Thursday, April 30, 2009
Bidenism strikes again
Vice-President has done it again. What he said about traveling to Mexico may have been correct, but as representative of this country and present administration it was an error in judgment and one of many faux pas by the leader of blunders among elected officials. But to be fair, it is one of many by this administration. We recently had Obama’s statement and that of Chief of Staff Rham Emanuel that they would not move to attempt prosecution of former Bush administration officials on interrogation techniques. Then within one day, we had a different story and it was going to be the decision of the Attorney General. Then we had Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner’s blunders and failure when he addressed Congress. Now we have Homeland Secretary J. Napolitano calling anyone who is pro-life, retired military a right wing extremist and potential terrorist threat. Or should we say the possibility of causing man made disasters since this administration has a problem calling a terrorist a terrorist. It has become obvious that in this administration one hand does not tell the other and the country is really run by President Pelosi and Harry Reed and Obama is just a figurehead who hasn’t got a clue. The story line for this administration whenever anyone speaks is “ What they really meant to say is………..”.
100 Days
The Obama first 100 days have given us the following:
A $787 billion stimulus bill full of pork-barrel spending and the loophole allowing millions of dollars in bonuses for AIG executives;
$410 billion in spending on the 2009 omnibus bill; and,
A $3.6 TRILLION budget blueprint that results in a $9 TRILLION deficit.
And he complained during the campaign about the reckless spending of the Bush administration. Everyone must make sure that they, their children, grand children, great grand children and great great grand children produce many babies since they will be needed to pay off this debt. Of course that is if we still exist as a country which at the present rate does not seem likely. Maybe that is what the radical left really want.
A $787 billion stimulus bill full of pork-barrel spending and the loophole allowing millions of dollars in bonuses for AIG executives;
$410 billion in spending on the 2009 omnibus bill; and,
A $3.6 TRILLION budget blueprint that results in a $9 TRILLION deficit.
And he complained during the campaign about the reckless spending of the Bush administration. Everyone must make sure that they, their children, grand children, great grand children and great great grand children produce many babies since they will be needed to pay off this debt. Of course that is if we still exist as a country which at the present rate does not seem likely. Maybe that is what the radical left really want.
No Masks
Our illustrious Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano has issued a memo to the border guards on the Mexico border that they cannot wear mask. They would be worn to protect them from Mexicans crossing illegally that may carry the swine virus, but the great secretary has indicated that wearing the mask could be frightening and intimidating to those who see them. I mean, wouldn’t that be the illegals. DUH.
President Obama speaks
When President Obama was doing one of his campaign speeches in Missouri yesterday, oops I mean a town hall meeting, he did not have anything nice to say about those who attended the American Tea Party. His slighting of the tea party attendees only shows his disdain for the common man and the US Constitution. It appears anybody who questions Obama, his administration or ideas are greeted with contempt. This only verifies what many have said about President Obama that he is an egotistic, self centered, arrogant and narcissist individual.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Flight over New York
Instead of using the computer to make photos of Air Force One flying over New York we had to spend nearly $300,000 to do a real fly over New York. I guess we can take the expense money from one of the stimulus packages to cover the cost of this flight. I just wonder who was really on the plane? Could it be a payback for political donations?
Sen. Specter, typical politician?
Sen. Arlen Specter decides to switch parties from Republican to Democrat because he realized that his chances of getting re-elected were slim and none. This only goes to prove what I have been saying for years about all politicians that they are more interested in themselves first last and always. When a politician gets elected his first action is to make sure he has a PAC to collect funds for his next run for re-election. Then they concerns himself/herself with helping their party, their family, friends and lobbyist and if any time remaining with the constituents in his district. Nowhere have you read where they are concerned with their country first. Country first should be #1 with all elected officials but as Sen. Specter has demonstrated and many other elected officials also, you will have a hard time finding where they put country first. You would think the voters would wake up to this, but again I have always said at least 50% of voters in this country are dumb on the issues facing this country and continue to elect the same people who talk a good line to their constituents but their performance is just concerned about themselves. And now voters wonder why this country’s elected officials are manipulating the US Constitution to benefit their causes and the voter be dammed. Some day the voters will wake up and wonder where their country went. The founding fathers must be rolling over in their graves.
