail.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Potential Koran burning
It is okay for Muslims states to dance in the streets on the day of 9/11, burn the American flag as a rebuttal to the United States and our 1st amendment that allows anyone to burn our flag in our country or even to burn the Bible or Koran. But it appears to raise anger when somebody will burn the Koran as may happen on 9/11/2010. It is okay to display disgusting displays against the Blessed Virgin, Jesus and Christianity as freedom of speech, but not okay to burn the Koran. Why? Whether you agree or disagree with the Koran burning, what is the difference? Are we afraid what the Islamic states may do to our troops, citizens or country that they have not done already. We can just leave Afghanistan, let the Taliban take over the country again and when problems develop as they will, we will use a military weapon we have not used since 1945 rather than risk another life of our military soldier for a country that believes we are the villain in the world. Lets call our troops home from overseas bases and build bases on our southern borders where the money spent will benefit our country. It is about time we tell the world to take care of your problems yourself and if you bother us, we will deal with you our way. I am tired of our lives being destroyed, money being spent to save countries that hate our guts. We don't need this anymore. I am tired of being the policemen of the world. When emergencies happen, earthquakes, floods, etc, we are the ones that are the first responders with our military and donations while other countries just give lip service. I think it is about time that we put our people first. I never thought I would think this way, but I think enough is enough. The United States must be our first priority.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
More from our First President
Interesting quotes from George Washington that apply today. Little did he know.
In 1789 he described how the Constitution with all of its wisdom, could ultimately come to naught by the depravity of the people and those who govern them, since the Constitution in the hands of a corrupt people was a mere "wall of words" or a "mound of parchment".
Since Washington believed in God and Divine Providence, he believe if the United States moved away from God, American could not expect the continuing smiles of Heaven if the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself ordained were disregarded.
In 1789 he described how the Constitution with all of its wisdom, could ultimately come to naught by the depravity of the people and those who govern them, since the Constitution in the hands of a corrupt people was a mere "wall of words" or a "mound of parchment".
Since Washington believed in God and Divine Providence, he believe if the United States moved away from God, American could not expect the continuing smiles of Heaven if the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself ordained were disregarded.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Interesting quotes from George Washington
In 1778 George Washington wrote the following that seems to apply to what is happening to our country today. "Providence has heretofore taken us up when all other means and hope seemed to be departing from us, in this I will confide." In
1780, he declared the following:
"providence, to whom we are infinitely more indebted than we are to our own wisdom, or our own exertions, has always displayed its power and goodness, when clouds and thick darkness seemed ready to overwhelm us. The hour is now come when we stand much in need of another manifestation of its bounty however little we deserve it."
George Washington believed God was the driving force behind the success of the Colonies in the Revolutionary War. We just have to return to God and ask for his guidance, forgiveness and intervention to return us to what he gave us through our Founding Fathers.
1780, he declared the following:
"providence, to whom we are infinitely more indebted than we are to our own wisdom, or our own exertions, has always displayed its power and goodness, when clouds and thick darkness seemed ready to overwhelm us. The hour is now come when we stand much in need of another manifestation of its bounty however little we deserve it."
George Washington believed God was the driving force behind the success of the Colonies in the Revolutionary War. We just have to return to God and ask for his guidance, forgiveness and intervention to return us to what he gave us through our Founding Fathers.
Are you a racist?
If you disagree with the Mosque being built near Ground Zero you are considered a racist. If you believe based on what you have heard and observed happening around the world that Islam advocates violence to achieve their world order designs, you are considered a racist. If you dislike Obama and his socialist policies, you are considered a racist for not liking a black president. If you believe that those who come to live in this country should assimilate into America you are considered a racist. If you believe that our borders should be secured and sealed to prevent illegals from entering, you are considered a racist. If you believe that illegals apprehended in this country should be deported or jailed depending on their actions, you are considered a racist. If you believe George Bush is responsible for all the world problems since the beginning of time, you are wanted by the Socialist Democratic Party.
Who are the real liars?
Roger Clemens gets indicted for lying to Congress and nothing happens to Congress when they continually lie to the American people. So much for equal justice.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Manchurian Candidate? or Just another Jimmy Carter
We have finally come to the conclusion that when Obama speaks it is all about him. Therefore, he will now be known at Ibama. Let me make this perfectly clear, he is an ideologue and all he is interested in pursuing while president is his Socialist/Marxist agenda. Remember, his mother was a Marxist, his father an avowed communist, his grandparents that raised him, avowed communist, his mentor introduced by his grandparents, an admitted communist and in his own words, sought out the radicals in school. In addition, he has surrounded himself with Marxist, communist, Mao lovers and socialist. This is why he thinks and acts the way he does. He was raised this way. He could be the Manchurian candidate.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Washington Times Editorial on Aug 16, 2010
Obama's Islamic America
President Obama says Islam has always been part of America, which raises the question, does the president know something about American history that we don't?
It has become customary for presidents to offer greetings to various religious communities on the occasion of their most holy days. Presidents Ford and Carter both issued Ramadan messages, as did Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush. The Ramadan greeting became intensely political during Mr. Bush's tenure because he was seeking to dispel the charge that the war on terrorism was a crusade against Islam. But Mr. Obama has used the occasion of Ramadan to rewrite U.S. history and give Islam a prominence in American annals that it has not earned.
In this year's greeting, Mr. Obama said the rituals of Ramadan "remind us of the principles that we hold in common and Islam's role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings. Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality. And here in the United States, Ramadan is a reminder that Islam has always been part of America and that American Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country."
That Islam has had a major role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings may come as a surprise to Muslim women. Young Afghan girls who are having acid thrown in their faces on the way to school might want to offer their perspectives. That Islam is "known" for diversity and racial equality is also a bit of a reach. This certainly does not refer to religious diversity, which is nonexistent in many Muslim-majority states. This is a plaudit better reserved for a speech at the opening of a synagogue in Mecca.
Most puzzling is the president's claim that "Islam has always been part of America." Islam had no influence on the origins and development of the United States. It contributed nothing to early American political culture, art, literature, music or any other aspect of the early nation.
Throughout most of American history, the Muslim world was perceived as remote, alien and belligerent. Perhaps the president was thinking about the Barbary Pirates and their role in the founding of the U.S. Navy, or Andrew Jackson's dispatch of frigates against Muslim pirates in Sumatra in the 1830s. Maybe he was recalling Rutherford B. Hayes' 1880 statement regarding Morocco on "the necessity, in accordance with the humane and enlightened spirit of the age, of putting an end to the persecutions, which have been so prevalent in that country, of persons of a faith other than the Muslim, and especially of the Hebrew residents of Morocco." Or Grover Cleveland's 1896 comment on the continuing massacre of Armenian Christians: "We have been afflicted by continued and not infrequent reports of the wanton destruction of homes and the bloody butchery of men, women and children, made martyrs to their profession of Christian faith. ... It so mars the humane and enlightened civilization that belongs to the close of the nineteenth century that it seems hardly possible that the earnest demand of good people throughout the Christian world for its corrective treatment will remain unanswered."
It also is customary in the United States to search for obscure contributions made by in-vogue minority groups as a feel-good way of promoting inclusion. One of the earliest Muslims to come to the United States was a 17th-century Egyptian named Norsereddin, who settled in the Catskills and was described by one chronicler as "haughty, morose, unprincipled, cruel and dissipated." Spurned by the princess of an Indian tribe that had befriended him, he managed through a subterfuge to poison her. He was later run down by the betrayed Indians, who burned him alive. It is not the kind of tale that makes it into politically correct history books.
President Obama says Islam has always been part of America, which raises the question, does the president know something about American history that we don't?
It has become customary for presidents to offer greetings to various religious communities on the occasion of their most holy days. Presidents Ford and Carter both issued Ramadan messages, as did Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush. The Ramadan greeting became intensely political during Mr. Bush's tenure because he was seeking to dispel the charge that the war on terrorism was a crusade against Islam. But Mr. Obama has used the occasion of Ramadan to rewrite U.S. history and give Islam a prominence in American annals that it has not earned.
In this year's greeting, Mr. Obama said the rituals of Ramadan "remind us of the principles that we hold in common and Islam's role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings. Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality. And here in the United States, Ramadan is a reminder that Islam has always been part of America and that American Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country."
That Islam has had a major role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings may come as a surprise to Muslim women. Young Afghan girls who are having acid thrown in their faces on the way to school might want to offer their perspectives. That Islam is "known" for diversity and racial equality is also a bit of a reach. This certainly does not refer to religious diversity, which is nonexistent in many Muslim-majority states. This is a plaudit better reserved for a speech at the opening of a synagogue in Mecca.
Most puzzling is the president's claim that "Islam has always been part of America." Islam had no influence on the origins and development of the United States. It contributed nothing to early American political culture, art, literature, music or any other aspect of the early nation.
