Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Lies, Lies and budget deficits.
Yesterday, the head of the Postal Service announced that they will have to cut to 5 day deliveries since the Post Office is anticipating a deficit of $236 Billion over the next 10 years. This is interesting, since we also have Social Security with over $50 Billion in shortfall and together with Medicare we see a entitlement that is over $100 Billion in the red. And yet the Socialist Democratic party as well as President Obama want us to believe that the recently passed healthcare bill will be deficit neutral and actually reduce the budget deficit. Experience has taught us that the government cannot run anything in the black and for us to believe they can keep the healthcare bill in the black, well then there is a bridge in Brooklyn for sale. Get prepared for an large increase in taxes including the famous well talked about Value Added Tax. A what? A value added tax is a tax on the estimated market value added to a product or material at each stage of its manufacture or distribution, ultimately passed on to the consumer. That is from the raw material of a product all through production and to the seller and buyer. And in addition, have you heard any member of the Socialist Democratic Party or our dictator Obama say what they will do with all the money they will be collecting from the citizens on this healthcare bill up to it becomes effective in 2014. No lock boxed has ever been mentioned. Have you ever seen Congress given money they could not spend? Well, just wait because by the year 2014 there will be no money left for healthcare implementation. Guess what happens then?
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