Monday, June 29, 2009
Another broken promise?
David Axlerod, one of the many presidential advisors has indicated that President Obama may not be able to keep his promise of not raising taxes on those earning lest that $240,000. Now we know he promised this during the campaign, but now that he is elected, promises do not have to be kept. So another surprise that we really are not surprised about. If the Senate was to pass a Cap & Trade then we would really be worried about increases in everything from a loaf of bread to fuel, housing etc. But it seems this may not be the case. Anyway, just follow everything this administration is trying to pull, and you will see that they only care about ensuring their political future for themselves and their party and not much about this country. Country is not first priority on their list. Of course, the Republicans are just as bad and that is why we should vote out of office every Congressman that voted for this Cap and Trade. In fact, if we could vote all 435 House members out that would be good for this country. And we should start with Nancy Pelosi.
EPA Suppresses Global Warming Report
Why are we not surprise by this report because the Democrats and Al Gore have been pushing Global Warming for years and yet, the EPA officials, Al McGartland and Alan Carlin issued a 98 page report that the EPA was advised not to rush into making hasty decisions on global warming since ice is not melting as first believe and the temperature is similar to what we had in the mid 20th century. So the Obama Administration suppresses this information (no surprise here) so the House could vote on the Cap & Trade bill. If this information was broadcast all over before the vote, it is quite possible that this bill would not have passed and that would have been a defeat for the Obama Administration. And we all know that Obama does not like to be challenged and can become vindictive against those who question his policies. Joe Barton, the ranking Republican on the Energy and Commerce Committee, brought this to the attention of Congress. Check it out.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Webster’s definition: The quality or state of being transparent; Having the property of light passing through: Open-Easily seen-clear: Allows objects to be seen clearly; and many more.
But for a President that promised transparency during the campaign, his definition is whatever he wants it to be which is usually not shown. Yet he claimed President Bush was not be transparent enough. Just wait to 2012 when your vote may be transparent if he gets his way on the 2010 census.
But for a President that promised transparency during the campaign, his definition is whatever he wants it to be which is usually not shown. Yet he claimed President Bush was not be transparent enough. Just wait to 2012 when your vote may be transparent if he gets his way on the 2010 census.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Cash for Clunkers
Now is the time to purchase an old cheap clunker vehicle either from a used car lot or junk car dealer. Then trade it in for a new vehicle and you could get between $3500 to $4500. Just make sure the mileage of the new vehicle gets 5 miles more per gallon than the clunker. The dealer will take the vehicle and notify the government that the clunker has been destroyed. (Crushed or Shredded) Make sure you pay as little as possible for the clunker to make it worthwhile. And don’t worry about where the government is getting the money from, since it is your taxes and one billion has been set aside for this from stimulus money we don’t have. Go figure. This administration thinks we are all going out to buy a new car to save the auto industry. And we all thought the mega billions we gave the auto industry would save the industry. Remember what P.T. Barnum said: “A sucker is born every minute”. Today he would say this country has nearly 300 million suckers.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Sharing the wealth
We have heard President Obama and his fellow Democrats talk about spreading the wealth around. Well to quote Thomas Jefferson again: "Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." Something socialist fail to understand.