Throughout most of American history, the Muslim world was perceived as remote, alien and belligerent. Perhaps the president was thinking about the Barbary Pirates and their role in the founding of the U.S. Navy, or Andrew Jackson's dispatch of frigates against Muslim pirates in Sumatra in the 1830s. Maybe he was recalling Rutherford B. Hayes' 1880 statement regarding Morocco on "the necessity, in accordance with the humane and enlightened spirit of the age, of putting an end to the persecutions, which have been so prevalent in that country, of persons of a faith other than the Muslim, and especially of the Hebrew residents of Morocco." Or Grover Cleveland's 1896 comment on the continuing massacre of Armenian Christians: "We have been afflicted by continued and not infrequent reports of the wanton destruction of homes and the bloody butchery of men, women and children, made martyrs to their profession of Christian faith. ... It so mars the humane and enlightened civilization that belongs to the close of the nineteenth century that it seems hardly possible that the earnest demand of good people throughout the Christian world for its corrective treatment will remain unanswered."
It also is customary in the United States to search for obscure contributions made by in-vogue minority groups as a feel-good way of promoting inclusion. One of the earliest Muslims to come to the United States was a 17th-century Egyptian named Norsereddin, who settled in the Catskills and was described by one chronicler as "haughty, morose, unprincipled, cruel and dissipated." Spurned by the princess of an Indian tribe that had befriended him, he managed through a subterfuge to poison her. He was later run down by the betrayed Indians, who burned him alive. It is not the kind of tale that makes it into politically correct history books.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Teleprompter man
Without a teleprompter, President Obama usually misspeaks as he did at the White House for a Muslim dinner celebrating the beginning of Ramadan. That is correct, a Muslim dinner and can we remember what turmoil there was with the national day of prayer. We know that Obama is as much a Christian as a Rabbi is the Pope. So Obama says the following:
As a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country," Obama told an intently listening crowd gathered at the White House Friday evening to observe the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
"That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances," he said. "This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable."
With polls showing the majority of Americans have no problem with any religious organization building a place of worship anywhere that zoning permits, they do have a problem with this location so close to Ground Zero where planes piloted by Muslim Islamic Terrorist destroyed two buildings and killing over 2700 human beings.
Now Obama and his cronies are trying to spin his comments and that they were misinterpreted. Obama misspoke on the Cambridge Police incident and on the Arizona law without reading it. And now we see people trying to downplay what he said. This man is an ideologue and nothing except his mouth will stop him and when he misspeaks his cronies take up the slack.
As a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country," Obama told an intently listening crowd gathered at the White House Friday evening to observe the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
"That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances," he said. "This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable."
With polls showing the majority of Americans have no problem with any religious organization building a place of worship anywhere that zoning permits, they do have a problem with this location so close to Ground Zero where planes piloted by Muslim Islamic Terrorist destroyed two buildings and killing over 2700 human beings.
Now Obama and his cronies are trying to spin his comments and that they were misinterpreted. Obama misspoke on the Cambridge Police incident and on the Arizona law without reading it. And now we see people trying to downplay what he said. This man is an ideologue and nothing except his mouth will stop him and when he misspeaks his cronies take up the slack.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Was this Stupid?
So the police in Germany raid a Mosque that has ties to terrorism and confiscate records and computers. I wonder if President Obama will claim the police acted stupidly.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
What else is new.
It is nice to see that President Obama sees a silver lining on jobs created in this economy even though the unemployment index remains at 9.5% and many economist have said that we must create approx. 300,000 jobs a month to see the unemployment number go down to 9.4% and then some. But all we need is for Obama and his friend Bite-me to keep on claiming all the jobs they have saved and created even though they have no stats to back up their assertion. We have created so many jobs you would think unemployment would be below 4%. But I guess we can continue to blame George Bush even though during the Bush administration there was 52 weeks of continued growth and unemployment went below 5% until 2007. Of course the Democrats took over Congress in 2006 and did nothing since to curb spending. Imagine if we all could spend and spend and see our income grow. Obama, Pelosi and Reid think so. Of course it is our money and not theirs they are spending.
The trip to Spain
It is interesting with our economy still in a downturn and not expanding, people not spending, except government of course, that our First Lady and 40 of her friends decided to fly to Spain for a short vacation. Also included in the trip was a large detachment of secret service agents for a total of approximately 60 people. With the cost to taxpayers of at least $375,000 one would think that this money could have been better spent in this country at resort where it would have been a spike for a local economy. Instead, our tax dollars flow overseas. When President Obama indicated redistribution of wealth, he did not mean his wealth, but the taxpayer dollars for overseas fun and games. Now I know the lamestream outlets will spin this, but if the truth be known, we know that the First Lady had to go overseas since George Bush made her do it.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Then and Now
The Obama administration will not be making a comment on the move by an Islamic group to build a Mosque near Ground Zero. They claim that it is a local issue and should be handled at the local level. However, this was not the case when the black professor, a friend of Obama, was arrested by the Cambridge Police Dept. when in Obama's word they acted stupidly without Obama knowing the facts behind the incident. But, this did not deter Obama from speaking out stupidly. However, when something involves Islam, Obama will take a hands off attitude. Gee, I wonder why?
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Even the people believe Obama is a Socialist
A News poll released Friday finds widespread belief among American voters that the country is on the decline as a civilization. In addition, a majority thinks the country is moving toward socialism.
A 62 percent majority of voters thinks the United States is on the decline. That's more than twice as many as the 26 percent who believe it is on the rise.
Most Republicans — 76 percent — think the country is in decline, and 64 percent of independents agree. Views among Democrats are more evenly split: 41 percent say on the rise and 43 percent say on the decline.
There's a slight gender gap as men (64 percent) are somewhat more likely than women (59 percent) to take the negative view of the country's progress. Across generations there is substantial agreement: young voters ages 35 and under (58 percent) are about as likely as seniors 65 and over (57 percent) to think things are on a downward slide.
A 62 percent majority of voters thinks the United States is on the decline. That's more than twice as many as the 26 percent who believe it is on the rise.
Most Republicans — 76 percent — think the country is in decline, and 64 percent of independents agree. Views among Democrats are more evenly split: 41 percent say on the rise and 43 percent say on the decline.
There's a slight gender gap as men (64 percent) are somewhat more likely than women (59 percent) to take the negative view of the country's progress. Across generations there is substantial agreement: young voters ages 35 and under (58 percent) are about as likely as seniors 65 and over (57 percent) to think things are on a downward slide.
What are they trying to hide
The latest version of the CLEAR Act is slated for a floor vote in the House this week as Democrats look for ways to use the Gulf oil spill as a means to pass elements of their unpopular energy agenda.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) stripped out authorization for an independent investigation into the Gulf disaster.
The Natural Resources Committee unanimously passed the amendment in committee markup July 14 offered by Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) that would establish a bipartisan, independent, National Commission on Outer Continental Shelf Oil Spill Prevention.
Unlike the commission set up by President Obama -- packed only with environmental activists and no petroleum engineers -- the commission unanimously approved by the Natural Resources committee would be comprised of technical experts to study the actual events leading up to the Deepwater Horizon disaster.
Not a single member of the committee voiced opposition at the bill’s markup. The Senate has also approved an independent commission.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) stripped out authorization for an independent investigation into the Gulf disaster.
The Natural Resources Committee unanimously passed the amendment in committee markup July 14 offered by Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) that would establish a bipartisan, independent, National Commission on Outer Continental Shelf Oil Spill Prevention.
Unlike the commission set up by President Obama -- packed only with environmental activists and no petroleum engineers -- the commission unanimously approved by the Natural Resources committee would be comprised of technical experts to study the actual events leading up to the Deepwater Horizon disaster.
Not a single member of the committee voiced opposition at the bill’s markup. The Senate has also approved an independent commission.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Some knew then what could happen.
In his book "The Road To Serfdom" author F. A. Hayek is discussing how countries move towards socialism and socialist form of government stated that it is first a psychological change, an alteration in the character of the people. This is necessarily a slow affair, a process which extends not over a few years but perhaps over one or two generations. This means, among other things, that even a strong tradition of political liberty is no safeguard if the danger is precisely that new institutions and policies will gradually undermine and destroy the spirit. The consequences can of course be averted if that spirit reasserts itself in time and the people not only throw out the party which has been leading them further in the dangerous direction but also recognize the nature of the danger and resolutely change their course. This was written in 1944 concerning what was the beginning of what he saw with the coming of socialism in Europe. And now what do we see taking place today in this country.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Redistribution of Wealth?
It is interesting that the Democrats are so concerned about their fellow man that they believe that wealth should be redistributed. However, when it comes to their wealth the redistribution stops. Sen. Kerry buys a $7 million yacht and to avoid paying sales tax and excise taxes, he docks it in Rhode Island instead of Massachusetts. And according to news reports, if it remains in Rhode Island for at least 6 months, he can avoid all taxes.
The Clinton's will spend somewhere between $3 to 4 million on their daughter's wedding without blinking an eye. What is interesting about this is that when Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas when he was elected as president, he salary was approximately $45,000 and Hillary's was at least twice that. Eight years later after leaving the presidency, their net worth was well over $8 million and is close to double that today. You have better believe that their wealth will not be redistributed. It is your money that they want to take and distribute according to who and what they want. Rather than have you donate your money to the organizations you want to support, the government is telling you that they will do it better, since they know better than you. You do not know how to spend your money, only the government know best. Remember this rhetoric when entering the voting booth. A liberal has never seen a dollar of someone else's money they did not want to spend.
