Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Not surprised by this either
When Obama ran for president and during his campaign for healthcare, we were repeatedly told that if you make less than $250,000 you will not see an increase in your taxes. Now we learn that the administration is floating out the idea of raising taxes through a Value Added Tax (VAT) that will affect everyone and not just those making more than $250,000. But why are we not surprised by this since those who have opposed Obama and his reckless spending programs have stated endless times that taxes are going to be increased. And when was the last time Congress saw a dollar they did not want to spend. You hear no talk for cutting spending to reduce the budget deficit but lets raise taxes so we can spend some more. We are going to be bankrupt before the end of Obama's first and we hope last term if we don't reduce our reckless spending and deficits. First we must impose term limits on our Congressional representatives this coming November by voting them out of office.
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