Wednesday, June 3, 2009
News Media
Since the news media is in the bag for Obama we will not get honest reporting that will question the Obama Administration. This administration is not perfect and it has flaws just like all other administration that has preceded it. It was the news media that hounded President Nixon until he resigned. It was the news media that reported on his administration problems. It was the news media that has not reported on the Obama administration and it’s massive spending and budgets that are destroying this country as well as the tax cheats that fill his administration. The Homeland Security comments on terrorist should have sent the media off in a tizzy, but nothing. Even Obama’s comments that have a lot of falsehoods to them are not challenged. The news media is what separates a Republic Democracy from socialist/communist dominated countries. Without the news media being honest and independent, we are becoming nothing more than a 3rd world country.
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