Thursday, February 21, 2019

Jussie Smollett, Trump and racial hate.

We now have learned that Smollett manufactured this entire race/MAGA hat incident in Chicago.  If you were following this, you would have realized within 48 hours that the story given seemed to have a few flaws.  Smollett has now claimed he wanted to get publicity through a hate crime to bring attention to himself to get a raise on his TV show.  Of course, what better way to get the Hollywood elitist, Socialist Democratic presidential candidates, and the far left news media to run with the story, but make sure that Trump was responsible for all this hate and the Smollett assault.  As we have seen, using a MAGA hat as the impetus for race hatred that can only substantiate the alleged assault as the left news media organizations would make this front page news on the TV networks and newsprint. 

This is what we saw and heard from CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC as well as the Trump hating newspaper that were able to tie in this allegation as part of the Trump racism.  It comes down to this:  “If you are on the left, you are automatically a victim”.  Just imagine all the victims we would see if a socialist was ever elected president.

Now, we should add that Trump was in business for over 50 years before running for president and there was never any allegation of racism from him and his organization.  Nor was he ever involved in any Russian government conspiracy, although it has been reported he has on occasion used Russian dressing on his salad.

Until Obama was elected president we did not see such racial rancor.  It all started in 2009 when Obama claimed the Cambridge Mass. Police Dept. acted stupidly followed up with Ferguson Missouri with “Hands up, don’t shoot” fallacy, the Treyvon incident in Florida, followed up with the Baltimore incident that all showed the allegations against police brutality were false, but it did not stop the DOJ, under Eric Holder from investigating.  At the same time, the outcry was all these incidents were hate crimes against blacks, gays and the entire LBGTQ community and whatever other letters they add.  If you are in law enforcement, wear a MAGA hat, are a Trump supporter you are full of hate, racism, homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic and whatever other phobia they can throw out there even if they have to make something up.

Former President Obama started this racial hatred and is responsible for what we are witnessing today.  This is what he meant when he wanted to “Fundamentally Transform the United States”.    His goal was and is to destroy our form of government.   He stated in an interview before he became president that our constitution is wrong and all our rights should come from government.  What the government giveth, the government can take away.   

If you listen to the current socialist democrats campaigning for president, you will hear they all espouse government control of the citizens, businesses and your money regardless of how rich or poor you are. 

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