Freedom is never easy
We look and listen to what is going on in Iran today as its’ citizens struggle for the freedoms we have taken for granted for over 240 years. For those of us that understand how we acquired the freedoms we have in the Bill of Rights, we can well appreciate the fight the Iranian citizens have undertaking to also obtain similar freedoms. The young people in our country have taken our freedoms for granted for many years and have not appreciated that our brave citizens have given their life for us to be free. They fail to recognize the sacrifice that has been made since that time to ensure we maintain life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. It all started in 1776 when brave citizens of this British colony objected to the tyranny that they were being subjected to and took bold actions by proclaiming our Declaration of Independence, knowing at that time, that they would be sacrificing their lives, money, property and way of life for freedom. Then we had the shot heard around the world and the fight was on. With the aid of France providing assistance with their navy and supplies, and after 7 long years under tremendous hardships, our militia was able to defeat the British army and gain our independence. The people of Iran have seen the people of Iraq embrace their freedoms and the attainment of voting for candidates of their choice that has not been seen in the Middle East let alone an Islamic state. What people must realize is that freedom is not free and as to quote Thomas Jefferson: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Something many people in our country have failed to understand for many years. And yet for all the negatives about the internet, the people of Iran have seen what the real world in like and to quote Thomas Jefferson again, “Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day. Since over 70% of the population of Iran is under 35, they do not support their Islamic state or were around when the Shah had been overturned. Our country should outwardly show our support for the Iranian citizens in their struggle.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
IG firing Update
Gerald Walpin was the inspector general for the Corporation for National and Community Service until last week. President Obama fired him. It seems that he was investigating abuse of funds by Kevin Johnson, Sacramento Mayor who just happens to be a close friend of President Obama. Now we have a flimsy excuse for this firing that is bogus at best. Are we going to accept this firing that is purely political or speak out on this abuse of power or is party loyalty more important than justice. I am sure if President Bush did this, all hell would break loose in the media. Are we going to allow this abuse of power that Obama failed to notify Congress as required or just keep our mouth shut since it is a Democrat involved? It all comes down to what is important, the country and constitution or party loyalty. Write Congress and your representatives if you believe the country comes first. If you don't, you deserve the country you get since you obviously don't care. Boy will you be surprised in years to come.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Congressional Budget Office
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has stated that the Sen. Kennedy health plan will cost $1 Trillion while insuring only approximately 1/3 of those who have no insurance. So we are looking at $3 Trillion for all those so called uninsured. But we forget that according to statistics there may be 15 to 20 million illegals in that group. By the way the cost per person would be $62,000 per insured. Now, how many people have medical cost that comes to that amount annually. We know for some, this is a small amount, when it comes to their medical cost, but, generally, $62,000 a year is outrageous. However, we must realize that this is a government program and when has any government program not have cost overruns. So you can rest assured that whatever numbers the Obama administration throws out, we can sleep securely with the knowledge that we will not be shocked when the price tag is much more than originally projected. Like a couple Trillion dollars more. Now where all this money is coming from has not been indicated yet. Again rest assured that your taxes will increase. A tax by any other name is still a tax. But we did cut $100 million from the last $770 billion dollar stimulus package. With savings like that, we could balance our budget by the year 2210.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Fired Inspector General
The Obama administration fired an Inspector General of Americorps without giving 30 days notice or giving Congress the details as to why. To make matters worse, it appears as if President Obama fired the IG because he was probing some possible fraud with one of Obama's close friends, Kevin Johnson. Mr. Johnson is a former basketball player and current mayor of Sacramento California. Now we have not heard much on this but if it was done my President Bush, all hell would break loose. After all, President Bush fired 8 US attorney's, something he has legal authority to do, and Congress wanted hearings and investigations and still do. When President Clinton fired all the US attorney's there were no complaints even though some were investigating his dealings in the whitewater land deal at the time. But that was A-okay because the news media was in the bag for him. This may be the only place you hear about this also. But then again, according to Homeland Security, I am a bad person and potential terrorist since I am pro-life and attended a tea party and hopefully will do so on July 4. Boy am I in trouble.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
If Congress passes Universal Health care, I advised all out there to go see their doctor as soon as possible and get all your surgeries and other procedures done before it goes into effect because it may be a long time before you get to see your doctor with universal health care. Suckers! After all, didn't y'all vote for change. Of course the only change you will get is what you have in your pocket, if that.
Iarael and US
As reported by CBS news:
Israel's Channel One TV reported that Netanyahu was told Tuesday by an "American official" in Jerusalem that, "We are going to change the world. Please, don't interfere." The report said Netanyahu's aides interpreted this as a "threat."
I don't know why Israel would be upset over this since we know that Obama can walk on water and all he has to do his extend his hand and wham, the world is cured of all what ails it. I hope all those Jewish voters who continue to vote Democrat and supported Obama in the last election are happy with the "CHANGE" they are getting. Now we haven't heard from our friend Sen. Charles Schumer. Now if he was up for election this year he would be outraged. How dumb the voters are.
Israel's Channel One TV reported that Netanyahu was told Tuesday by an "American official" in Jerusalem that, "We are going to change the world. Please, don't interfere." The report said Netanyahu's aides interpreted this as a "threat."
I don't know why Israel would be upset over this since we know that Obama can walk on water and all he has to do his extend his hand and wham, the world is cured of all what ails it. I hope all those Jewish voters who continue to vote Democrat and supported Obama in the last election are happy with the "CHANGE" they are getting. Now we haven't heard from our friend Sen. Charles Schumer. Now if he was up for election this year he would be outraged. How dumb the voters are.