The Clinton's will spend somewhere between $3 to 4 million on their daughter's wedding without blinking an eye. What is interesting about this is that when Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas when he was elected as president, he salary was approximately $45,000 and Hillary's was at least twice that. Eight years later after leaving the presidency, their net worth was well over $8 million and is close to double that today. You have better believe that their wealth will not be redistributed. It is your money that they want to take and distribute according to who and what they want. Rather than have you donate your money to the organizations you want to support, the government is telling you that they will do it better, since they know better than you. You do not know how to spend your money, only the government know best. Remember this rhetoric when entering the voting booth. A liberal has never seen a dollar of someone else's money they did not want to spend.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Democrats not supporting Obama?
Just remember as we see some democrats not supporting doing away with the Bush tax cuts, that we must not celebrate. Because, the election is coming up on Nov. 2 and the democrats must do whatever they can to get themselves elected. That is why we also see the Arizona democrats supporting the Arizona law on illegal immigration since they hope it will get them re-elected. In reality, these democrats are supporters of Obama, but with the consent of Pelosi and Reid, they are moving away from Obama in an attempt to get re-elected and secure the democrat majority in both houses of Congress. Where were these outspoken dems when they were passing the stimulus, healthcare, bailouts and other spending programs that are bankrupting this country? They hope nobody brings that up in their campaign. But they are supporters of the Disclose bill that will silence their opposition during political campaign while giving unions more power to support them. Don't be fooled. Vote them out in November or the country that our Founding Fathers gave us will no longer exist. That you can take to the bank, if there is still an independent bank.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
"Conspriacy to suppress news?"
The Daily Caller has released information contained in E mails where during the election campaign of 2008 when videos of the Rev. Wright surfaced, that the news media conspired to squash the news and use racial accusations against those addressing the Rev. Wright videos. In a further attempt to cloud the issue they marked either Fred Barnes, Karl Rove and others at the target of their racial slurs. This was a secred E mail called "Journolist" site where reporters, liberal and radical left reporters, used to communicate between themselves and decide the methods they would use. Go to the Daily Caller website to learn more. The big question is "why are we not surprised by this?"
"Acting Stupidly"
The Department of Agriculture official, Shirley Sherrod, who resigned last night, 7/19/10, was forced to resign her position by the White House. She made this accusation on CNN this morning and named names. It seems that the NAACP and the White House acted "stupidly" by overreacting without knowing all the facts on the video from her March 2010 presentation at a local NAACP convention. It appears she was explaining an incident that occurred in 1986 where she originally was bringing race into the case the white farmer was presenting and how she overcame her feelings and managed to address the problem and became friends with the farmer. However, just like with the Massachusetts incident of 1 year ago when another time President Obama admitted not knowing the facts, but still claimed the police acted stupidly. It happens again. And this is a person who is in the most powerful position in the world and yet, acts irrational without knowing the facts. Now, if there is any hint that an issue may be or become racial you will see the hair rise on the back of Obama and the usual overreaction will take place. This from a president when campaigning was pictured as someone who would ascend race. Yet, it seems teh president, his staff and media supporters are forever playing the race card. I think he should watch some old Sergeant Friday shows where Sgt. Friday wanted "just the facts, maam, just the facts." Then again that would be acting intelligently.
Monday, July 12, 2010
George Washington then and us today.
I am reading the book, "The Real George Washington", and I find letters written by George Washington in 1774 and a response to the what was happening in this country by the Virginia Legislature at the time to reflect what we are facing today if we substitute our government for the British government. I reproduce parts ofthese letter as follows: "As I observe that government is pursuing a regular plan at the expense of law and justice to overthrow our constitutional rights and liberties, how can I expect any redress from a measure which has been effectually tried already? Shall we, after this, whine and cry for relief when we have already tried in vain? Or shall we supinely sit and see one province after another fall prey to despotism?
I am convinced, as much as I am of my existence, that there is no relief but in their (British government) distress; and I think, at least I hope, that there is public virtue enough left among us to deny ourselves everything but the bare necessaries of life to accomplish this end. This we have a right to do, and no power upon earth can compel us to do otherwise till they have first reduced us to the most abject state of slavery that ever was designed for mankind.
In another letter, George Washington wrote "An innate spirit of freedom first told me that measures which the administration (British) have for some time been and now are most violent pursuing are repugnant to every principle of natural justice."
This was followed by the Virginia Legislature recognizing the vial need for a grass-roots movement, (Tea Party, 912 Project) for an increased stirring in the heart of citizenry. Only then could America unite. Only then would an arrogant Crown-at stubborn Parliament-listen. It seems the more we don't understand history, the more likely we will repeat it. Take our country back was our battle cry then and it is our battle cry today. The only difference is we will do it peacefully, and hopefully the results will be the same. There is another George Washington out there, whether male or female, and we must pray that person will surface.
I am convinced, as much as I am of my existence, that there is no relief but in their (British government) distress; and I think, at least I hope, that there is public virtue enough left among us to deny ourselves everything but the bare necessaries of life to accomplish this end. This we have a right to do, and no power upon earth can compel us to do otherwise till they have first reduced us to the most abject state of slavery that ever was designed for mankind.
In another letter, George Washington wrote "An innate spirit of freedom first told me that measures which the administration (British) have for some time been and now are most violent pursuing are repugnant to every principle of natural justice."
This was followed by the Virginia Legislature recognizing the vial need for a grass-roots movement, (Tea Party, 912 Project) for an increased stirring in the heart of citizenry. Only then could America unite. Only then would an arrogant Crown-at stubborn Parliament-listen. It seems the more we don't understand history, the more likely we will repeat it. Take our country back was our battle cry then and it is our battle cry today. The only difference is we will do it peacefully, and hopefully the results will be the same. There is another George Washington out there, whether male or female, and we must pray that person will surface.
Friday, July 9, 2010
My speech, My Dream
On November 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln gave one of the shortest and greatest speeches of his presidency that we now know as the Gettysburg Address. I will give a part of that speech that I believe reflects what is happening in this country today. “ Our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty………Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and dedicated can long endure”. This battle we are engaged in is not a military conflict but a battle for the minds and hearts of the citizens of this country. A battle to save our constitution from those who want to destroy our way of life and the freedoms we have enjoyed for over 230 years. There is a desire by individuals and certain groups to transform out country to a socialist society where all power is placed in the hands of the government, the presidential czars and other appointed personnel. In essence, a dictatorship where the constitution and Bill of Rights are trampled upon.
Since the modern day Tea Party that started on April 15 2009, we have seen the American people stand up and voice their objections to the path this country has been traveling for nearly 100 years that has been brought to the forefront the last 2 years with bailouts, stimulus packages, Cap and Trade legislation and trying to impose government healthcare while accumulating massive deficits that may go into the next century before it will be paid off. Providing of course we can have a balance budget during the same timeframe. The people are demanding a balance budget, reduction in our deficit and a return to representatives that actually will listen and represent the views of their constituents. The American people will no longer be couch potatoes when it comes to expressing their sentiments on issues. It is time for the American people to continue to speak up and demand change we can believe in as long as the change is getting back to what is contained in the U.S. Constitution. We want our elected officials to read the constitution, and to follow this document that many Americans have shed their blood defending.
It was Thomas Jefferson that said the following quote that applies today: “Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories”. That is why we must continue to take this fight to Washington and not relent until our representatives come to their senses or we vote them out in November 2010.
Our elected officials took an oath to defend this country from enemies both foreign and domestic and yet they are failing in this oath. Many of them today are trying to force their ideology on us that is contrary to our constitution and way of life. We are a country of legal immigration where many people in the early 20th century came to this country with the knowledge that with hard work you will become successful. Today, people still come to this country both legal and illegal to grab a piece of that success. And today we have a radical group of elected and appointed officials that want to destroy what has made us the light of the world by trying to force regulations and rules that will prohibit the continue growth of our economy and cause the radicalization of our society that are probably causing our founding fathers to roll over in their graves. We are not a people that want to be fed from the public trough through welfare and other form of handouts.
Over 40 years ago there was another famous American that gave a speech on the Washington Mall telling us that ‘He had a dream.” Well, Americans also have a dream that government of the people, by the people and for the people will not perish from the earth.
My dream is that we have true representation
My dream is that we have a balance budget before we spend any more money on new programs. For every year our elected officials do not balance the budget, they must accept a 10% pay cut.
My dream is that we have election reform where politicians can only accept money from individual constituents not to exceed $1000 and not from big labor unions, lobbyist and large corporations. As long as our elected officials can get big money from these groups their loyalty will not be to the people that elected them but to those that bribed them.
My dream is that we have term limits for our Congressional Representatives not to exceed 6 years for House Representatives and one term, 6 years, for our Senators. The purpose of representation was for the people to volunteer their services to serve the people and not create a position that they would occupy for 20, 30 or more years.
My dream is that we repeal the 17th Amendment and return to what our Founding Fathers wanted initially that our Senators are nominated and appointed by state legislators so they will more represent their state on legislation and not their party, big business and big labor.
