Sometimes we have a tendency to forget things politicians do and it is important that these things are never forgotten. Recently, Bill Clinton had nothing but praise for Sen. Robert Bryd, a former KKK Grand Wizard who helped recruit numerous Klan members, attempted to block Civil Rights legislation in the 50's as a House member and in 1964 while in the Senate. He was an avowed racist at that time and whether he had an Epiphany or saw the handwriting on the wall politically we will never know and only the soul of Sen. Byrd and God can answer that question. But, for Bill Clinton to praise Sen. Bryd and criticize former Sen. Trent Lott for his praise of Sen. Strom Thurmond on his 100th birthday is typical of the hypocritical politicians in the Socialist Democratic party.
During the Clinton administration we had Hillary attempt to pass a healthcare bill through secret negotiations and then under the illusion that even a Democratically controlled Congress would approve the measure. Of course we know that did not happen. Then we had the travelgate debacle where Hillary, who by the way was not voted into any office at he time, had all those in the White House travel office that handled all travel request from administration personnel fired. Hillary was successful in putting in place her friends, high powered Hollywood producers, Harry and Susan Thomason. Not illegal but highly unethical. Of course, ethics, morality and responsibility were not a primary concern of the Clinton administration and never has been in their lifetime so far.
We know that in the 1992 election, Bill Clinton secured only 43 percent of the popular vote and in 1996 only 49 percent. But, you would think that he won by a landslide in both elections when you listen to the Socialist Democrats. We know with the sex scandals he was involved in, Monicagate, and other females, Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, Sally Perdue, Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey to name a few, that he was more preoccupied with sex than the country's affairs. Unless you consider these as engaging in the country's affairs. We also had the Whitewater scandal where Clinton supporter took the fall for this great president.
Thanks to the great Attorney General Janet Reno, we had the shooting at Ruby Ridge in 1992, the Waco debacle in 1993 where it seems government overreacted, but since it was a Democratic administration it was given a pass by the media. Just imagine if this had taken place during the Bush administration. Then in December 1993 we had the bombing at the World Trade Center that was an attempt by, what we later learned was Al Qaeda inspired, but fortunately failed to bring down the building. Although, some members of Al Qaeda was prosecuted for this crime, there was no pursuit by the Clinton administration to go after this terrorist organization. One of the masterminds of this attack was Ramzi Yousef who was captured in 1996. He was also a master bomb maker. We also know that in 1995, in Oklahoma City, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was destroyed by a bomb blast that killed 169 women and children. The two involved in this domestic terrorist attack, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were apprehended and convicted. What the public was not told was that these two may not have acted alone. It is known that Nichols was in the Philippines at the time Ramzi Yousef was there and it is believed from testimony that neither McVeigh or Nichols had the expertise to devised such a bomb that was a near perfect replica of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. But we may never know this answer since we had a Justice Dept. supervised by our great Attorney General Janet Reno, similar to what we see with Eric Holder today. We also know that Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden had planned to hijack 10 planes over the Pacific and use them as weapons to attack this country. Sound familiar. In 1998 we had the bombings of our embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Tanzania. In response, Clinton had military strikes using bombs and Cruise missiles, attacking camps in Sudan and Afghanistan. It had been reported that we blew up an aspirin factory and a few camels. Such a meager response only reinforced Bin Laden's intent to attack our country. In addition we had the attack on the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, the USS Cole and a foiled attack on the USS The Sullivans and we know there was no serious retaliation. Bolden by this lack of serious response, we had to suffer through 9/11 and then and only then did we respond with sufficient force. Lest we forget, when and until the Taliban and Al Qaeda are destroyed, we must remain in Afghanistan. "Our job will be done when victory is won". If we leave before that, this will prove to our adversaries around the world to just drag out any conflict and the US will eventually leave. In any conflict there will always be collateral damage to buildings and innocent civilians, but this is a product of military conflict and we cannot deter our efforts to destroy those who are out to exterminate us. Our military arsenal must be used to defeat our enemies before they are successful against us. Kill them before they kill us should be our motto. Not political correctness on the battlefield that we see today. Battles are fought with guns to kill the enemy not lawyers.
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