Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Eric Massa and the two words not mentioned.
There seems to be some outrage, excitement, astonishment from what Eric Massa stated over the weekend on the radio broadcast with the pressure that was exerted on him for his opposition to Cape and Trade and the Health Care bill and what the Democratic leadership both in the House and White House were doing. But, with the Cornhusker deal and the Louisiana purchase as well as the Florida Bill Nelson Medicare deal why would be expect anything else. I am sure both parties have done this in the past, but what makes this one stand out is that over 70% of the people want this Health care bill scrapped and for Congress to start over. However, using taxpayer money, the Democratic leadership feels throwing taxpayer dollars to members of Congress in the form of bribes to get their vote is sufficient to get this unwanted bill passed. Now we all know that you cannot bribe a member of Congress as they like to claim, but you can peddle influence by using money whether it is from Congressional leadership, Labor unions, corporations, lobbyist and even foreign entities. This is called influence peddling and not bribe taking. For the average citizen it is considered a bribe but for Congress it is not. Now, during his interview, Eric Massa made the statement that he was in the shower in the Congressional gym where there are no curtains and he was approached by Rahm Emanuel where there was a discussion on Health care. Rep. Massa commented that he could not understand why the curtains were removed from the shower stalls. I can answer that in two words, Barney Frank. After all, is he not in charge of money matters. Must cut cost somewhere, why not in the shower. Next, no hot water.
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