My dream is that our Congressional Representatives should not have a lucrative pension and benefits but should have to accept Social Security, Medicare when they reach retirement age wherever they may be working. All pay raises should be voted upon by the public during government elections that are held every two years or longer. Congress should not be permitted to vote on pay raises for themselves.
My dream is that the Americans will continue to wake up and continue their vocal outburst until our representatives get the message. We all know that they are more interested in keeping their job, keeping their party in power, catering to big money and if anything is left to throw their constituents a bone every now and then. Remember come the 2010 elections what your representatives have actually done and if they avoided town hall meetings to meet with those who elected them.
Since the modern day Tea Party that started on April 15 2009, we have seen the American people stand up and voice their objections to the path this country has been traveling for nearly 100 years that has been brought to the forefront the last 2 years with bailouts, stimulus packages, Cap and Trade legislation and trying to impose government healthcare while accumulating massive deficits that may go into the next century before it will be paid off. Providing of course we can have a balance budget during the same timeframe. The people are demanding a balance budget, reduction in our deficit and a return to representatives that actually will listen and represent the views of their constituents. The American people will no longer be couch potatoes when it comes to expressing their sentiments on issues. It is time for the American people to continue to speak up and demand change we can believe in as long as the change is getting back to what is contained in the U.S. Constitution. We want our elected officials to read the constitution, and to follow this document that many Americans have shed their blood defending.
It was Thomas Jefferson that said the following quote that applies today: “Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories”. That is why we must continue to take this fight to Washington and not relent until our representatives come to their senses or we vote them out in November 2010.
Our elected officials took an oath to defend this country from enemies both foreign and domestic and yet they are failing in this oath. Many of them today are trying to force their ideology on us that is contrary to our constitution and way of life. We are a country of legal immigration where many people in the early 20th century came to this country with the knowledge that with hard work you will become successful. Today, people still come to this country both legal and illegal to grab a piece of that success. And today we have a radical group of elected and appointed officials that want to destroy what has made us the light of the world by trying to force regulations and rules that will prohibit the continue growth of our economy and cause the radicalization of our society that are probably causing our founding fathers to roll over in their graves. We are not a people that want to be fed from the public trough through welfare and other form of handouts.
Over 40 years ago there was another famous American that gave a speech on the Washington Mall telling us that ‘He had a dream.” Well, Americans also have a dream that government of the people, by the people and for the people will not perish from the earth.
My dream is that we have true representation
My dream is that we have a balance budget before we spend any more money on new programs. For every year our elected officials do not balance the budget, they must accept a 10% pay cut.
My dream is that we have election reform where politicians can only accept money from individual constituents not to exceed $1000 and not from big labor unions, lobbyist and large corporations. As long as our elected officials can get big money from these groups their loyalty will not be to the people that elected them but to those that bribed them.
My dream is that we have term limits for our Congressional Representatives not to exceed 6 years for House Representatives and one term, 6 years, for our Senators. The purpose of representation was for the people to volunteer their services to serve the people and not create a position that they would occupy for 20, 30 or more years.
My dream is that we repeal the 17th Amendment and return to what our Founding Fathers wanted initially that our Senators are nominated and appointed by state legislators so they will more represent their state on legislation and not their party, big business and big labor.
My dream is that our Congressional Representatives should not have a lucrative pension and benefits but should have to accept Social Security, Medicare when they reach retirement age wherever they may be working. All pay raises should be voted upon by the public during government elections that are held every two years or longer. Congress should not be permitted to vote on pay raises for themselves.
My dream is that the Americans will continue to wake up and continue their vocal outburst until our representatives get the message. We all know that they are more interested in keeping their job, keeping their party in power, catering to big money and if anything is left to throw their constituents a bone every now and then. Remember come the 2010 elections what your representatives have actually done and if they avoided town hall meetings to meet with those who elected them.
The Spy Swap
The Spy Swap
Ever wonder why we were so quick to swap the Russian spies we arrested in this country? They were here for approximately 10 years engaging or attempting to engage in espionage by attempting to make contact with government employees who could provide Russia with valuable information. Remember they have been in this country for some time and yet we are quick to deport them back to mother Russia without a court trial or other attempts at plea bargaining for us to obtain what if anybody did they contact and bring into their fold for espionage. So, the question is who did they contact, who did they turn and what positions did they hold inside our government? With the spy swap, we will not be able to get this information and one must wonder why the Obama administration was so quick to have this swap made without any further investigation. Could it be the spies that are in place in our government are still there providing information to mother Russia? Of course, all this will fit in with the socialist government that Obama is attempting to force upon us. Remember he has surrounded himself with admitted socialist, communist and Mao lovers. Just some food for thought not that my allegations are based on any fact, but it must make one wonder.
Ever wonder why we were so quick to swap the Russian spies we arrested in this country? They were here for approximately 10 years engaging or attempting to engage in espionage by attempting to make contact with government employees who could provide Russia with valuable information. Remember they have been in this country for some time and yet we are quick to deport them back to mother Russia without a court trial or other attempts at plea bargaining for us to obtain what if anybody did they contact and bring into their fold for espionage. So, the question is who did they contact, who did they turn and what positions did they hold inside our government? With the spy swap, we will not be able to get this information and one must wonder why the Obama administration was so quick to have this swap made without any further investigation. Could it be the spies that are in place in our government are still there providing information to mother Russia? Of course, all this will fit in with the socialist government that Obama is attempting to force upon us. Remember he has surrounded himself with admitted socialist, communist and Mao lovers. Just some food for thought not that my allegations are based on any fact, but it must make one wonder.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Taxes and the so called Rich
Ever wonder why the rich, like George Soros, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, the Kennedy's, Sen. John Kerry and wife as well as other super rich too numerous to mention never really complain about Congress and the president trying push for higher taxes on the rich. Well, it is simply that the rich know how to protect their money and are not really affected by tax increases. They invest their money in tax free bonds and overseas investments as well as other sources that the average citizen has no idea and does not have the ability or income to follow their lead. That is why, taxing the rich had never produced the income claimed by the Socialist Democrats and only when those earning below the so called $250,000 level are taxed is the desired result reached. However with 49% of our workers not paying taxes, we are creating a two tier society, that will become dependent on government for survival that is exactly what we see in socialist European countries. Since Congress has never seen a dollar they could not spend, no matter how much income is obtained from taxes, unless spending is cut drastically, our deficits will increase beyond our ability to pay back and the result will be either drastic tax increase or a complete collapse of our economy that drastic tax increases will create. This is exactly what the Obama administration desires since he can then overthrow our Constitution and form a government of Socialist principles. A form of government that history of the world has shown has never worked, but put all power in the hands of elected and un-elected bureaucrats. When was the last time any country has spent itself in prosperity. If that was possible, we would all be borrowing like crazy to become rich. Awake America and realize that unless you throw out the Democratic controlled Congress our country will not be recognized in the next two years. Not that Republicans are our saviors, but it will remove the president's ability to force through legislation that we have seen the overwhelming majority of citizens do not want. It will also send a message to the Republicans that if they do not defend the Constitution as written, they will be replaced by those candidates that will in the 2012 election. Our Founding Fathers made sure that there would be power to the people through the vote and detested big government.
Bill, Hillary and the US
Sometimes we have a tendency to forget things politicians do and it is important that these things are never forgotten. Recently, Bill Clinton had nothing but praise for Sen. Robert Bryd, a former KKK Grand Wizard who helped recruit numerous Klan members, attempted to block Civil Rights legislation in the 50's as a House member and in 1964 while in the Senate. He was an avowed racist at that time and whether he had an Epiphany or saw the handwriting on the wall politically we will never know and only the soul of Sen. Byrd and God can answer that question. But, for Bill Clinton to praise Sen. Bryd and criticize former Sen. Trent Lott for his praise of Sen. Strom Thurmond on his 100th birthday is typical of the hypocritical politicians in the Socialist Democratic party.
During the Clinton administration we had Hillary attempt to pass a healthcare bill through secret negotiations and then under the illusion that even a Democratically controlled Congress would approve the measure. Of course we know that did not happen. Then we had the travelgate debacle where Hillary, who by the way was not voted into any office at he time, had all those in the White House travel office that handled all travel request from administration personnel fired. Hillary was successful in putting in place her friends, high powered Hollywood producers, Harry and Susan Thomason. Not illegal but highly unethical. Of course, ethics, morality and responsibility were not a primary concern of the Clinton administration and never has been in their lifetime so far.
We know that in the 1992 election, Bill Clinton secured only 43 percent of the popular vote and in 1996 only 49 percent. But, you would think that he won by a landslide in both elections when you listen to the Socialist Democrats. We know with the sex scandals he was involved in, Monicagate, and other females, Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, Sally Perdue, Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey to name a few, that he was more preoccupied with sex than the country's affairs. Unless you consider these as engaging in the country's affairs. We also had the Whitewater scandal where Clinton supporter took the fall for this great president.
