Monday, February 11, 2019

Taxing the rich, Infanticide and global warming

The Socialist Party, formerly known as Demon-crats, wants to tax those they identify as rich.  So, if you develop an idea and put that idea in motion whether it is Bill Gates with Microsoft, Steve Jobs with Apple, Ford with Ford motor company and the assembly line, Jeff Bezos with Amazon and so many others entrepreneurs that turned their idea into a profitable company that employed thousands and made them rich, you are evil.  This is what our country is all about and why people want to come here legally and illegally.  To make a better life for themselves and family. 

But under the Socialist Party, developing an idea into a profitable business that creates wealth for you, employing thousands, is a crime and you should be taxed heavily for that success.  We already know, according in IRS stats that the rich pay over 75% of taxes in this country.  But, the problem is the Socialist Democrats believe they know how to spend your money better than you do.  We all know how well government spends money.   Taxing the so called rich will not generate the money for all the Socialist Party programs they want to implement.  This means all those who work will pay taxes and see their taxes increase to what some professionals have indicated could hit over 50%.  Remember Obama’s statement, “You did not build that”.

Now we have the idiot, (AKA Alexandria Ocasio Cortez) the new congresswomen who believes we must eliminate planes and use trains, horses, feet, and other non-polluting means of travel.  But trains burn fossil fuels.   Cows must be eliminated due to methane gas they emit and nuclear power is a non-starter.  So, farm equipment will now be a horse and plow with the farmer walking behind.  We will be going back to the 1800’s for farming and transportation.  What is amazing, is the idiot actually has other socialist, including socialist presidential candidates endorsing this plan.  Goes to show where their brains are.  Hope they are enjoying smelling the methane gas where their head is. 

Margaret Sanger was the original founder of Planned Parenthood and her idea of eliminating the unwanted was her plan.  She wanted to eliminate the black race and anyone that could be a burden on society, like disabled, including those born with Down syndrome, Autism, deformities and other medical issues.  She became the impetus for Hitler’s grand design for his ideology of the Aryan race and the Holocaust.  We know how well that worked out.

You can rest assured that the Socialist Democrats will not stop at just Infanticide.   Margaret Sanger’s ideas have now made it into the 21st century and we can expect it will not stop at just infanticide but will increase to those babies up to 2 years of age who become a medical burden or are diagnosed with some of the aforementioned disabilities.  Many people will say no, but you can rest assured this slow increment will be accelerated in the coming years.  In fact, this was mentioned over 20 years ago by a professor at MIT.  We are seeing an increase in euthanasia for the aging population and those who become a medical burden.  Less we forget, it was former President Obama who stated when trying to pass the Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare) that if you become a burden on society through medical issues, just take a pill and go home.  I might add, during the Obamacare debate it was mentioned that the important age group is from 15 years to 55 years of age for healthy individuals.  This implied that those outside this age group had better watch out.    Listen carefully to what these loons are saying. 

Global warming or climate change is not what they want you to believe.  It was reported a few years ago that since 1980, volcanic activity has put more pollution into the atmosphere since man first started a fire.   The United States is the leading country on this planet that has reduced its environmental impact more than any other country on this planet.  The socialist are now claiming that recent hurricanes and are caused by climate change.  However, they do not tell you that violent hurricanes have been landing on our country before Christopher Columbus came within this area.  The destruction hurricanes are causing is because the population have moved closer to the shore compared to just 100 years ago and that is why there is now more of a financial impact.  But, if you do not think this through, you can be easily manipulated.  Remember, in the 1970’s we were facing global cooling, but former VP Al Gore realized he can make a living by the claim of Global warming that had to be changed to climate change to be more suitable for their outrageous accusations.  Yes, there is climate change, spring, summer, fall and winter.  But, the socialist have used the phrase climate change, so regardless of the weather, they will always be right.  Warm, climate change.  Cold, climate change.  Storms, climate change, and so on and on.  Some are getting rich over these claims and they are coming for your wallet.

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