Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Class Warfare?
The discussion on whether to extend the Bush tax cuts but not include those making over $250,000 which is just another way for the Democrats to pursue their ideology that includes class warfare. The Democrats have been doing this for years beginning with black Americans by getting them to feed from the public trough rather than encouraging them to better themselves through education and family values and keeping the family intact. How many forget that Pres. Eisenhower attempted to have Congress pass a civil rights bill and then it was Pres. Kennedy who attempted the same type of legislation but both failed because the Democrats would not support such legislation. Then along comes Pres. Johnson and with and only with the support of the Republicans did the 1964 Civil Rights act pass. This bill did not have wide support among Democrats. In fact in order to provide more rights and liberties, it was the Republicans that pushed to pass the 12th, 13th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution to provide rights to blacks that the southern Democrats were blocking through various means and devices. Yet we see the Democrats using class warfare to keep the black vote and now trying to claim that our economic problems is because of the taxes the rich do not pay. And now these same Democrats are attempting to obtain Hispanic support by claiming Republicans would put them on a bus and send them back to Mexico. We see how Rev. Jackson and Sharpton continue to use race as a impetus for financial gain for themselves. Of course we see this now with Congressman Rangel and previous to that Congressman Adam Clayton Powell who go through the motions but live a lifestyle that many they serve can only dream about. Race and class warfare is how the Democrats keep in power and the voters don't seem to have a clue how they are being ripped off. But as long as the money faucet is not turned off, they will continue to get re-elected.
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