Well, we are getting change, but not what the voters were promised. We do not have transparency; we do not have bills on the internet 5 days before signing for review; we do have lobbyist in Obama’s government and earmarks are in bills. I guess our perception of change and Obama’s perception are two different things. Maybe the change we really want will come in 2010 when we should vote out of office all 435 Congressional members. If not, then just the ones that voted for the stimulus package and the massive budgets that we will never be able to pay back under the present monetary system. But there is a silver lining in all this for those who are looking for a job. Just do not pay your taxes and there will be a surprise waiting for you, an appointment to the Obama administration. It is obvious this is the ticket to get in. Now you really know why the Democrats keep pushing for a tax increase. They don’t pay theirs.
Maybe what we really need is for the members of Congress and Senate to have their pay cut 15% every year they do not have a balance budget. Now that will take approximately 10 years for them to work for free. Or maybe we can do what Obama did to Wagoner the head of GM and just fire our representatives since our tax dollars are paying their salaries just like our tax dollars are supporting GM. But we know the Constitution says how we can get rid of our elected officials. But we if can hang on for a few more years, the Obama administration is doing their best to do away with the Constitution and we will not have to rid ourselves of our elected officials since we will not have any. Just appointments. If one was to think for a minute, you will realize that it is the appointed cabinet members that are destroying this country and not the ones we elected. Of course they get their marching orders from R. Emanuel Obama’s chief of staff. Another appointed position. And you thought the president was running the country. How foolish you are. Shame on you.
Go to a tea party in your area on April 15 and be heard.
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