Thanks to the great Attorney General Janet Reno, we had the shooting at Ruby Ridge in 1992, the Waco debacle in 1993 where it seems government overreacted, but since it was a Democratic administration it was given a pass by the media. Just imagine if this had taken place during the Bush administration. Then in December 1993 we had the bombing at the World Trade Center that was an attempt by, what we later learned was Al Qaeda inspired, but fortunately failed to bring down the building. Although, some members of Al Qaeda was prosecuted for this crime, there was no pursuit by the Clinton administration to go after this terrorist organization. One of the masterminds of this attack was Ramzi Yousef who was captured in 1996. He was also a master bomb maker. We also know that in 1995, in Oklahoma City, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was destroyed by a bomb blast that killed 169 women and children. The two involved in this domestic terrorist attack, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were apprehended and convicted. What the public was not told was that these two may not have acted alone. It is known that Nichols was in the Philippines at the time Ramzi Yousef was there and it is believed from testimony that neither McVeigh or Nichols had the expertise to devised such a bomb that was a near perfect replica of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. But we may never know this answer since we had a Justice Dept. supervised by our great Attorney General Janet Reno, similar to what we see with Eric Holder today. We also know that Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden had planned to hijack 10 planes over the Pacific and use them as weapons to attack this country. Sound familiar. In 1998 we had the bombings of our embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Tanzania. In response, Clinton had military strikes using bombs and Cruise missiles, attacking camps in Sudan and Afghanistan. It had been reported that we blew up an aspirin factory and a few camels. Such a meager response only reinforced Bin Laden's intent to attack our country. In addition we had the attack on the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, the USS Cole and a foiled attack on the USS The Sullivans and we know there was no serious retaliation. Bolden by this lack of serious response, we had to suffer through 9/11 and then and only then did we respond with sufficient force. Lest we forget, when and until the Taliban and Al Qaeda are destroyed, we must remain in Afghanistan. "Our job will be done when victory is won". If we leave before that, this will prove to our adversaries around the world to just drag out any conflict and the US will eventually leave. In any conflict there will always be collateral damage to buildings and innocent civilians, but this is a product of military conflict and we cannot deter our efforts to destroy those who are out to exterminate us. Our military arsenal must be used to defeat our enemies before they are successful against us. Kill them before they kill us should be our motto. Not political correctness on the battlefield that we see today. Battles are fought with guns to kill the enemy not lawyers.
During the Clinton administration we had Hillary attempt to pass a healthcare bill through secret negotiations and then under the illusion that even a Democratically controlled Congress would approve the measure. Of course we know that did not happen. Then we had the travelgate debacle where Hillary, who by the way was not voted into any office at he time, had all those in the White House travel office that handled all travel request from administration personnel fired. Hillary was successful in putting in place her friends, high powered Hollywood producers, Harry and Susan Thomason. Not illegal but highly unethical. Of course, ethics, morality and responsibility were not a primary concern of the Clinton administration and never has been in their lifetime so far.
We know that in the 1992 election, Bill Clinton secured only 43 percent of the popular vote and in 1996 only 49 percent. But, you would think that he won by a landslide in both elections when you listen to the Socialist Democrats. We know with the sex scandals he was involved in, Monicagate, and other females, Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, Sally Perdue, Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey to name a few, that he was more preoccupied with sex than the country's affairs. Unless you consider these as engaging in the country's affairs. We also had the Whitewater scandal where Clinton supporter took the fall for this great president.
Thanks to the great Attorney General Janet Reno, we had the shooting at Ruby Ridge in 1992, the Waco debacle in 1993 where it seems government overreacted, but since it was a Democratic administration it was given a pass by the media. Just imagine if this had taken place during the Bush administration. Then in December 1993 we had the bombing at the World Trade Center that was an attempt by, what we later learned was Al Qaeda inspired, but fortunately failed to bring down the building. Although, some members of Al Qaeda was prosecuted for this crime, there was no pursuit by the Clinton administration to go after this terrorist organization. One of the masterminds of this attack was Ramzi Yousef who was captured in 1996. He was also a master bomb maker. We also know that in 1995, in Oklahoma City, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was destroyed by a bomb blast that killed 169 women and children. The two involved in this domestic terrorist attack, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were apprehended and convicted. What the public was not told was that these two may not have acted alone. It is known that Nichols was in the Philippines at the time Ramzi Yousef was there and it is believed from testimony that neither McVeigh or Nichols had the expertise to devised such a bomb that was a near perfect replica of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. But we may never know this answer since we had a Justice Dept. supervised by our great Attorney General Janet Reno, similar to what we see with Eric Holder today. We also know that Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden had planned to hijack 10 planes over the Pacific and use them as weapons to attack this country. Sound familiar. In 1998 we had the bombings of our embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Tanzania. In response, Clinton had military strikes using bombs and Cruise missiles, attacking camps in Sudan and Afghanistan. It had been reported that we blew up an aspirin factory and a few camels. Such a meager response only reinforced Bin Laden's intent to attack our country. In addition we had the attack on the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, the USS Cole and a foiled attack on the USS The Sullivans and we know there was no serious retaliation. Bolden by this lack of serious response, we had to suffer through 9/11 and then and only then did we respond with sufficient force. Lest we forget, when and until the Taliban and Al Qaeda are destroyed, we must remain in Afghanistan. "Our job will be done when victory is won". If we leave before that, this will prove to our adversaries around the world to just drag out any conflict and the US will eventually leave. In any conflict there will always be collateral damage to buildings and innocent civilians, but this is a product of military conflict and we cannot deter our efforts to destroy those who are out to exterminate us. Our military arsenal must be used to defeat our enemies before they are successful against us. Kill them before they kill us should be our motto. Not political correctness on the battlefield that we see today. Battles are fought with guns to kill the enemy not lawyers.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Same Water Fountain?
If seems that all these people have been drinking from the same water fountain.
Congressman Pete Stark
Speaker, Nancy Pelosi
Senate Leader, Harry Reid
Congressman Alan Grayson
V.P. Joe Biden (Bite-me)
Senator Lindsay Graham
RNC Michael Steele
Congressman Pete Stark
Speaker, Nancy Pelosi
Senate Leader, Harry Reid
Congressman Alan Grayson
V.P. Joe Biden (Bite-me)
Senator Lindsay Graham
RNC Michael Steele
Oil spill
We had 107 offers from 44 countries immediately after the Gulf oil spill and yet as we entered over 72 days, the Obama administration finally has decided to accept some help from foreign countries. Just think if these Gulf states had supported President Obama in his election bid how quickly the response would have been. I am not claiming that politics has anything to do with the lack of immediate response from the Obama administration, but just think how the spill would have been addressed if Obama and company had listened to the governors of these states from day one and accepted help worldwide from those experts that had handled such incidents previously.
Senator Bryd
Senator Robert Bryd, a former member of the KKK, Grand Wizard, a no vote on civil rights in the 50's and 60's is praised by President Obama and other Democrats and yet when former Senator Trent Lott offers praise for Senator Strom Thurmond when he died, he was ridiculed to the point of resigning as Republican Senate Leader and the harassment continued and yet, the hypocrites in the Democratic party see no problem in praising a former racist. Even though Strom Thurmond changed his stance just like Sen. Bryd did, the Democrats can only accept this change when it is one of their own. If one was to examine the 1964 Civil Rights voting on this issue, they would discover that it was the Republican support that enabled this bill to pass and not the Democrats and yet the Democrats and the liberal media fail to mention this. It was the racist Democrats that wanted to continue slavery in the south after the Civil War and put all kinds of roadblocks to prevent blacks from voting, but this is also never mentioned. When will the voting public wake up.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Keynesian Economics
John Maynard Keynes was a British economist that believed that only through government spending could a depression or recession be averted. Of course, FDR attempted to follow these plans when first elected before it was discovered in approx. 1939 that in reality, the only way to push the economy forward was through tax cuts and through private industry and not government creating jobs. President Reagan knew this and it worked. However, Obama still believes we must spend, spend and spend more. Even Europe has finally realized that government spending only makes the situation worst which is why we do not see the unemployment number decrease and our deficit go through the ceiling. If spending more would make one solvent, we would all be borrowing and spending to get wealthy. The only thing the Obama economic plan will do is bankrupt this country. Then again, maybe that is what he wants. After all, "never let a crisis go to waste."
Monday, June 28, 2010
2nd Amendment
It is nice to hear that the Supreme Court found that the Constitution still carries some weight. The right to bear arms was given to us in the Constitution and one must wonder what would happen if the Supreme ruled the other way. Would the 2nd amendment be found unconstitutional even though it is in the constitution or would the supreme court give local, state and federal government the right to ban the possession of guns? When the supreme court starts ruling on the constitutionality of our constitution, we are in serious trouble and just one vote short of socialism, communism or total government control of our lives which is really all the same.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Guess Who?