Monday, June 8, 2009
My Healthcare Proposal sent to Congress
How are we going to pay for the Obama Healthcare proposal? Please tell me and your other constituents because we are dying to know? Raising taxes on those who work? We cannot afford the present stimulus money and his proposed budget request. Raising taxes during an economic downturn is not the answer. When was the last time the government took control over anything and ran it at a profit? If you know, please let us all know. We cannot even fund Medicare and Medicaid. I do not want Congress or another czar telling my doctor or me what treatment I can or cannot get. This is beginning to smell like the movie “Soylent Green” that came out in the 70’s where at a certain age you were eliminated. The only available course of action would be to reduce the number of insurance plans or encouraging doctors to accept all insurance plans as long as the plans payment is acceptable to providers or we encourage insurance to rethink their payment. As we know, many insurance plans willingly accept a client’s premium, but their payout leaves a lot to be desired. We need a fair payment schedule that does not screw the payer, payee or medical provider and not a government healthcare plan. This should be reviewed by a Congressional committee that is inclusive of both parties, local state government officials and insurance companies so a mutual acceptable schedule of benefits can be developed. This is the only way to control the increase in insurance cost.
Methane Gas
If cows are emitting so much methane gas into the atmosphere, how come when we light a match, the world does not blow up?
Middle East History Lesson in order?
Before President Obama speaks on world issues or problems will somebody please teach him history of the world? I know teaching history in our schools does not seem to be a priority, but I am sure it was taught when Obama went to school. Of course I cannot say what version he was taught. The actual events or the politically correct version. Israel is not the problem in the Middle East as Obama seemed to indicate in last week’s tour. Obama has to be shown the Camp David accords and other agreements that have been made over the years and that the plight of the Palestinian people is not the fault of Israel but the PLO, Hamas and Hezbollah as well as the countries of Iran and Syria. For 60 years and millions if not billions of aid, there as been very little if any improvement in the lives of the Palestinians thanks the groups mentioned above. The aid does not get filtered down to those who need it and all blame is placed on Israel and the US.
Obama Mathematics
Could someone please explain to me the Obama mathematics that during the month of May we saved 150,000 jobs when the unemployment index jumped to 9.4%? We all know this is slightly higher than the 8 % they originally projected in January and the updated projection of 8.4% before the last figures came out. In January we were going to see how many jobs would be created and now we hear about how many jobs we saved and no jobs created. We are losing jobs and the only jobs we are saving are those in the UAW that are being saved through taxpayer dollars as part of a political payback for their financial and political support during the 2008 campaign. This is corruption pure and simple. So, is this the new math I heard so much about many years ago because Obama’s figures do not compute? We continue to borrow money from sources that leave a lot to be desired, selling our soul to the devil and bankrupting our government for what is believed to be political gain while the representatives of the people, Congress, just vote yea and do not even read the bills voted on. Even the hiring of a speed-reader could not complete reading a bill, but it will be voted on anyway. It is obvious, the required standards for Congress have been lowered just like the learning standards in our schools so that being literate is no longer a requirement, just the ability to say yea or nae. Again, for the Democrats it is party first and not country. As I mentioned in previous correspondence, Profiles in Courage, I do not see. Not that the Republicans have done much better in previous years. I recommend that Congress give us a balance budget or for every year they don’t, they get a 15% cut in pay. Let business file bankruptcy and reorganize just like the airlines and other companies have done, (Harley Davidson, example) and we would see a meaner and leaner auto industry and other businesses.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Salary Czar
So now President Obama is going to name a salary czar that will oversee executive salaries of all those companies that accepted stimulus money. And this may even be expanded to all companies whether they accepted stimulus money or not. I think this makes 20 czars that are not elected but will dictate policy. I thought that was the duty of our elected representatives in Congress. I guess this is the latest move to take over all facets of government, corporations and businesses, as Obama will now become Dictator Obama. As I have indicated in previous blogs America is awakening to a country that is becoming closer to Cuba, Venezuela and Russia. The American voter has been duped and the Democrats have closed their eyes to what is happening for the good of their party rather than the good of the country. But why does this not surprise some of us. After all if you do not know about someone, you judge them the by the company they keep. In this case, Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers and the Chicago corrupt political machine. This is what the mainstream media brought upon us by not vetting this candidate. They still report Obama walking on water. Remember, he does not need to take Air Force One since he could just walk across to Europe.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Blame America Tour
