Sunday, December 19, 2010
The truth about so called compromise
In Obama's almost 2 years in office he has never asked for or supported bipartisanship. In his previous speeches he told the Republicans in no uncertain terms that the election was over and they could get with the program (Democratic program) or get out of the way. He also indicated during this summer campaign that the Republicans should get to the back of the bus and get out of the way. Now with the Nov. elections, all of a sudden he realizes that his radical legislation agenda is in jeopardy and he must appear that compromise is good and this is what he wanted all along although all he speeches up to the present was "I am the President and the Democrats are in charge and either you are with us or get out of the way". Don't be fooled by what he has just said about the Tax Bill compromise since this is just a smoke screen to hide his great displeasure in not getting what he wants. His ideology will not allow him to even hint of moving toward the center. This man believes in a Marist/Socialist agenda and the only reason it has not worked in the past with other countries is because they did not apply the concept correctly and with his other elitist they will do it right. Yet, no matter how you wish to spin it, Marxist/Socialist governments to not work and any movement towards that direction, as we now see in Europe, will only lead to unrest and disappointment to the citizens. You can only take so much money from the citizens before the well runs dry and government control over production and industry has always failed. I mean, when was the last time our government cut spending and balance the budget. If Obama moved to cut spending he could not institute his socialist programs and agenda and we all know Congress has not met a dollar they could not spend. The next two years will show the real side of Obama as he blames the Republicans for anything and everything that happens in this country. He is above blame because he walks on water and came to save us. If you believe his rhetoric, I know a bridge in Brooklyn that is for sale.
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