Monday, April 27, 2009
What happen to Sen. Burris?
Ever wonder what happen to Sen. Burris that was appointed to President Obama's senate seat from Illinois. It is amazing how so called crisis after crisis has pushed this item to the back pages. One minute there were calls for him to resign and today not a whimper.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Is your 401K in trouble? Read this.
Is your future retirement rights in jeopardy? Have no fear. When Chrysler Motors files bankruptcy within the next couple weeks one of the plans being pushed is that the US Government will pick of the tab for the UAW retirees pensions and medical benefits. So, for those of you who lost your benefits due to your company going out of business there is hope. Just contact your legislator and have him or her submit a bill requiring the US Government to reinstate the retirement benefits that you lost. After all it is going to be your tax dollars that the government does not have paying for the UAW benefits. And why you may ask? Well what union offered verbal and financial support of candidate Obama? Gee, you are smart for saying the UAW. How did you guess? There is hope for this country yet. Just get off your butt and write your representatives in Congress and the Senate and voice your opinions. The government in its entire history has yet been able to run anything correctly and look what they are in control of now. But when you own the printing presses, you can have easy access to money. Of course if this continues, the Confederate dollar will have more value. Remember, the only thing we have to fear is the Federal Government. Speak up or shut up and suffer the consequences. Better to go down fighting than never having fought at all.
Torture? You decide.
I was against the releasing the intelligence information concerning interrogation techniques since it will compromise our intelligence gathering. But since the “cat is out of the bag”, we must release all information instead of just a few pages that support the radical left point of view and not the results that these interrogation techniques accomplished. When anyone is accused of anything, all information must be released to either dispute or confirm the allegation. We cannot go on a political witch-hunt to satisfy certain political point of views. We are in the process of seeing a government act in the way one would expect to see in Venezuela, Cuba or the former Soviet Union and present Russia. Our Bill of Rights are being violated to satisfy the cravings of a few. A few I might add that financially supported the president during his campaign. Politics should not be involved in this issue on intelligence. After 9/11 we needed information and we needed it quickly since under rulings of the Clinton administration our intelligence gathering was severely disrupted as was reported during the 9/11 Commission. Besides, these terrorist are not members of a country’s military, are not in any uniform, do not follow the Geneva Convention and although we generally go out of our way in how we treat these terrorist as well as soldiers from a bonafide country, we are right in the techniques we used. The Geneva Convention does not apply and waterboarding is not torture.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Obama was elected president and most voters had no clue about this person, his views and his history. The left wing news media did not do any “vetting” of Obama and so we had to accept what we saw. Some of us did not like what we saw while others just wanted change and would have voted for Stalin if he were running. If you do not know someone, then you have to judge him by the people he associates with. In Obama’s case, it was the Chicago political machine, Rev. Wright and the well know terrorist Ayers. Now we know the news media never bothered to do an in depth research of Obama but they could not get to Alaska fast enough to check on Gov. Palin or even an everyday citizen like “Joe the Plumber”. And now if you voice an opinion not favorable to the Obama administration you might just be considered a “right wing extremist” and Janet Napolitano may come after you. Then she has shown that she is so dumb, she probably thinks you are living in Canada and will put troops on the Canadian border to block you from entering. Since we know based on her comments that there is no problem on the Mexican border.
Bobble head doll?