First we had the Apology Tour when President Obama went to Europe in April and now we had the Blame America Tour when touring the Middle East. His next tour we can see our retreat from Iraq and Afghanistan as part of his plan to gain the support of Muslim countries while destroying this country’s standing in the world. This president has an agenda and it is not good for this country. This president believes we are responsible for all the problems in the world. Well, I think he should bring all our troops home from all our overseas bases and when the UN or other countries have problems that do not involve our safety and security, we tell the UN to address the problem but don’t count on us. And our safety and security means we should only react when there is a threat to our 50 states and territories and used whatever means is necessary to exterminate that threat. Otherwise when countries need help with aid for earthquakes, tsunami terrorist acts, starvation, etc, we can tell the world and the UN we will stay on the sidelines and watch since we might do something that some people may believe is a threat or we are looking to take over their country or spy on them. Just think of the money we could save. And if we would begin a drill here drill now mentality, we can tell OPEC to kiss our butt and save approximately $700 Billion a year. A savings that could eventually balance our out of control spending. After all what can the UN do but just issue one of many resolutions that no body follows anyway.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
As anyone with half a brain knows, that there is widespread corruption in our political process and especially in our Congress. For those who do not know how our government operates, Congress means the House of Representatives and Senate. (435 in the House and 100 in Senate) But we continue to elect these same corrupt politicians year after year. One thing you learn very quickly is that when a politician gets elected, no matter what his platform, he begins a Politician Action Committee (PAC) to start the process for his next election campaign. As you can see these elected officials have their priorities in order but it is not serving those who elected them. Take care of yourself, your friends, your political donors, your family, (sorry John Murtha) and if you have time, maybe something for your constituents. When was the last time you heard of a poor politician. If you did, he probably never got re-elected. Take Hillary Clinton for instance. She invested $10,000 in futures and made $100,000 in a very short time to the surprise of long time investors who never had such luck. I think she is so good and making money, she should have been in charge of the Treasury. Just think, we could solve our budget deficits by the end of 2009. Just look at all the earmarks that we see inserted in bills that help out political friends and donors. Highway to nowhere, sex research of prostitutes in Brazil and oh what we see today, the bailout of the auto industry just to save the UAW from suffering. We are going to spend $50 billion dollars in addition to the over $20 billion spent already to save 50,000 jobs at General Motors. I wonder how the other 6 million unemployed feel. Again, wake up American and study exactly what your representative has done for you lately. It it country first or donors, friends, family and constitutents.
Another Faux Pas
Today, on French Television, President Obama made a statement that the United States has one of the largest Muslim religions in the world. As usual, Obama has his facts wrong, but then again, what else is new. There are 38 other countries with a larger population of Muslims then us. So he gets his facts wrong but as long as the news media does not call him on the carpet for his bumps, nothing will be done. However, if it were Vice-President Biden, we would see it all over television.
Obama's Travels
On his last trip to Europe, President Obama claimed the United States was not a Christian nation, a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. The fact that over 85% of Americans are Judeo-Christian and the country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles did not influence his opinion. This may show Obama’s agenda is to see Christianity and Jewish religions as not in a favorable light in the White House. After all, on the National Day of Prayer, he did not follow the previous presidents and have a service at the White House involving all religions. Besides him and his family are not very religious anyway, although this was not brought out in the campaign. Again, wake up America and start reading between the lines and seek out through the news media and Internet sites the truth on all issues. This does not include the whacko radical sites on boths sides.
Dr. Tiller Murder.
It is interesting that President Obama came out and condemned the murder of Dr. Tiller “the baby killer” but did not address the murder of one soldier in Little Rock Ark. and the wounding of another. The fact that Dr. Tiller was responsible for at least 60,000 abortions did not have an effect on his statement. Just like Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s calling anti-abortion people potential terrorist together with soldiers returning form combat. I guess the fact that the shooter of the soldiers was a convert to Islam and wanted to kill more people is okay and would not be classified under Homeland Security as a terrorist or a terrorist act. Therefore it is not necessary for President Obama to comment on this shooting as he did with the shooting of Dr. Tiller. Wake up America. The shooting of both should have been condemned.
