Thursday, April 23, 2009
Obama was elected president and most voters had no clue about this person, his views and his history. The left wing news media did not do any “vetting” of Obama and so we had to accept what we saw. Some of us did not like what we saw while others just wanted change and would have voted for Stalin if he were running. If you do not know someone, then you have to judge him by the people he associates with. In Obama’s case, it was the Chicago political machine, Rev. Wright and the well know terrorist Ayers. Now we know the news media never bothered to do an in depth research of Obama but they could not get to Alaska fast enough to check on Gov. Palin or even an everyday citizen like “Joe the Plumber”. And now if you voice an opinion not favorable to the Obama administration you might just be considered a “right wing extremist” and Janet Napolitano may come after you. Then she has shown that she is so dumb, she probably thinks you are living in Canada and will put troops on the Canadian border to block you from entering. Since we know based on her comments that there is no problem on the Mexican border.
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