Friday, September 24, 2010
Bush Tax cuts and political power
The two Congressional leaders, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have been attempting to hit the Republicans on wanting to extend the Bush tax cuts to everyone while they claim that they want it for everyone but those making over $250,000. However, with the Democrats in control of both houses of Congress they can submit legislation with their agenda to exclude those making over $250,000 anytime they want and get it passed with just Democratic support. However, it seems they just want to put off this until after the Nov. 2 election results are in but they will still play their games claiming the Republicans want to help the rich. Of course we all know making $250,000, although a nice sum of money, would not necessarily make you a rich person. Pelosi and Reid know that many in their party want to extend all the Bush tax cuts and not just limit the extension. So rather than face a vote on the issue before the election, they are more concerned with getting their fellow Democrats elected and maintaining control of Congress rather than deal effectively with our disastrous economic situation. The more we delay legislation, the more our economy falters and the Democratic leaders have shown they could care less.
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