It's amazing to see how many Democrats are running for office and their advertisements/posters do not indicate what party they are affiliated with.
It is amazing how many Democrats now are running away from Queen Pelosi and King Reid in a attempt to delude the public into believing they are not associated with these to Democratic leaders. Yet when these two Congressional leaders were forcing bills down the throat of the citizens, they did not speak out, but now that their election is in jeopardy, oh now they want to really show where they stand. The old saying applies: "fool me once................................
Also, we listen to President Obama, Pelosi, Reid and other Democrats on how the Republicans are blocking legislation. Well the last time I looked, the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and the White House and they can introduce any legislation their little heart desires and the Republicans cannot stop it. Could it be that there are some Democrats that will not vote for some of this legislation and they do not want to be embarrassed so they find it easier to blame the other party.
Hopefully, term limits begin November 2.
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