There was business failures that caused the stock market to decline and a subsequent recession. The administration decided to adopt a widespread series of measures at the national level that emphasized relief and reform. This included banking regulations with a deliberate attempt to introduce planning into the economy with a push for radical redistribution of wealth. The administration decided to save capitalism from itself by entrenching a number of regulatory measures and social programs that kept the market economy from its own excesses. The administration claimed it was committed to a balance budget, yet it ran all-time record deficits. The administration surrounded itself with elitist intellectuals or career politicians. The administration had anti-business bullies who threatened corporate leaders who resisted their "voluntary" programs with a sock right in the nose. Members of this administration believed that government spending would spur demand and thus pull a nation out of a depression. They wanted to ensure that federal spending was transformed "from temporary expedient to a permanent instrument of government". There were also arguments on the other side for cutting government spending to encourage private investment, but the president believed the race to spend federal money was on. However, the president's policy had no overarching principles, no long-term vision, no guiding fundamentals, but was rather a reactive network of plans designed to "get" business and a means of diminishing private control over the necessities of life. It did not help that the president had few business leaders among his advisors due to distrust and believed many business leaders were generally stupid. The president believed it was to his political advantage to him in creating the impression through the country that he was being unjustly attacked by business men. The president looked for high spots in his speeches to get in "a dig at his enemies". Some were impressed by the president's utter lack of logic, the scantiness of his precise knowledge of things that he was talking about and by the immense and growing egotism that came from his office. The president engaged in "secret amputation" when it came to introducing programs that noted, "you do it quietly as possible." You play down its implications. Mixing spot emergency measures, applied to selective sectors of the economy, then combining them with stealth social engineering. From the time this president took office the deficit jumped nearly $6 Billion in six years, more than double when he took office and the national debt had soared to real levels unmatched to this day. Above all, emergency measures needed to be done quickly before opposition could mount to many of these breathtaking changes to the Constitution.
This sounds like President Obama and his administration. However, it is none other than the administration of FDR. The more things change, the more they remain the same. People who don't know history, tend to repeat it. Research history and you will find all this true.
This sounds like President Obama and his administration. However, it is none other than the administration of FDR. The more things change, the more they remain the same. People who don't know history, tend to repeat it. Research history and you will find all this true.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
The oil spill and possible corruption
We now have a moritorium on oil drilling in the Gulf for at least 6 months which will be a financial blow to the people of the coastal states as many rely on oil drilling for jobs. With the cost of these deep water oil rigs costing upwards of $500,000 to $1 million per day, there is no way they will remain idle for any length of time. So you can expect them to up and leave to "greener" waters where they can operate and provide income for the owners and the oil workers. Now where they will go is a big question. Some say potential areas are off Cuba, Brazil, China, or somewhere in Europe. Now there are a few items to consider on this topic. George Soros, a multi-billionaire (approx. $14 billion) who has supported the democrats and especially Obama with mega bucks has invested approximately $900 billion in Brazilian oil company named Petrobras. Petrobras is presently exploring oil finds off the coast of Brazil in deep water, much deeper than what we have in the Gulf. George Soros, with far left leaning John Podesta is also the co-founder and again financial supporter of the Center for American Progress that is a radical left think tank that has encouraged President Obama to go after BP monetarially and legally and to call for a morituriam on oil drilling which was done. Now since the drilling platforms will not waste away during this time, you can expect them to be moved elsewhere as mentioned previously. If they go to Brazilian waters, you can expect George Soros to again have another financial bonzana. And you still think this administration is not corrupt. We have a president who was elected with no executive experience that has become more apparent as this oil spill progresses in days and it has become either Obama's Katrina or even worst a Jimmy Carter fiasco. Either way,President Obama has demonstrated by his inaction that he is more interested in his agenda that now includes Cap and Trade, rather then pull out all stops to prevent the oil spill from destroying the coastal regions by asking and searching the world for those countries and companies that can help in this area of expertise. It is obvious for a person that many thought was our savior, he has no skill whatsoever to handle a crisis. Incompetent would explain his knowledge, skills and ability in crisis situation. Imagine if he were to have another type 9/11 happenning. He probably would go after the Tea Party members. But remember, it is not about the oil spill, so you must watch the other hand as he has his administration move in other areas to slowly gain more control of our lives by using this crisis for his socialist agenda. Always look past the crisis to see what he is really doing. November 2, cannot come soon enough and he knows this that is why he is pushing his agenda.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Understanding Progressives
From President Teddy Roosevelt to the current Obama administration the progressive point of view has always been that there exist an intellectual hierarchy among men and that only the best and brightest should lead. This was called then and is today "elitism". That the average American does not know how to run their lives and only the elitist and government can do it. This has been called other names in the past and present known at Socialism, Communism, Fascism and Nazism. Rejected by most of the world as not workable and well known by our Founding Fathers that is the reason why they began with "We the People" and not "We the Government". However, our elitist president who has no management or executive experience and never really held a real job, believes he knows best or borrowing from a 1950's T.V. show, "Father Knows Best". But if anyone knows where their form of government they are trying to force upon us has been successful in countries over our form of government, either your are a dreamer or are as dumb as our president and his radical friends.
Monday, June 14, 2010
55 days and counting
After approximately 55 days, President Obama may meet with the CEO of BP, Tony Heyward and yet, soon after taking office, he began his tour meeting with world leaders, even those that wanted us destroyed. I like to say he is acting stupidly, but I don't have all the facts, except what I and the rest of the world have been reading and viewing since April 20. You would think for someone who can walk on water, this spill would have been cleaned up already. I guess we have been misled.
Keep up the Blame game
Lets see, if I understand the Democrats, lamestream media and the Obama administration, former President Bush is responsible for the sinking of the Titanic, Lusitania, the great depression, Pearl Harbor, Korean War, Vietnam War, bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1984, bombing of the Twin Towers in 1993, the U.S. Embassy in Africa in 1995, the U.S. Cole in 2001 and of course 9/11 without question and now the Gulf Oil spill. Some day, President Obama will take responsibility for something, but rest assured it will not be in our lifetime. Of course the Socialist Progressive Democratic party will make sure this never happens. Chicago politics as its finest.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Jones Act
The Jones Act, officially titled the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, but named after Senator W. Jones who sponsored it. There are two parts of the Jones Act one involves benefits for sailors injured at sea and the other on ships using the waters of the US that is the concern of all states involved with the Gulf oil spill. Basically, the act promoted American built, owned and staffed ships by restricting shipping and passenger trade within the United States to American owned or American flagged ships and stipulated that 75% of a ship's crew consist of American citizens. During hurricane Katrina this section of the act was suspended by the Bush administration and with request from foreign governments to help in this spill that have the ships and expertise to address oil spills, the Obama administration is hesitant in suspending this act since it appears that labor unions have objected to this. Since the Obama administration owes it life to union campaign workers and donations, well you figure it out. Remember, those of you that voted for Obama, voted for a community and union organizer and not a person who had tons of administrative experience. So he owes his body and soul to the unions not the citizens of the United States.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
While Rome Burns..................................
The old saying, “While Rome burns, Nero played his fiddle”, I guess can also apply to President Obama and the Gulf oil disaster.
While the oil in the gulf continues to spill out from the ruptured pipe, President Obama decides to go on the campaign trail again trying to sell his healthcare plan to a bunch of senior AARP members that were screened to make sure they were supporters of Obama and his administration. But the oil continues to spill and Obama into his second year in office continues to campaign.
While the oil in the gulf continues to spill out from the ruptured pipe, President Obama decides to go on the campaign trail again trying to sell his healthcare plan to a bunch of senior AARP members that were screened to make sure they were supporters of Obama and his administration. But the oil continues to spill and Obama into his second year in office continues to campaign.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Do as I say or else.
The Obama administration is attempting to take primary election choices out of the voters hands by doing a quid pro quo with those candidates they do not want to run. And we thought primaries were in play for the voters to decide who they wanted to represent them. Isn't this what happens in socialist countries where the government selects the candidates and then the voters must go out and vote for that candidate? Oh, but that would never happen here. And we never thought our president would never bow down to foreign leaders or be unable to say "terrorist". I forgot I am a terrorist because I am pro-life, Tear Party member, Christian, support the right to bear arms, believe marriage is between a man and women and dislike this president. After 2012, I will again become the average American again.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The Propaganda Minister speaks again
The minister of propaganda, Gibbs, made a statement at Thursday news conference that shows exactly what the Obama administration is attempting to do. The propaganda minister said in essence that the Obama administration wants to limit the number of people entering a primary that can be very costly for the Democrats. What he was really saying is that the Obama administration wants to control the primaries as to who is running and not have the citizens decide who they want to represent them. Obama wants to make that decision for them. More government control or what we call socialism or communism that we saw in the Soviet Union or present day China, Cuba, Venezuela etc.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sestak, Obama and the lies
Representative Joe Sestak originally indicated that he was offered a high powered position in the Obama administration last February while competing with Sen. Arlen Spector for senator's seat. This allegation as well as Sen. Spector switching parties did not sit well with the voters and Sen. Spector was defeated in the primary. Since President Obama threw his support to Sen. Spector, the allegation made by Joe Sestak seemed very plausible. In fact on numerous occasions, Rep. Sestak repeated this allegation and at no time did he indicate that the position was not a non-paying position. Now, after many months with this allegation hanging out there, the Obama administration issued their statement that seems to conflict with what Rep. Sestak claimed. It does not take a brain surgeon to realize that the response from the Obama administration that former President Clinton contacted Rep. Sestak and made an offer for a position that he could have if he dropped out of the race seems far fetched. Now this position was a non paying advisory board member that did not seem to be such a high powered position. The Obama administration also indicated in its response that Rep. Sestak could keep his position as a Congressmen. Now that seems to conflict with Article 1, section 6 of the U.S. Constitution that does not allow a seating Congressmen to hold an additional position in any administration. I guess, the Obama lawyers are not a smart as they think even though the offer to Sestak was also a violation of U.S. Code. For those that voted for transparency and an end to politics as usual in Washington, got politics as usual as defined by Chicago standards and transparency even though you do not see it. That is how transparent this administration is. Now everyone is coming to Obama's defense by claiming this happens all the time in Washington. So much for change you can believe in, although I believe they mean what happens in Chicago all the time.