As we listen to the news from various sources it has become obvious that President Obama really hasn’t got a clue and is just a figurehead for left wing radical groups as Move-On.Org, radical millionaire George Soros, presidential advisor David Axlerod and the real president Nancy Pelosi. Mr. Obama can be more associated with a bobble head doll that just waddles back and forth depending on which way the wind is blowing. His recent turn around on interrogation techniques and the witch-hunt that the Democrats are attempting to instigate against members of the Bush administration is a perfect example. One day nothing was going to be done and the next day, AG Holder will begin an investigation. Obviously, the radical organizations have gotten to be advisers in the inner circle. Unfortunately, members of Congress that were aware of these interrogation techniques, because of their positions, cannot be prosecuted for their complicity on these topics. The real question is “what did the democrats know and when did they know it”. All information points to meetings in 2002 and 2003 and Nancy Pelosi and other leading democrats as well as republicans became knowledgeable at that time and did not offer any dissent or outrage that they are showing today. The democrats have never accepted Bush winning the 2000 election and have been issuing vile hatred since then. Instead of blaming the democratic supervisor of elections in Broward County that approved the voting apparatus, the ballot formation and the incompetent voters, they instead had to blame the governor of Florida and any other republicans. Because we all know the democrats would never cheat. The fact that Mayor Daley in the 1960 election had nearly 100,000 deceased people vote that carried the state for Sen. Kennedy and the election is really just a fairy tale. And we know ACORN would never do that. I have always said that 50% of the voters in this country when it comes to the issues are dumb and this election only proves that theory. Just go out and ask people you meet about issues and you will find out that this theory is correct.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The apology Tour
Since President Obama has finished his world apology tour for the sins of the United States over the years, I would like to add my apologies also. I want to apologize to England for revolting against your King and becoming what we are today; for the people of Europe for assisting you in WWI and WWII with men and equipment to protect you from tyranny and oppression; to the countries in the Pacific that we liberated during WWII from Japanese occupation and terror; for Russia for all the aid we gave you during WWII in fighting Nazi Germany; for Europe again for defending you during the cold war that eventually saw the decline of Soviet Russia and liberated Eastern European Countries from Communist Control; for the people of Berlin for supplying food during the Berlin airlift in 1947; sorry we had to put you through that; for the people of Iraq for removing Saddam Hussein that was torturing and murdering your people as well as a threat to the region; for the people of Afghanistan for removing the Taliban and the assistance we gave you during the Soviet occupation; for the people of France and particularly the people living in Normandy for destroying your landscape with the graves of our military that died giving you freedom from tyranny; hopefully, we will be able to exhume the dead and return them to our country so you can again enjoy you ocean front; for the country of South Korea for protecting you from the North Korea Communist invasion that was assisted by China and allowing your economy to grow and prosper giving your people a better lifestyle; to the people of Japan for dropping the Atomic bomb twice on your country that prevented our military from sustaining a projected million casualties and your country suffering at least as many; to all those immigrants that came to this country over the past 230 years seeking a better life. Sorry you were disappointed. Last but not least, to the world for all the assistance our navy and people gave your countries either through a response to disasters or through food and monetary donations. For all this I apologize. P.S. Forgot to add the Marshall Plan that saved Europe at its' most trying time,where we spent nearly $13 billion in aid to help Europe make a full recovery. Somehow, that has been forgotten also.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Sen. McCarthy in reverse?
In the 1950’s Sen. McCarthy began hearings attempting to uncover communist sympathizers in government and the motion picture industry. This produced outrage from certain factions in the country to the point that Sen. McCarthy eventually became disgraced. Today, we have the far left on a campaign to disgrace, ridicule, insult and denigrate those whose opinion differ from the radical left in this country. If you disagree with the policies of President Obama you will be the butt of jokes and insults because of your belief. Just look at what happen to “Joe the plumber” when he questioned candidate Obama on the “trickle down economics”. Then we had the insults that followed those who participated in the recent “Tea Party.” The far left, including politicians, Democratic spin doctors, so called Hollywood elite, and the radical left news media had a field day denigrating the participants. And the other day, at the Miss American Pageant, we had Miss California who answered a question on gay marriage according to her moral beliefs suffered outrageous verbal abuse on the Internet by the person who ask the question at the event, Perez Hilton. Of course, if Perez Hilton had brains he would be dangerous. But then again, he is typical of the verbal abuse that the far left will assault who disagree with their ideas. We are now heading down the road where free speech will not be accepted unless it is something on the far left. Just recently, former Congressman Tancredo from Arizona was verbally assaulted at North Carolina University when he attempted to give a speech. The students and faculty began a loud outburst both in the audience and some even went on stage to voice their displeasure against his conservative opinion. Freedom of speech will only be tolerated if the audience agrees with your speech. So much for the Bill of Rights. So much for our educational system. But, then again why are we not surprise.
