Thursday, July 8, 2010
Taxes and the so called Rich
Ever wonder why the rich, like George Soros, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, the Kennedy's, Sen. John Kerry and wife as well as other super rich too numerous to mention never really complain about Congress and the president trying push for higher taxes on the rich. Well, it is simply that the rich know how to protect their money and are not really affected by tax increases. They invest their money in tax free bonds and overseas investments as well as other sources that the average citizen has no idea and does not have the ability or income to follow their lead. That is why, taxing the rich had never produced the income claimed by the Socialist Democrats and only when those earning below the so called $250,000 level are taxed is the desired result reached. However with 49% of our workers not paying taxes, we are creating a two tier society, that will become dependent on government for survival that is exactly what we see in socialist European countries. Since Congress has never seen a dollar they could not spend, no matter how much income is obtained from taxes, unless spending is cut drastically, our deficits will increase beyond our ability to pay back and the result will be either drastic tax increase or a complete collapse of our economy that drastic tax increases will create. This is exactly what the Obama administration desires since he can then overthrow our Constitution and form a government of Socialist principles. A form of government that history of the world has shown has never worked, but put all power in the hands of elected and un-elected bureaucrats. When was the last time any country has spent itself in prosperity. If that was possible, we would all be borrowing like crazy to become rich. Awake America and realize that unless you throw out the Democratic controlled Congress our country will not be recognized in the next two years. Not that Republicans are our saviors, but it will remove the president's ability to force through legislation that we have seen the overwhelming majority of citizens do not want. It will also send a message to the Republicans that if they do not defend the Constitution as written, they will be replaced by those candidates that will in the 2012 election. Our Founding Fathers made sure that there would be power to the people through the vote and detested big government.
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