Oil Spill
You can be comforted that President Obama has stated that his administration is in charge in the Gulf oil spill. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is overseeing the entire operation and just like she admitted that we are not battling terrorist but man called disasters, you can rest assured that this operation will not be called an oil spill but another man called disaster. Whoa, I think she finally got something right.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Bailouts and Unions
Bailouts seem to be an ongoing mission for this administration and the Democrats. Now there is a move to bailout union pension funds to the tune of $165 billion. The pensions that union leaders were supposedly managing for their members are not living up to what was promised and so they have turned to their “friends” for taxpayer money to bailout their mismanaged funds. Now for all of you who have seen your 401K’s and other retirement investments lose value over the past few years, just remember that your tax dollars will save the pensions of union workers. Through taxpayer dollars, the Obama administration and Democrats are assured of votes of union members in upcoming elections. Just think what a portion of this bailout money could do if it was used to protect our borders.
BP and oil spill
Everyone can agree that British Petroleum (BP) is attempting to do everything possible to stop the flow of oil from the ruptured pipe and since the US government has limited experience in responding to this type of oil spill they must rely on the knowledge and experience of oil companies to work on this problem. However, the US Government does have the experience and know how to deal with the oil flowing towards the coastlines of Louisiana and the other gulf states, and yet they have been slow to respond to request for action from these state governments. I hate to have to say this, but in keeping with the statement that Rahm Emanuel made last year that a “crisis should no go to waste”, the slow response by the government may be intentional in order to push their agenda to prevent oil drilling off our shorelines and in so called environmental areas. When you realize that the Obama administration wants to see a crisis to push their agenda and promote global warming, climate change or whatever they wish to call it. But the question that will go unanswered is why do we allow drilling at such depths when we do not have experience or expertise to deal with leaks? Divers can go 300 feet deep and if we only allowed drilling in this depth, this problem would have been resolved in days. Drilling off the continental shelf where the depth is within this range (up to approximately 460 feet) would present less risk if there was a similar type of rupture. But no one wants to address this topic. Wonder why?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Rev. Wright and Obama
Rev. Wright, from President Obama’s church where Obama listened to the Rev. Wrights sermons for 20 years but has no memory of what was preached, has now claimed that President Obama has pushed him under the bus. Of course we all know that President, Obama wants to avoid any contact with his pastor for the time being. What we do know, the present atmosphere seems to indicate that Muslims and Christians have a compatibility problem around the world. Think maybe that is why Obama has avoided his previous pastor. I am not claiming that Obama is a Muslim, but he has indicated a preference in protecting Muslims and refuses to have anyone in his administration state that radical Islam terrorist are the problem. Rather we have man called disasters and our troops are battling overseas contingency operations. The fact that he resided in Pakistan for many years and attended Islamic Madras’s has no bearing on the issue.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Amazing Administration
The Obama administration is one of the most amazing administrations we have ever had. It seems without knowing the facts, President Obama claims the Cambridge police acted stupidly. Homeland Secretary Napolitano thinks we are fighting a war against man made disasters and not Islamic terrorist. Attorney General Eric Holder thinks the Arizona law may be unconstitutional and yet he admitted before a Congressional hearing that he has not read the legislation but got his information form the news media. Here is a lawyer who should get the facts from the horses mouth, but instead relies on what the lamestream media reports. Also, at the same hearing, Mr. Holder refuses to state that we are fighting Islamic terrorist. It seems this administration has a problem making this claim that the whole world knows is true. Radical Islam is out to destroy those who do not believe in their religion and yet this administration refused to acknowledge this fact, but instead prefers the political correctness approach. And we cannot secure the border since this might offend the Hispanic population. And last but not least and the most amazing, we must spend and borrow to reduce our deficit. Wouldn’t it be great if we all could do that. Just keep on spending and some day, all our deficit spending will produce a surplus in our savings account.
The blame game again
President Obama is quick to criticize the oil companies on the Gulf oil spill for trying to pass the blame onto someone else and he will not tolerate this and the oil companies will take responsibility for what has happen. However, his administration continues to blame the Bush administration for anything that goes wrong since he has taken office. It is obvious, his administration finds it easier to dish it out than accept responsibility for their errors. Mr. Infallible he is not. Mr. Irresponsible he is.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Who is to Blame
It seems since Obama has taken office anything that goes wrong is because of President Bush and when things go right it is because of his administration policies. Since nothing seems to be going right, Bush is the problem. Hopefully after the 2012 elections we will not have to listen to his crap anymore. Will Bush get the blame for that also? That will then be acceptable to hear.
Budget Deficits and Obama
Budgets do not come from the White House. They come from Congress, and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democratic Party. They controlled the budget process for FY 2008 and FY 2009, as well as FY 2010 and FY 2011. In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases. For FY 2009, though, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the FY 2009 budgets.
And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete FY 2009.
If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the FY 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets. If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself.
In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since January 20th.
And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete FY 2009.
If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the FY 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets. If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself.
In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since January 20th.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Gov. Charlie Crist
Gov. Crist seeing that his poll numbers are in decline decides to switch from a Republican to an independent in the Florida senate race with the logic that as an independent he can get elected. Even though polls show his popularity is not what he believes it is, and that he cannot understand why “me Charlie Crist is not being accepted by the public”. Well, the answer is the Florida voters in all polls are rejecting the Obama Administration and Gov. Crist embraces both literally and policy wise the Obama agenda. Besides, Gov. Crist wants to continue to feed from the public trough and cannot believe he actually may have to go out and get a real job. He will find that out shortly. Goodbye Charlie and good riddance.
Vote doesn’t count
In case you do not see the hand writing on the wall, if you are not Hispanic, your vote does not count in this country. That is why you see no movement to close the southern border by either party. They both talk a good line, but will not act for fear of losing the Hispanic vote. Forget the fact, that illegal immigrants do not vote, or at least not suppose to vote, are a financial burden on the states and federal government since no one wants to mention that fact. Also, legal Hispanic immigrants are also victims since illegals are taking jobs away from them for cheaper wages that employers offer with the “don’t ask, don’t tell” mentality on whether an employee is legal or not. So, citizens are becoming second hand citizens while illegals are getting the benefit. Goes to show that our elected officials are more interested in getting elected, getting their party elected rather than enforcing our Constitution. That is why they must all be voted out in November. YOU DON’T COUNT.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Healthcare and HHS
After the healthcare bill was passed the CBO comes out and indicates that how they initially graded the healthcare bill many not be exactly correct and it may cost more than originally estimated. Now Health and Human Services claims it will increase the budget by more than $300 billion. And why are we not surprised by that. It seems the lamestream media was not reporting this and all they did was glorify this healthcare bill while Fox news and talk radio was telling us exactly what HHS reported. It has been indicated that the estimates from HHS were even conservative on the deficit side and the actual figures may be much more. Again, when was the last time government did anything under orginal estimates. Rest assured this healtcare bill will actually cost over #2.5 billion more than estimate. And how will those deficit estimates be met, I will give you three guesses and the first two do not count.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Who are the instigators?
It is becoming evidently more clear that the Democrats are attempting to incite radical fringe in society to engage in some sought of violent act so they can relate the action to those that are opposed to the Obama Administration. If such a happening takes place you can rest assured that the lamestream media and the Obama comrades will attempt to place Tea Party activist and members as the impetus for such violent behavior. The Democrats are desperate when they see the support and increase members in the Tea Party movement and growing distrust in Congress and the White House over increase government spending, budget deficits, violating the U.S. Constitution and a complete disregard of public opinion on issues. This administration and Congress are under the illusion that since the Democrats won the last election they have carte blanch to do whatever they desire. On November 2, the voters will respond with term limits of their own.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Interesting Reading
An interesting book I have been reading, titled “Why Jews are Liberals” by Norman Podhoretz, I came across a section related to Nazi Germany in 1932 that I thought sounded familiar to what is taking place in our country today.
