Friday, April 24, 2009
Is your 401K in trouble? Read this.
Is your future retirement rights in jeopardy? Have no fear. When Chrysler Motors files bankruptcy within the next couple weeks one of the plans being pushed is that the US Government will pick of the tab for the UAW retirees pensions and medical benefits. So, for those of you who lost your benefits due to your company going out of business there is hope. Just contact your legislator and have him or her submit a bill requiring the US Government to reinstate the retirement benefits that you lost. After all it is going to be your tax dollars that the government does not have paying for the UAW benefits. And why you may ask? Well what union offered verbal and financial support of candidate Obama? Gee, you are smart for saying the UAW. How did you guess? There is hope for this country yet. Just get off your butt and write your representatives in Congress and the Senate and voice your opinions. The government in its entire history has yet been able to run anything correctly and look what they are in control of now. But when you own the printing presses, you can have easy access to money. Of course if this continues, the Confederate dollar will have more value. Remember, the only thing we have to fear is the Federal Government. Speak up or shut up and suffer the consequences. Better to go down fighting than never having fought at all.
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