Questions on the Obama health care that are not being answered.
1. The Democrats have the votes to pass healthcare and yet they must offer bribes and kickbacks to their members to get them to vote for the bill. Why, if the bill is so great?
2 The bill will cut $500 billion from Medicare funding and yet the Democrats claim seniors will still receive the same medical coverage. If you believe that, I know a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.
3. Sen. Bill Nelson claimed he did not receive a kickback and yet we now know he received what is called the “Gator aid kickback”.
4. Democrats claim this health care bill will insure another 30 million people who do not have insurance. Who is going to pay for these additional policyholders when many of them could not afford insurance? Why not just improve services of Medicaid for the 30 million rather than screw 300 million people?
5. We will be paying for Obamacare for four years before benefits become effective. So the CBO evaluates only 10 years of coverage where only 6 years will actually be in effect with 10 years of collections of premiums. After that, the program will be in the red unless taxes are increased drastically. For those of us with an income below $240,000, we will be paying higher taxes regardless of what we were promised. Doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure that one out. Remember, term limits come every two years.
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