To plagiarize a line from the movie Network, I am mad as hell and can¹t take
it anymore.²
It is amazing that some of the liberal media has reported about the excessive
government spending that shows each American household share of the budget
deficit has now reached approximately $546,000. And yet, President Obama,
who by the way stated on May 21 that we have no more money, is still moving
ahead with his $650 billion dollar health plan. Now since Obama has even admitted
that we have run out of money, then how are we going to pay for his continuing
spending programs. We hear the idea of a Value Added Tax (VAT) is now making the
rounds from a President that during the campaign promised not to raise taxes on
those of us making less than $250,000. A VAT that will add an additional 25% tax
to goods produced so that $3.00 item will cost you $3.75. Just think what happens
when you want to buy a car for $25,000. Now when I went to school, $25,000 X 25%
equals $31,250. And we are not even including the normal sales tax that you
will pay. A VAT basically means that somewhere along the process a VAT is
added to the item. Unless Congress stops this reckless spending and start
immediately cutting the budget, this country is going to collapse from it¹s
debt and you and me will probably learn to speak Chinese or some other foreign
language because of those countries that have bought billions of our debt.
Some day America will wake up and wonder what the hell happen. By then it
will be too late.
My question to our elected officials, “Are you going to continue to vote for
spend, spend and more spend or awaken and say my constituents say NO MORE?” We
are broke and cannot pay for what we have already spent.
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