President Obama and his cronies or should we call them czars, still believe in trickle down economics. You earn it and they will make sure others will share in your rewards. I guess when he was listening to Rev. Wright he probably heard a verse from the Bible, “each according to their needs”. Of course he claimed he was at the church for 20 years but was not paying attention. I think that also applies to his leadership skills, but he doesn’t get it.
Still Campaigning?
President Obama still thinks he is campaigning as he travels around the world. Only this time he is trying to be President of the world. Unfortunately, he cannot see that the world leaders are beginning to realize what the people in this country are only becoming awakened too. He hasn’t got a clue about leading the world or the United States. He is still lost in thinking he is the Savior and still can walk on water. He can still talks a good line, but delivering is something else. But he is good with symbolism over substance. Gee, where have we heard that before? Oh year, President Clinton. The socialist, communist and other dictators now know what they have leading this country and they will be knocking themselves down to get away with whatever they can, which is just about anything they want since he doesn’t have a clue. Of course, in the conference just held in the Caribbean some are angry that President Obama did not bend down and kiss their rings or their butts or did he.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Blame Game
President Obama has no problem making public CIA interrogation techniques but has done his best to block the release of his Thesis from Columbia University. I wonder why? Could it be the rumors are true that it was not very friendly towards the United States Government?
And the Obama administration as well as Democratic members of Congress are doing their best to put a black eye on the Bush administration over intelligence gathering and techniques that were used for interrogation. Yet, if we want to put on trial all those who were involve or had knowledge of these techniques, then we must also have the Congressional members of Congress that also had knowledge. The intelligence committees in the House and Senate were notified on these techniques and did not voice any disagreement. Now they are going to do their best to deflect any allegations away from them and just blame Bush. I mean after all if we are to believe the Democrats, President Bush was responsible for Pearl Harbor, Korean War, Vietnam War and 9/11 and anything else they can pass blame on as long as there is no Democrat involved. Blame Bush for everything is their motto. Not Barney Frank or Christopher Dodd or even former Pres. Clinton who was responsible for signing legislation for easy mortgages with no money down.
And the Obama administration as well as Democratic members of Congress are doing their best to put a black eye on the Bush administration over intelligence gathering and techniques that were used for interrogation. Yet, if we want to put on trial all those who were involve or had knowledge of these techniques, then we must also have the Congressional members of Congress that also had knowledge. The intelligence committees in the House and Senate were notified on these techniques and did not voice any disagreement. Now they are going to do their best to deflect any allegations away from them and just blame Bush. I mean after all if we are to believe the Democrats, President Bush was responsible for Pearl Harbor, Korean War, Vietnam War and 9/11 and anything else they can pass blame on as long as there is no Democrat involved. Blame Bush for everything is their motto. Not Barney Frank or Christopher Dodd or even former Pres. Clinton who was responsible for signing legislation for easy mortgages with no money down.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
In case you are upset by DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano’s letter to law enforcement that those who support pro-life, stopping illegal immigration and are a military veteran, are right wing extremist, you must also consider that those who support pro-life issues may have trouble entering this country, like Pope Benedict. Imagine, under DHS guidelines, the Pope would be considered a right wing extremist.
Also, those of you who attended a Tea Pary on April 15, should register with DHS as a right wing extremist. After all you support the US Constitution, something Obama appointees do not. You exercised your right to free speech that certain people in Washington find offensive since it was againt the present government administration. Woe to you. If you see some men in dark suits and sunglasses driving black Suburbans parked outside your house, you are really in trouble.
