Saturday, June 19, 2010
The oil spill and possible corruption
We now have a moritorium on oil drilling in the Gulf for at least 6 months which will be a financial blow to the people of the coastal states as many rely on oil drilling for jobs. With the cost of these deep water oil rigs costing upwards of $500,000 to $1 million per day, there is no way they will remain idle for any length of time. So you can expect them to up and leave to "greener" waters where they can operate and provide income for the owners and the oil workers. Now where they will go is a big question. Some say potential areas are off Cuba, Brazil, China, or somewhere in Europe. Now there are a few items to consider on this topic. George Soros, a multi-billionaire (approx. $14 billion) who has supported the democrats and especially Obama with mega bucks has invested approximately $900 billion in Brazilian oil company named Petrobras. Petrobras is presently exploring oil finds off the coast of Brazil in deep water, much deeper than what we have in the Gulf. George Soros, with far left leaning John Podesta is also the co-founder and again financial supporter of the Center for American Progress that is a radical left think tank that has encouraged President Obama to go after BP monetarially and legally and to call for a morituriam on oil drilling which was done. Now since the drilling platforms will not waste away during this time, you can expect them to be moved elsewhere as mentioned previously. If they go to Brazilian waters, you can expect George Soros to again have another financial bonzana. And you still think this administration is not corrupt. We have a president who was elected with no executive experience that has become more apparent as this oil spill progresses in days and it has become either Obama's Katrina or even worst a Jimmy Carter fiasco. Either way,President Obama has demonstrated by his inaction that he is more interested in his agenda that now includes Cap and Trade, rather then pull out all stops to prevent the oil spill from destroying the coastal regions by asking and searching the world for those countries and companies that can help in this area of expertise. It is obvious for a person that many thought was our savior, he has no skill whatsoever to handle a crisis. Incompetent would explain his knowledge, skills and ability in crisis situation. Imagine if he were to have another type 9/11 happenning. He probably would go after the Tea Party members. But remember, it is not about the oil spill, so you must watch the other hand as he has his administration move in other areas to slowly gain more control of our lives by using this crisis for his socialist agenda. Always look past the crisis to see what he is really doing. November 2, cannot come soon enough and he knows this that is why he is pushing his agenda.
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