Thursday, April 23, 2009
Bobble head doll?
As we listen to the news from various sources it has become obvious that President Obama really hasn’t got a clue and is just a figurehead for left wing radical groups as Move-On.Org, radical millionaire George Soros, presidential advisor David Axlerod and the real president Nancy Pelosi. Mr. Obama can be more associated with a bobble head doll that just waddles back and forth depending on which way the wind is blowing. His recent turn around on interrogation techniques and the witch-hunt that the Democrats are attempting to instigate against members of the Bush administration is a perfect example. One day nothing was going to be done and the next day, AG Holder will begin an investigation. Obviously, the radical organizations have gotten to be advisers in the inner circle. Unfortunately, members of Congress that were aware of these interrogation techniques, because of their positions, cannot be prosecuted for their complicity on these topics. The real question is “what did the democrats know and when did they know it”. All information points to meetings in 2002 and 2003 and Nancy Pelosi and other leading democrats as well as republicans became knowledgeable at that time and did not offer any dissent or outrage that they are showing today. The democrats have never accepted Bush winning the 2000 election and have been issuing vile hatred since then. Instead of blaming the democratic supervisor of elections in Broward County that approved the voting apparatus, the ballot formation and the incompetent voters, they instead had to blame the governor of Florida and any other republicans. Because we all know the democrats would never cheat. The fact that Mayor Daley in the 1960 election had nearly 100,000 deceased people vote that carried the state for Sen. Kennedy and the election is really just a fairy tale. And we know ACORN would never do that. I have always said that 50% of the voters in this country when it comes to the issues are dumb and this election only proves that theory. Just go out and ask people you meet about issues and you will find out that this theory is correct.
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