Also, those of you who attended a Tea Pary on April 15, should register with DHS as a right wing extremist. After all you support the US Constitution, something Obama appointees do not. You exercised your right to free speech that certain people in Washington find offensive since it was againt the present government administration. Woe to you. If you see some men in dark suits and sunglasses driving black Suburbans parked outside your house, you are really in trouble.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Health and Welfare Secretary Nominee
Nominee Kathleen Sebelius failed to report additional donations she received from Dr. Tiller (the baby killer) for her political campaigns. She claims it was just an oversight. Gee, where have we heard that before from President Obama's nominations. It seems they get caught and then have all kinds of excuses. If you had the same excuses, you can rest assured the IRS could care less and go after you for falsifying tax returns and charging interest and going after everything to make sure you pay. The only way to avoid prosecution is to get noiminated for a position in the Obama administration. Then all is forgiven. After all, will the IRS go after people nominated by a person who walks on water?
Are you a Terrorist?
According to Homeland Secretary Napolitano, if you are against abortion or illegal immigration you are classified as a right wing extremist. Naturally, the White House has distanced itself from these remarks even though they were sent out to all law enforcement agencies on April 7, 2009. So be carefull what you say and who you say it to since over the next few months the federal government will be working with its state and local partners to gather information on "rightwing extremist activity in the United States".
Search the internet and you will find the article that was published in the Washington Times.
Search the internet and you will find the article that was published in the Washington Times.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Travel to Cuba?
In 1957, a journalist from the NY Times who was imbedded with Castro’s rebels kept writing about how great Castro was and how great he was going to be for Cuba. Well, 52 years later what you see in Cuba is people trying to leave anyway possible, deteriorating structures, poor economy and other miscues too numerous to mention. We know that reporter got it wrong.
Now this week we have 3 Democratic members of Congress and the black caucus go to Cuba and then come back and talk about how great Castro was and how we should open travel to Cuba. All I can say, after over 50 years of Castro in power that has practically destroyed this country, violated human rights and murdered countless Cuban citizens, these Democrats appear to have the same intelligence that the Times reporter had. But then again, why are we not surprised.
Now this week we have 3 Democratic members of Congress and the black caucus go to Cuba and then come back and talk about how great Castro was and how we should open travel to Cuba. All I can say, after over 50 years of Castro in power that has practically destroyed this country, violated human rights and murdered countless Cuban citizens, these Democrats appear to have the same intelligence that the Times reporter had. But then again, why are we not surprised.
Famous Quotes
Some Famous Sayings that apply today.
If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.
Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe.
The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.
Sooner will a camel pass through a needle’s eye than a great man be “discovered” by an election.
The art of leadership consist in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention.
The day of individual happiness has passed.
All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.
How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think.
And guess who said all these things…………………..
Non other than that great world leader
And you thought it was someone that works for our government.
If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.
Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe.
The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.
Sooner will a camel pass through a needle’s eye than a great man be “discovered” by an election.
The art of leadership consist in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention.
The day of individual happiness has passed.
All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.
How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think.
And guess who said all these things…………………..
Non other than that great world leader
And you thought it was someone that works for our government.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Not a Christian country?
So, according to President Obama we are not a Christian country but a country of citizens. It seems his knowledge on US history is vague at least. Our country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and over 85% of our country is still Jewish or Christian. Under our Constitution we do not allow government controlled religion and thus we have many different religions living peacefully in our country and are free to practice their faith without fear unlike Muslim countries. Based on his comments made during his European trip, I guess he has a severe case of foot-in-mouth disease.
President Obama in Iraq
It was interesting the praise the President Obama had for our troops when he made a stop in Iraq recently. Of course he was singing a different tune when he was campaigning for president. I am sure after Senator Harry Reid heard his comments he must have had heart palpations. After all, wasn’t it Senator Reid who stated the surge has failed 3 months before the troops were in placed and it actually started?