News Media
Since the news media is in the bag for Obama we will not get honest reporting that will question the Obama Administration. This administration is not perfect and it has flaws just like all other administration that has preceded it. It was the news media that hounded President Nixon until he resigned. It was the news media that reported on his administration problems. It was the news media that has not reported on the Obama administration and it’s massive spending and budgets that are destroying this country as well as the tax cheats that fill his administration. The Homeland Security comments on terrorist should have sent the media off in a tizzy, but nothing. Even Obama’s comments that have a lot of falsehoods to them are not challenged. The news media is what separates a Republic Democracy from socialist/communist dominated countries. Without the news media being honest and independent, we are becoming nothing more than a 3rd world country.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Middle East Tour
President Obama is leaving for the Middle East and we are extremely lucky that one of his aids went to Home Depot to pick up some kneepads. We would hate to see the President come back home with sore knees. Of course he could bow again but I don’t see much difference between either. I think the kneepads were purchase through an earmark. Probably as a gift from Congressman John Murtha.
Israel and Obama
Jewish voters, voted for Obama thinking he would continue the US support of Israel. It seems since their last meeting recently, the Israeli’s left the meeting a little unhappy over what Obama had said. Reports seem to indicate that the Obama Administration is not as supportive of Israel as previous administrations. What do the Jewish voters think today? The change they seem to be getting is not what they expected. You can rest assured that when push comes to shove, Israel will bomb Iran before they are bombed by Iran regardless of what the Obama Administration thinks. They are our only friend in the Middle East.
President Obama wants the US Embassies to invite their counterparts from Iran to our embassies for a July 4 celebration. A celebration that gave us the Declaration of Independence and eventually the US Constitution. Something tells me that Iran doesn’t have. Interesting to invite those that want to destroy Israel and us at the first opportunity.
Nuclear Energy?
President Obama has indicated that it is okay for IRAN to have nuclear energy as long as it is for peaceful purpose. But, he is has yet to say it is okay for this country to have clean nuclear power. Something tells me his priorities are out of whack.
Monday, June 1, 2009
VAT and spending, spending and spending.
To plagiarize a line from the movie Network, I am mad as hell and can¹t take
it anymore.²
It is amazing that some of the liberal media has reported about the excessive
government spending that shows each American household share of the budget
deficit has now reached approximately $546,000. And yet, President Obama,
who by the way stated on May 21 that we have no more money, is still moving
ahead with his $650 billion dollar health plan. Now since Obama has even admitted
that we have run out of money, then how are we going to pay for his continuing
spending programs. We hear the idea of a Value Added Tax (VAT) is now making the
rounds from a President that during the campaign promised not to raise taxes on
those of us making less than $250,000. A VAT that will add an additional 25% tax
to goods produced so that $3.00 item will cost you $3.75. Just think what happens
when you want to buy a car for $25,000. Now when I went to school, $25,000 X 25%
equals $31,250. And we are not even including the normal sales tax that you
will pay. A VAT basically means that somewhere along the process a VAT is
added to the item. Unless Congress stops this reckless spending and start
immediately cutting the budget, this country is going to collapse from it¹s
debt and you and me will probably learn to speak Chinese or some other foreign
language because of those countries that have bought billions of our debt.
Some day America will wake up and wonder what the hell happen. By then it
will be too late.
My question to our elected officials, “Are you going to continue to vote for
spend, spend and more spend or awaken and say my constituents say NO MORE?” We
are broke and cannot pay for what we have already spent.
it anymore.²
It is amazing that some of the liberal media has reported about the excessive
government spending that shows each American household share of the budget
deficit has now reached approximately $546,000. And yet, President Obama,
who by the way stated on May 21 that we have no more money, is still moving
ahead with his $650 billion dollar health plan. Now since Obama has even admitted
that we have run out of money, then how are we going to pay for his continuing
spending programs. We hear the idea of a Value Added Tax (VAT) is now making the
rounds from a President that during the campaign promised not to raise taxes on
those of us making less than $250,000. A VAT that will add an additional 25% tax
to goods produced so that $3.00 item will cost you $3.75. Just think what happens
when you want to buy a car for $25,000. Now when I went to school, $25,000 X 25%
equals $31,250. And we are not even including the normal sales tax that you
will pay. A VAT basically means that somewhere along the process a VAT is
added to the item. Unless Congress stops this reckless spending and start
immediately cutting the budget, this country is going to collapse from it¹s
debt and you and me will probably learn to speak Chinese or some other foreign
language because of those countries that have bought billions of our debt.
Some day America will wake up and wonder what the hell happen. By then it
will be too late.
My question to our elected officials, “Are you going to continue to vote for
spend, spend and more spend or awaken and say my constituents say NO MORE?” We
are broke and cannot pay for what we have already spent.