Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sen. Specter, typical politician?
Sen. Arlen Specter decides to switch parties from Republican to Democrat because he realized that his chances of getting re-elected were slim and none. This only goes to prove what I have been saying for years about all politicians that they are more interested in themselves first last and always. When a politician gets elected his first action is to make sure he has a PAC to collect funds for his next run for re-election. Then they concerns himself/herself with helping their party, their family, friends and lobbyist and if any time remaining with the constituents in his district. Nowhere have you read where they are concerned with their country first. Country first should be #1 with all elected officials but as Sen. Specter has demonstrated and many other elected officials also, you will have a hard time finding where they put country first. You would think the voters would wake up to this, but again I have always said at least 50% of voters in this country are dumb on the issues facing this country and continue to elect the same people who talk a good line to their constituents but their performance is just concerned about themselves. And now voters wonder why this country’s elected officials are manipulating the US Constitution to benefit their causes and the voter be dammed. Some day the voters will wake up and wonder where their country went. The founding fathers must be rolling over in their graves.
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