Presidential Bow
I always thought since the Revolutionary War we do not bow down to anyone. But as luck would have it, our President Obama did just that when he met the head of Saudi Arabia when he was in Europe. Now the spin from the Obama administration was that the president was bending over to shake with two hands since the head of the Saudi government is short. Well if one was to look at the video, you can clearly see that unless President Obama’s hand fell off and he bent down to pick it up off the floor, this is just another fairy tale from this administration. So much for open and honest government. We have lies, lies and the videotape that tells all.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
We had Congressional outrage over the AIG bonuses, but no outrage over bonuses by
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae that was more money. Gee, I wonder why? Could it be because the political donations that Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Charles Schumer and President Obama received from these companies? Na, our elected officials would not be that corrupt. We all know Democrats would not do that.
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae that was more money. Gee, I wonder why? Could it be because the political donations that Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Charles Schumer and President Obama received from these companies? Na, our elected officials would not be that corrupt. We all know Democrats would not do that.
Monday, April 6, 2009
President Obama goes to Europe and tells the Europeans that United States is arrogant. I vehemently disagree with this statement. We are not arrogant, but believe that through hard work you can accomplish almost anything. Unlike Europe, we don’t believe in the government taking charge of our lives from cradle to grave. President Obama may call it arrogance, but Americans call it freedom. Freedom to be all you can be. That is why immigrants both legal and illegal come to this country because they know what hard work can accomplish. As Americans, we believe we can accomplish anything if we apply ourselves. Europeans believe they can accomplish anything as long as the government does it for them. Unfortunately, President Obama believes that also.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
North Korea, the UN, then and now.
So lets see, the North Koreans fire a multi-stage missile into the air that can have far reaching effects on international terrorism and all we hear is we will protest to the UN. The UN will probably issue one of its’ many resolutions and as usual the offending country will ignore. Now when was the last time the UN really took military action against North Korea for being bad? I think it was in 1950 when the North invaded South Korea. Naturally, it was the United States that had to carry the burden of defending the South. So if we do not act, countries that don’t comply with UN resolutions know that nothing will happen. After 17 useless resolutions with Iraq, we had to take action. If the UN were united in taking military action against countries that were not complying, we probably would have different results in the world stage. But with countries like China, Russia and France on the Security Council you can rest assured nothing would happen. It is about time we told the world that they can go screw themselves and if any country attempts to strike our country either through terrorism or other means, we will make sure that country will regret such action. That is the only language these rogue nations understand. Frightening, yes, but it is the language of understanding. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, they know talk is cheap and action speaks louder than words. You can only bury your head in the sand so long. This was done in Europe when Hitler came to power in the early thirties and all Europe did was wave their finger just like the UN, our so-called allies and the US have done. Pres. Regan let Libya get the message that put them in their place. Pres. Bush did it with Iraq and Afghanistan. Whether you agree with these conflicts or not you can believe Saddam Hussein, the Taliban and Al Quaeda wish they did things differently.
President's European Trip
I see where the news media here and in Europe went gaga over Michele O on the president’s trip to G-20 and NATO meetings. It seems the media could not get over how she carried herself or how she was dressed. It was interesting to watch and listen. How exciting it was and made me feel. Oh, forget this posting, I thought I was writing about Jackie O and revisiting the 60’s or 70’s.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Casualties of War
On the news today there was a story concerning the Israeli army killing civilians in the recent war in Gaza and the dislike that soldiers in the army have for the Arabs. Well I thought about this briefly, like a New York minute, and came up with the answer.
Now when the Israeli army invaded Gaza, I thought it was to eliminate the rockets being fired by Hamas and other Arab militants that were killing unarmed Israeli civilians including women and children. Obviously, when you go to war not only are the militants killed, but when the hide among civilians, civilians will be killed. That is what happens in war throughout the ages. At least the Israeli army tried to eliminate civilian deaths, but under the circumstances sometimes it becomes an impossible task, as we found out in WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm, Iraq and Afghanistan. You cannot fight a war where civilians are living and not have them as casualties. Now as far as the soldiers not liking the Arabs, DUH. Since Israel was established as country in 1947 they have engaged in numerous conflicts against Arab countries that vowed to destroy them and some still do. Don’t you really think that they have reasons for this dislike. I mean, you think that we are in love with Al Qaeda. Well maybe the far left. But then again, most of them live in Hollywood and San Francisco.
