Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Spending, Spending, Spending and Budget
Some one tell me how in hell are we going to pay back all this stimulus packages, outlandish budget request, bailouts and all this borrowing from countries that generally are not best of friends? Where is all this money going to come from and are my great, great, great grandchildren going to be suffering with this payment as their parents, grandparents and great grandparents will. I cannot think of words that can fit this spending spree that we are seeing as if money grows on trees: Madness, outrageous, drunkenness, Fascism and Socialism. I mean this list can go on an on. I realize we can just print trillion of dollars to pay these bills, but that will only create huge inflation and make our money useless and destroy this country that I believe is really what people in the Obama administration are really seeking. Is international law going to supercede our Constitution over this?
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