Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Democratic Party, the party of death

It is becoming obvious, that the Demon-crat Party is now becoming the party of death.  In NY we see where the demon-cratic controlled legislature and the great Gov. Cuomo, the leader of Murder Inc., signed the bill allowing a baby to be murdered on the day of birth.  Not to be out done, the demon-crat Virginia legislature attempted to pass similar legislation but failed by one vote.  We have heard the present Virginia governor described the horror of this bill that when the baby is born they will make the baby comfortable until they decide if they want to kill it.  The demon-cratic controlled legislature in Vermont are attempting to pass similar legislation that is worse than NY.
We are talking about a human being, a full term baby that they are giving the okay to kill.  Today it is the baby in the womb or outside the womb and soon it will be up to age 2 if the child develops an illness. This is coming.  I will also add, if you become sick at any age and become a medical financial burden, you will become a candidate for euthanasia and you will have no say on having your life being eliminated.  However, if you are a dog or cat, you can rest assured the animal will be protected and you will suffer jail time if you kill or abuse the animal. 
In the Senate floor this yesterday, Senator Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) called for unanimous consent on his Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which provides protections for any infants born alive after attempted abortion procedures.
Democratic senator Patty Murray of Washington objected to the bill on the floor, preventing it from receiving unanimous consent. Murray claimed that the legislation is unnecessary because there are already legal prohibitions on infanticide. Murray was the only Democratic senator to come to the Senate floor this evening and left immediately after objecting.
The new Demon-cratic Party motto is, “Vote Demon-crat and die” whether you are in the womb or outside.  Unless you are an animal as most demon-crats appear to be.

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