Now when the Israeli army invaded Gaza, I thought it was to eliminate the rockets being fired by Hamas and other Arab militants that were killing unarmed Israeli civilians including women and children. Obviously, when you go to war not only are the militants killed, but when the hide among civilians, civilians will be killed. That is what happens in war throughout the ages. At least the Israeli army tried to eliminate civilian deaths, but under the circumstances sometimes it becomes an impossible task, as we found out in WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm, Iraq and Afghanistan. You cannot fight a war where civilians are living and not have them as casualties. Now as far as the soldiers not liking the Arabs, DUH. Since Israel was established as country in 1947 they have engaged in numerous conflicts against Arab countries that vowed to destroy them and some still do. Don’t you really think that they have reasons for this dislike. I mean, you think that we are in love with Al Qaeda. Well maybe the far left. But then again, most of them live in Hollywood and San Francisco.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Change you can believe in and more
Well, we are getting change, but not what the voters were promised. We do not have transparency; we do not have bills on the internet 5 days before signing for review; we do have lobbyist in Obama’s government and earmarks are in bills. I guess our perception of change and Obama’s perception are two different things. Maybe the change we really want will come in 2010 when we should vote out of office all 435 Congressional members. If not, then just the ones that voted for the stimulus package and the massive budgets that we will never be able to pay back under the present monetary system. But there is a silver lining in all this for those who are looking for a job. Just do not pay your taxes and there will be a surprise waiting for you, an appointment to the Obama administration. It is obvious this is the ticket to get in. Now you really know why the Democrats keep pushing for a tax increase. They don’t pay theirs.
Maybe what we really need is for the members of Congress and Senate to have their pay cut 15% every year they do not have a balance budget. Now that will take approximately 10 years for them to work for free. Or maybe we can do what Obama did to Wagoner the head of GM and just fire our representatives since our tax dollars are paying their salaries just like our tax dollars are supporting GM. But we know the Constitution says how we can get rid of our elected officials. But we if can hang on for a few more years, the Obama administration is doing their best to do away with the Constitution and we will not have to rid ourselves of our elected officials since we will not have any. Just appointments. If one was to think for a minute, you will realize that it is the appointed cabinet members that are destroying this country and not the ones we elected. Of course they get their marching orders from R. Emanuel Obama’s chief of staff. Another appointed position. And you thought the president was running the country. How foolish you are. Shame on you.
Go to a tea party in your area on April 15 and be heard.
Maybe what we really need is for the members of Congress and Senate to have their pay cut 15% every year they do not have a balance budget. Now that will take approximately 10 years for them to work for free. Or maybe we can do what Obama did to Wagoner the head of GM and just fire our representatives since our tax dollars are paying their salaries just like our tax dollars are supporting GM. But we know the Constitution says how we can get rid of our elected officials. But we if can hang on for a few more years, the Obama administration is doing their best to do away with the Constitution and we will not have to rid ourselves of our elected officials since we will not have any. Just appointments. If one was to think for a minute, you will realize that it is the appointed cabinet members that are destroying this country and not the ones we elected. Of course they get their marching orders from R. Emanuel Obama’s chief of staff. Another appointed position. And you thought the president was running the country. How foolish you are. Shame on you.
Go to a tea party in your area on April 15 and be heard.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Spending, Spending, Spending and Budget
Some one tell me how in hell are we going to pay back all this stimulus packages, outlandish budget request, bailouts and all this borrowing from countries that generally are not best of friends? Where is all this money going to come from and are my great, great, great grandchildren going to be suffering with this payment as their parents, grandparents and great grandparents will. I cannot think of words that can fit this spending spree that we are seeing as if money grows on trees: Madness, outrageous, drunkenness, Fascism and Socialism. I mean this list can go on an on. I realize we can just print trillion of dollars to pay these bills, but that will only create huge inflation and make our money useless and destroy this country that I believe is really what people in the Obama administration are really seeking. Is international law going to supercede our Constitution over this?