Although the following section refers to the plight of the Jews at the time, it also can be considered in the context of how the radical left and the Socialist/Marxist in the present administration have come into power. I quote: “In Germany of all places, an openly and poisonous anti-Semitic party had taken over the government and had, moreover, done so not by a coup but through a democratic election. And to make the situation more horrifying, when shortly after becoming chancellor, Hitler seized on a staged pretext to demand that the Reichstag allow him to suspend the constitution, two-thirds of the deputies acceded, enabling him to turn what had been an exemplary democracy into a dictatorship in which he soon enjoyed absolute power.” (Similar to Pelosi, Reid and Obama hijacking the democratic party and passing Obamacare and pushing for other massive programs)
In addition, since there was no vetting of Obama during the presidential campaign for fear something may be found, Obama was elected under the premise that he was a centrist even though all his associations throughout his life from his parents, grandparents, college colleagues, who in his own words sought out the radicals, Chicanos and Marxist on campus, as well as his 20 year relationship with Rev. Wright and his hushed relationship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadette Dorn. All these relationships have now given a clearer picture of what was elected and it was not what most Americans thought they would be getting. This brings up another entry in the book that also reflects what is happening today with this administration. “Under the new imperatives, the Communist went to almost comical lengths in dressing themselves up to look like one hundred percent Americans. Everything they did was made to seem as American as possible. What had been the Young Communist League one day became the American Youth for Democracy, whose local chapters named themselves after legendary figures from American history like Molly Pitcher and Paul Revere. The education institution the party set up in New York was named Thomas Jefferson. “ I thought I would share these thoughts with everyone since upon reading this section of the book, my thoughts immediately turned to what is happening now.
Although the following section refers to the plight of the Jews at the time, it also can be considered in the context of how the radical left and the Socialist/Marxist in the present administration have come into power. I quote: “In Germany of all places, an openly and poisonous anti-Semitic party had taken over the government and had, moreover, done so not by a coup but through a democratic election. And to make the situation more horrifying, when shortly after becoming chancellor, Hitler seized on a staged pretext to demand that the Reichstag allow him to suspend the constitution, two-thirds of the deputies acceded, enabling him to turn what had been an exemplary democracy into a dictatorship in which he soon enjoyed absolute power.” (Similar to Pelosi, Reid and Obama hijacking the democratic party and passing Obamacare and pushing for other massive programs)
In addition, since there was no vetting of Obama during the presidential campaign for fear something may be found, Obama was elected under the premise that he was a centrist even though all his associations throughout his life from his parents, grandparents, college colleagues, who in his own words sought out the radicals, Chicanos and Marxist on campus, as well as his 20 year relationship with Rev. Wright and his hushed relationship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadette Dorn. All these relationships have now given a clearer picture of what was elected and it was not what most Americans thought they would be getting. This brings up another entry in the book that also reflects what is happening today with this administration. “Under the new imperatives, the Communist went to almost comical lengths in dressing themselves up to look like one hundred percent Americans. Everything they did was made to seem as American as possible. What had been the Young Communist League one day became the American Youth for Democracy, whose local chapters named themselves after legendary figures from American history like Molly Pitcher and Paul Revere. The education institution the party set up in New York was named Thomas Jefferson. “ I thought I would share these thoughts with everyone since upon reading this section of the book, my thoughts immediately turned to what is happening now.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
IRS and healthcare
Isn't this new healthcare bill exciting when if you do not have health insurance the IRS will come after you. What you are not being told by Obama and the Democratic elitist is that you will have to indicate on your income tax return whether you have health insurance or not and if not, you will be paying a penalty and if you refuse to pay, then....................... You figure it out. I will give you 3 guesses and the first 2 will not count.
Difference between Democrats and Conservatives.
The difference between the Socialist Democrats and Conservatives is that the Socialist Democrats want to repeal the U.S. Constitution and replace it with a socialist version while the Conservatives want to repeal the healthcare bill and replace it with one that the American people will agree with and find acceptable.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Not surprised by this either
When Obama ran for president and during his campaign for healthcare, we were repeatedly told that if you make less than $250,000 you will not see an increase in your taxes. Now we learn that the administration is floating out the idea of raising taxes through a Value Added Tax (VAT) that will affect everyone and not just those making more than $250,000. But why are we not surprised by this since those who have opposed Obama and his reckless spending programs have stated endless times that taxes are going to be increased. And when was the last time Congress saw a dollar they did not want to spend. You hear no talk for cutting spending to reduce the budget deficit but lets raise taxes so we can spend some more. We are going to be bankrupt before the end of Obama's first and we hope last term if we don't reduce our reckless spending and deficits. First we must impose term limits on our Congressional representatives this coming November by voting them out of office.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Lies, Lies and budget deficits.
Yesterday, the head of the Postal Service announced that they will have to cut to 5 day deliveries since the Post Office is anticipating a deficit of $236 Billion over the next 10 years. This is interesting, since we also have Social Security with over $50 Billion in shortfall and together with Medicare we see a entitlement that is over $100 Billion in the red. And yet the Socialist Democratic party as well as President Obama want us to believe that the recently passed healthcare bill will be deficit neutral and actually reduce the budget deficit. Experience has taught us that the government cannot run anything in the black and for us to believe they can keep the healthcare bill in the black, well then there is a bridge in Brooklyn for sale. Get prepared for an large increase in taxes including the famous well talked about Value Added Tax. A what? A value added tax is a tax on the estimated market value added to a product or material at each stage of its manufacture or distribution, ultimately passed on to the consumer. That is from the raw material of a product all through production and to the seller and buyer. And in addition, have you heard any member of the Socialist Democratic Party or our dictator Obama say what they will do with all the money they will be collecting from the citizens on this healthcare bill up to it becomes effective in 2014. No lock boxed has ever been mentioned. Have you ever seen Congress given money they could not spend? Well, just wait because by the year 2014 there will be no money left for healthcare implementation. Guess what happens then?
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The Monstrosity
Over the objections of "We the People" the Socialist Democratic Party passed the infamous healthcare bill and claim this is a great accomplishment for the country. Of course what country they are talking about is unknown. Surely, not our country. Smooth talk for the past year could not sway public opinion on this massive addition to our obscene debt, but the taxes and business buster this will create will devastate our economy, not that it isn't already. After all, if this bill was so great, why did the Democrats have to bribe each other to get it passed? That alone should tell you all you need to know about this monstrosity.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Don’t give up
The Obamacare legislation passed without the consent of the govern. We the People were ignored and over our objections and with approximately 75% of the govern in opposition to this legislation. This was forced upon us and we will do whatever it takes to enforce term limits this coming November with the elections. In the meantime, since all America has now learned the real agenda of this administration and the other Progressives in Congress, we must remember the words of two American patriots.
Commander Perry in the war of 1812, when he said “We have met the enemy and they are ours”.
Commander John Paul Jones in the Revolutionary war when he said “I have not yet begun to fight”.
As tea party patriots and 9-12ers we will carry our fight through the November elections and bring Constitutional change we all can believe in.
Commander Perry in the war of 1812, when he said “We have met the enemy and they are ours”.
Commander John Paul Jones in the Revolutionary war when he said “I have not yet begun to fight”.
As tea party patriots and 9-12ers we will carry our fight through the November elections and bring Constitutional change we all can believe in.
The day the United States died.
On Sunday, March 21 at approximately 11:00 pm, our Constitution died and any resemblance to a Republican form or government went down the tubes. We have begun down the road to a Venezuela type democratic dictatorship. The voices of the people do not matter. Only what some selected elitist want and desire.
New Song
A new song is coming out by Bart Stupak just in time for Easter, titled “The Sounds of Silence in the Womb”.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Democrats and Healthcare
Questions on the Obama health care that are not being answered.
1. The Democrats have the votes to pass healthcare and yet they must offer bribes and kickbacks to their members to get them to vote for the bill. Why, if the bill is so great?
2 The bill will cut $500 billion from Medicare funding and yet the Democrats claim seniors will still receive the same medical coverage. If you believe that, I know a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.
3. Sen. Bill Nelson claimed he did not receive a kickback and yet we now know he received what is called the “Gator aid kickback”.
4. Democrats claim this health care bill will insure another 30 million people who do not have insurance. Who is going to pay for these additional policyholders when many of them could not afford insurance? Why not just improve services of Medicaid for the 30 million rather than screw 300 million people?
5. We will be paying for Obamacare for four years before benefits become effective. So the CBO evaluates only 10 years of coverage where only 6 years will actually be in effect with 10 years of collections of premiums. After that, the program will be in the red unless taxes are increased drastically. For those of us with an income below $240,000, we will be paying higher taxes regardless of what we were promised. Doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure that one out. Remember, term limits come every two years.
1. The Democrats have the votes to pass healthcare and yet they must offer bribes and kickbacks to their members to get them to vote for the bill. Why, if the bill is so great?
2 The bill will cut $500 billion from Medicare funding and yet the Democrats claim seniors will still receive the same medical coverage. If you believe that, I know a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.
3. Sen. Bill Nelson claimed he did not receive a kickback and yet we now know he received what is called the “Gator aid kickback”.
4. Democrats claim this health care bill will insure another 30 million people who do not have insurance. Who is going to pay for these additional policyholders when many of them could not afford insurance? Why not just improve services of Medicaid for the 30 million rather than screw 300 million people?
5. We will be paying for Obamacare for four years before benefits become effective. So the CBO evaluates only 10 years of coverage where only 6 years will actually be in effect with 10 years of collections of premiums. After that, the program will be in the red unless taxes are increased drastically. For those of us with an income below $240,000, we will be paying higher taxes regardless of what we were promised. Doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure that one out. Remember, term limits come every two years.